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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. I can't give suggestions for a remedy because I'm not a Mac user, however that old 1.07 version is available on this download site, so probably grab it before they add the newest version: http://ccleaner.en.uptodown.com/mac
  2. If it's physical data on the hard disk yes Analyze will list what it can clean, however if it's registry data that gets cleaned then it won't give any relevant information at all.
  3. Since nobody started this topic I thought I would. Post in your September desktops.
  4. How are other programs running on your computer, are they slow also? It may help to run chkdsk /f on the hard disk(s).
  5. Or ZIP it. Then delete when you don't want it, and unzip when you need it. You could also use a batch (.bat) or script file to rename it on the fly so that it isn't usable by CCleaner, i.e.; winapp2.disable
  6. Don't forget the MFT can spoil actually getting rid of some files, and the security software you have installed can also impact if secure deletion will actually work. I personally never rely upon file secure deletion (gave up on that long ago, takes way too much time for daily usage) and instead have CCleaner do a Wipe Free Space with Wipe MFT Free Space enabled which for me is very effective since nothing is recoverable or left-over when using recovery software.
  7. Could've been a temporary hiccup. Although it's a good ideal to look into IE settings in particular 'Manage add-ons' and make sure something hasn't been unknowingly installed on your system since historically most IE related problems are from plugins or adware that has hooked into it.
  8. Did your system Internet security increase by 500 trillion percent?
  9. Thank you very much for posting about that, and the 5 times scan being needed. I found out my old 2GB USB stick that would periodically give issues on my PC and PS3 needed to be thrown away.
  10. Don't be lazy and get a refrigerator that can do your grocery shopping for you. The kind that know exactly when you run out of milk and it puts it on the next delivery list, but refuses to order you another delicious chocolate cake because your bathroom weight scale sent data to the frig and told it you weigh too much and to refuse you any more cake - someday it could be made into a gov law. Go to buy a cake in your local grocery store or a restaurant and your frig already told on you there too, so you can't buy any anywhere.
  11. Don't forget you can turn off the creation of thumbnails in Windows. I'm just surprised malware authors haven't used that as a means of causing infections.
  12. Are you letting CCleaner delete the Flash Player settings.sol file by having the Flash Player cleaner enabled? If not, and if you don't have any sites such as online games that you need to keep Flash settings retained in deleting it may help.
  13. I had this once before. I was able to get rid of them by using the cleaners built into Internet Explorer.
  14. I don't think it's any great secret jewells that sometimes a different defrag tool has to be used every now and then to get required results. It's why I have five different defrag tools.
  15. Along with what Nergal mentioned in the above post It would be good to run a tool like Speccy to see the S.M.A.R.T. status of that hard disk. Then again faulty/corrupt system RAM can also cause crashes, so that would also need tested using something like Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic (should already be included in newer versions of Windows) - preferably running the Extended Tests it provides.
  16. Learned a new security keyword by reading that: Malvertising Although I already knew about getting malware infections via ads placed on sites.
  17. If something has the capability of deleting the same exact unwanted files I'd think if doing an Analyse that it would list them twice.
  18. Or get into trouble on the forums in a hurry, remember that!
  19. I've split this topic from (http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=41637). Please start your own help topics instead of posting in another topic starters topic.
  20. That Avidemux program I mentioned is an editing and encoding program, "you might get by having it re-save the video to fix headers, etc." However if the videos are corrupt even an editing program may have issues. As for another free editing/encoding program there's also VirtualDub Portable: http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/virtualdub_portable
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