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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. I agree with the fact that it's pointless to defag them ; however, I think "temporary" files when talking about computers are more "files that hold data that will be used for a very short time". I think SVI is rather a backup folder
  2. Well, if you have too much files (I think the default is 15% of the drive - not sure though) it will delete the older ones to create new ones
  3. The problem is : Users actually like that. The majority, that is. Most people aren't tech-savvy and love having one "app store" where they can download what they want - they don't care about other ways of getting it, or censorship.
  4. SVI aren't temp files - they are System Restore Points, and Shadow Copies on Vista/7.
  5. Aethec


    The translations are on Piriform Translator - theoretically, all languages currently availaible in other Piriform products will be there on next Speccy release. I think Speccy, and other Piriform products, only checks if the languages that should be there are here - it doesn't try to reckon all *.dll in its Lang folder.
  6. It isn't supposed to. The registry cleaner should n e v e r be run automatically. Never. If you want to clean your Registry, check each key, if you know it is something that can be removed, remove it, else don't. But you shouldn't expect any performance boost from Registry cleaning.
  7. Aqua has a point - if you're using XP, IE is tightly integrated so if you "remove" it it will go back to the slow, old, buggy, and insecure IE6.
  8. [it seems she/he only speaks French... She/He wants to know whether the mentioned reg keys should be cleaned.] Bonjour, Une règle s'applique avec le nettoyeur du Registre : dans le doute, on touche pas De toute façon, le Registre comporte des dizaines de milliers de clés - il est impossible que la suppression de quelques clés fasse une différence, sauf si le PC a de sérieux problèmes - l'autre usage du nettoyeur de Registre est pour complètement désinstaller une application, puisque pas mal d'entre elles ont la mauvaise habitude de laisser des clés derrières qui peuvent faire croire à d'autres programmes qu'elles sont encore installées. Les seules clés qui peuvent être "réparées" (comprendre "supprimées") sans trop regarder sont les Vieilles clés du menu Démarrer et les Références MUI manquantes. Les extensions de fichiers inutilisées peuvent, avec un peu de prudence, être elles aussi "réparées". Le reste, c'est mieux de pas y toucher - les contrôles ActiveX et COM, par exemple, sont souvent la cause d'erreurs si leurs références sont supprimées. PS : Mais...mais...pourquoi XP ? C'est vieux
  9. Aethec

    The Colors

    Here : http://docs.piriform.com/defraggler/using-defraggler/understanding-the-drive-map
  10. Aethec


    I really hope they do something about memory. My FF has been open for 2 days...I have now 3 open tabs...and it is using more than one gigabyte of RAM.
  11. I don't see any indication that he/she is French - but maybe it's so obvious I didn't see it (happens a lot )...
  12. Quero seems interesting : http://www.quero.at/ Don't know if it can be considerer as a replacement for IEPro, but...
  13. MrG : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showuser=1 MrRon : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showuser=10556
  14. Aethec


    They are System Restore Points - they can't be defragmented. Add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list
  15. Don't. Go. Back. To. SP2. Microsoft will end support for it in July.
  16. You can only uninstall Internet Explorer, not the IE core (a.k.a. Trident) itself. As Nergal said, lots of programs use it, to do things like read their help.
  17. The files beginning with $ are NTFS metadata - you can't view them in Explorer and not all can be moved.
  18. ....I'm afraid this is a known bug. Do you have a CCleaner.exe entry in Startup ?
  19. Here : PS : You might know it already, but fsutil file createnew <path> <size in bytes> can quickly create big files
  20. Maybe drag'n'drop from PowerPoint will work. If it is a .pptx file, rename it to .zip and search inside
  21. Having 3 different Anti-virus programs running at the same time is not a good idea - it will really slow down your computer. ...But I must admit I didn't understand anything to the first paragraph. Could you please rewrite it in proper English ?
  22. Try updating the Visual C++ Runtime : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84&displaylang=en PS : XP on a computer like that ? Is Dell mad ?
  23. If you want to translate, send a PM to MrRon or MrG.
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