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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. Try updating your drivers - if I'm not mistaken, you need those : http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_175.19_whql.html (I don't know if your drivers are already up-to-date since the nv4_disp.dll version number is different from the usual nVidia version numbers...but it's worth a try)
  2. Well, of course, Firefox is...something when it comes to RAM.
  3. If it has loads of malware, one AV may not be enough, and some may not be able to run, and maybe there will still be rootkits which won't be detected... I do believe our spyware mods are good ; however, reinstalling Windows can be quicker, depending on how much data/software the computer has.
  4. If you have a way to restore Windows (e.g. a Windows disk with a key), you should backup all of his documents, reinstall Windows, install an AV, and then restore the documents - don't forget to scan them with the AV since they may be infected. That will probably take less time than trying to remove each and every virus.
  5. I don't speak Spanish, but...it seems the website he's linking to provides an old version of CCleaner (2.29) instead on linking to piriform.com. Maybe it is possible to do something ?
  6. Try reinstalling Speccy
  7. Well, yes, if you have really small amounts of RAM it will slow everything down, but if you have more than 1 GB, it won't.
  8. Defraggler's verify disk utility is a wrapper around chkdsk and its /F parameter. I don't know how to recover the deleted files (and if they were deleted by chkdsk...they probably were unreadable anyway), but...your drive seems to be in a bad state. If it simply is a backup drive, format it and backup everything again - and if that happens again, buy a new drive. A quick Google search for "chkdsk deleted files" returns lots of failed attempts at recovering files. As I already said, if chkdsk deleted them, there had to be a good reason to do so - here's one : http://www.techspot.com/vb/post414691-12.html
  9. Good idea, but...people will think "I must delete everything" without even looking.
  10. Aethec

    Slim versions

    The Slim version simply has no toolbar in the installer. The application remains the same. The portable version comes with a file named portable.dat which tells the program to always save settings to an INI file. U3 keys are special - if you don't know whether your USB key is one, it probably isn't.
  11. What is your hard drive ? If you don't know, you may be able to find it in the Device Manager
  12. 56 seconds ( Win7 Ultimate x64 ). The BIOS takes 7 seconds...awfully slow...
  13. RAM won't make a difference at all. Processor, and disk read speed, will.
  14. Program Files can be accessed freely only under the old good XP - Vista/7 won't allow that.
  15. Right-click the CCleaner installer and select "Run as Administrator"
  16. Try rebooting. This appears to be a temp file, i.e. it might be in use.
  17. Make a backup of all your important data somewhere. If you have iTunes, uninstall it and see if that works (iTunes is known to cause a lot of odd behavior since Apple thought it'd be funny to modify existing kernel-mode drivers...)
  18. Is there a real alternative (i.e. that blocks everything ABP blocks) to AdBlock Plus in Chrome ? Or does Google prevent addon devs from doing that ? ...and where is the Bookmark manager picture ? (Offtopic : Bing images is waaaaaay better than Google Images...but I agree the web search is bad)
  19. Aethec

    Fedora v13

    You forgot to mention one thing : Fedora is not for new Linux users. It's an open-source showcase, so it contains bleeding-edge software...betas and such
  20. Since he's 15 years old, I don't think he has much valuable information
  21. I had that problem once - try reinstalling Firefox, and make sure you choose "Set Firefox as your default browser" (or something like that) in the installer.
  22. Do you use the Registry cleaner ? Which version of Outlook are you using ?
  23. I hope you do a complete backup of your system at least once a week ? If you don't, you should leave System Restore on
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