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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. You have to be very careful and pick what updates to let it install though Willy2. For instance in my testing it wants me to install Office 2010 updates, but I have Office 2003. So far the only thing I've let it update is Internet Explorer, and reluctantly the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool which I don't use on my own but I let it run it doing that once-per-month update.
  2. CCleaner won't get rid of ads! If you don't like the ads on websites ad blocking software in your browser(s) is the way to go, and a HOSTS file such as MVPS HOSTS File.
  3. Small efficient programs.
  4. Possibly the way the uninstaller information is stored in the registry since that's where CCleaner is getting the uninstall list from - if that's the only uninstaller you're seeing this happen with. One thing is don't mess with that duplicate entry, since deleting it or renaming it may actually break the ability to uninstall the program.
  5. I wouldn't doubt it with a modern browser. ---------------------- They could also do some form of memory flushing, etc., because some extensions/add-ons are heavy on RAM usage (I'm looking at you Adblock for Chrome) and bloat Chromium-based browsers more than a default installation.
  6. What happens if he stalks a pride of hungry lions.
  7. I only had one entry there myself for my new NIC card which I'll probably never reinstall the drivers for, although I didn't know anything about that MRU location.
  8. I should've mentioned those .reg backups made by CCleaner (if you let it make the backups that is) would normally be stored in your My Documents folder unless you change the path. I much more prefer to save the .reg backups in a dedicated backups folder where I have CCleaner installed (easier for me to find them), example: C:\Your Installed Path To CCleaner\CCleaner\Backups
  9. If you use winapp2.ini (the community cleaning file) I've made this for it, and have tested it. It's available under: Applications -> Windows You'll have to enable it for it to be cleaned. [Add New Hardware Wizard (MRU)*] LangSecRef=3025 Default=False Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup RegKey1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup|Installation Sources I've submitted the cleaning routine to the winapp2.ini file, seen here.
  10. New entry. Made this as a suggestion/request from sistoiv, as seen here. [Add New Hardware Wizard (MRU)*] LangSecRef=3025 Default=False Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup RegKey1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup|Installation Sources
  11. It always helps to explain things very thoroughly. What I posted sort of eluded to unticking the cleaner for it, but since I don't use Steam, etc., I didn't know if it was included in the default list of cleaners with a default CCleaner install. Glad you found the fix.
  12. There's Eraser Portable, that way if you don't like it there's no installation. Remember that Eraser isn't released by the original developer anymore and back then when he did manage it people really loved the tool, I personally won't use it anymore.
  13. The reason I mentioned excluding it was because it was deleting your games. Of course you can untick the boxes that clean Steam, and I was under the assumption that you had already did this and thus posted about a bug of it doing it even though you unticked that cleaner (other people have posted similar things being deleted even though they had a cleaner box unticked). If it is an issue of CCleaner ignoring your settings which can become corrupt (it has happened to other people before) it's probably time to do a 100% clean install of CCleaner by completely removing the version you have installed, and then do a fresh install of CCleaner.
  14. An easy way I've been finding the download link is to just search for hosts.zip in my browser and wallah it jumps right to the clandestinely well camouflaged download link.
  15. If you kept the .reg file backup CCleaner offers to create during registry cleaning. Also programs that allow you to enable/disable file extensions in them such as image viewers/editors, zip/unzip software, etc., and be re-associated via those programs. Other programs that don't allow this can be re-installed.
  16. You can also exclude your game directory by going into: Options->Exclude
  17. When it comes to programs even on WinXP some revert back to their default size. I always have program windows maximized so for those that revert back I manually change their shortcut (.LNK) properties and set them to Maximized. Doesn't work with every program though that can't remember the size a user chose. Example: http://postimg.org/image/86rym13kp/ Edit: Don't forget if you use 7-Zip it's File Manager window can work on a limited level for opening files, copying, moving, deleting, etc.
  18. Same here, plus it's 100% portable so it can be used via a USB thumb drive.
  19. Couldn't find anything related to "How not to smash a computer running Win 8/8.1". On a serious note I'll send that link to my Aunt so she can better understand her Win8x laptop computer.
  20. Andavari

    Java on XP

    I'll own a PS4 game system before ever thinking of "upgrading" from XP.
  21. Andavari

    Java on XP

    Java was XPee'd off my system years ago.
  22. Just look at .NET Framework updates alone as something that can be a major issue, those updates have bitten so many people right on the backside when something goes wrong in .NET Framework.
  23. It's usually an expected practice to post cleaning routines using: Default=False That way someone won't automatically get something deleted they may want to keep.
  24. All the Windows Updates blues people have suffered with services and other very annoying crap for well over a decade now should've been completely rectified by Microsoft by now. If only they had made some standalone program that could check for updates, download them, etc., without relying upon the sometimes problematic Automatic Updates and BITS.
  25. In the meantime there's a Portable build which doesn't require any installation, just unzip it into a folder of your choice.
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