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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. So you'd then need to increase the RAM cache size
  2. Is there a browser that allows you to do that ? Firefox's about:config doesn't seem to have anything related to GIFs
  3. Simply backup your data first if you have a RAID drive array
  4. Please post a bug report in the CCleaner section then No. Neither the processor nor the OS can make the difference between "deleted file" and "securely deleted file". In NTFS, all files positions are stored in the MFT - if Windows wants to access C:\foo\bar.txt, it will search the MFT for it, find it is in cluster 12345, and then tell the disk to look into cluster 12345. Wiping free space doesn't improve performance - period.
  5. There isn't. If you are not confident in Registry cleaning, don't do it - unless you have problems, it won't increase your computer's performance.
  6. Indeed. Why are you using Windows if you don't trust Microsoft ? PS : All the latest "bugs" from MS Updates were caused either by rootkits (esp. Alureon), or by conflicts with drivers/3rd party software.
  7. I don't think so - unless Piriform paid them.
  8. Can you defrag it with the built-in Windows defragmenter ?
  9. So, I'm sure you have a free, better alternative for MS Office ?
  10. Yes, but then it must load everything everytime you ask it to, so it's much slower. Am I wrong ?
  11. What I like about you is that you never generalize, and your opinion is completely objective.
  12. Aethec


    What's your definition of "third party" ones ? The one that don't come from the website itself ? Then you'd have not to visit Google, Bing, or any other site that uses its own cookie to "track" you
  13. Aethec


    That means seriously damaging your Internet experience. In fact, I don't think you could use that forum without cookies, as it needs you know who you are.
  14. There are no SF listings. It justs loads commonly used libraries and apps into memory - probably using layout.ini, the same as Prefetch uses. One more time : Emptying. Prefetch. Is. Not. A. Good. Idea.
  15. I've got a friend using Pidgin. Or, rather, he was using Pidgin for a short time. Why did he uninstall it ? Because everytime he talked to someone using WLM, both had bugs (Messages not sent, contact appearing offline while he isn't, etc.). Besides, Pidgin stores the passwords in... guess what ? An unencrypted text file. That means anyone using your computer can know your passwords using Notepad to open accounts.xml . http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8026 << Resolution : Wontfix.
  16. Open a Command Prompt (Start >> Run... >> cmd ), and type chkdsk /R If asked, reboot.
  17. Then it is a bug in CCleaner ; unless you have set some folders to include and have selected to overpass the files with data to make then unrecoverable, it should'nt do that. No. Wipe Free Space does NOT, in any case, improve performance. It can't.
  18. Then don't use a Microsoft OS. If they really wanted to have your cookies and to know what you visit...they could do it before you erase them, don't you think ? PS : Having Automatic Updates turned off is a very, very, very, very bad idea. It's like going in China with a "Free Tibet" T-shirt.
  19. I only use WLM. The only thing I don't like is Choice Guard, which always installs (but you can easily uninstall it). Maybe you'll want to wait for the Wave 4 (beta in June) to test Movie Maker and others again ?
  20. Unless you don't trust other people (i.e. the computer is a completely public one), I'd disagree.
  21. The SuperFetch has nothing to do with the Prefetch. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista_I/O_technologies#SuperFetch
  22. It has erased the files that were already deleted - that's the point of Wipe Free Space (in french "Nettoyer l'espace libre"). The only case where WFS is useful is if you plan to sell your computer (to make sure no data is recoverable). If you didn't tick the WFS checkbox, that's a bug in CCleaner - please open a new thread in the CCleaner Bug Reporting forum
  23. Aethec


    Tracking cookies are cookies, so yes, it will. However, I don't think saying "installs" when talking of a cookie is an appropriate word. A cookie is simply a text file.
  24. Did you really need to bring back a 1-year-old thread ? Anyway, deleting the content of the Prefetch folder is a bad idea. See One more time : Do not clean out your Prefetch Folder by Ed Bott.
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