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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. You can't. The Winapp entries for Chrome all use SpecialKey and not simply normal paths to files, so I'm afraid the path is hardcoded into CCleaner.
  2. It isn't on my system, but a quick Google search returns that you can delete its content. Simply make a backup somewhere first, and if nothing goes wrong, delete the backup.
  3. The keys seem to be related to HijackThis, some IObit thing, and Media Player Classic. Do you still use any of these ?
  4. Where is the "Downloaded Installations" folder ? I can't find it The hotfix uninstallers seems to be working only on XP and earlier versions - it is supposed to clean some folders which don't exist in Vista/7.
  5. Downloaded Program Files folder has something to do with ActiveX controls, don't "clean" it. The two Temp folders, in your profile and in the Windows folders, are already cleaned by CCleaner - but by default it only cleans files older than 48h. Does Windows Live Messenger still works after deleting the Windows Live Contacts folder ? It seems to contain your contact data...
  6. x64 software have access to the x64 part of the Registry - x86 running in x64 have not (that's how WoW64 works).
  7. Where did you download CCleaner ? There's no "free version" since CCleaner is free for everyone
  8. Why do you want to merge the backup ? If it is related to only one program, the associated keys could, maybe, be merged without problems.
  9. Resizing the MFT reserved is not necessarily a good thing - it will be used if there isn't any space left anyway, and having a fragmented MFT will degrade performance more than any other file.
  10. How many people will have to spend hours cleaning because they checked the WFS checkbox before it is removed from the Cleaner section ? (sadly, the answer isn't blowing in the wind...OK, lame joke)
  11. First, don't use Wipe Free Space unless you want to sell your drive. It will not improve performance, and it will not free up space. It only erases already deleted files. Open a Command Prompt (Windows key + R >> type cmd) and type chkdsk J: /R
  12. I just downloaded it from piriform.com and it has one...Try downloading it again. EDIT : Beaten
  13. Else, you can try using Windows Recovery Environment (aka WinRE). Reboot, and before the Windows logo and "Starting Windows..." text, hit the F8 key on your keyboard (the time span in which F8 is detected is very short so you'll need to hit it a lot). This will launch the Advanced Boot Options. Select "Repair your computer" and hit Enter. Then select "Startup Repair". It might not work, but it's worth a try.
  14. Yeah, DLL Hell isn't a nice thing. That's the reason for the WinSxS folder
  15. If you click the Insert Coin button twice, you'll be able to play as Ms Pac-Man using WASD
  16. This is a security feature. Unlike *nix, admins can't do anything they like (sudo rm -rf / anyone ?). Critical system files and Registry keys are protected even from admins. This prevents malware from modifying them if it infected an admin account.
  17. What does that REG file contain ? TrustedInstaller shouldn't be the only one with access to the Registry...
  18. No - C# is pronounced "see sharp".
  19. C++ is old, unsecure (just look at the number of buffer overflows in well-known programs...Buffer overflows leading to code execution can't happen in managed code), and really ugly (pointers, memory manipulation, all that stuff). Unless you really love to optimize your code at very low level, I think C# or Java is a better choice.
  20. I think Objective-C is even more ugly - at least, COBOL is understandable
  21. CCleaner, like all other Piriform products, is written in C++. (but C++ is ugly)
  22. No. However, we are in the day and age where we have to worry about a program that just can't release memory. Try it : Open 10 tabs, with at least one Flash video, and then close all but two or three. Then look at FF's memory usage. Close it, open it again (it will re-open the tabs), and look at its memory usage. I just did that ; with four tabs open, it went from 460 MB to 84 simply by restarting it.
  23. Everything you added in the Include section of CCleaner's settings.
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