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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. I think you'll have to send a password or something in the e-mail. Else, there'll be ads directly in your printer - printed using your paper and your ink It seems buying Palm was a good move after all.
  2. Well, yes, but it's a trial. And I seriously doubt they sell it to anyone other than someone who wants to buy lots of license since it's an "Enterprise Edition".
  3. Type *.jpg in the search box
  4. Aethec


    They won't. I posted a comment about that on the Chromatic Pixel blog, and got told Firefox wasn't to blame but some add-on. Yeah. Like if all users encountering leaks had the same add-on installed.
  5. Aethec


    Well, a Linux partition is still a partition, so you should be able to reformat it in a Windows-supported filesystem. Windows has a built-in tool for that. Start >> Run >> diskmgmt.msc
  6. ...Same thing for "Publish Snapshot" and its dialog. Translated using Piriform Translator (as soon as I got the mail), but shown in English in the program.
  7. Try ShellMenuView : http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shell_menu_view.html
  8. For us geeks, MS's move is a bad one. But for your average Joe, it's awesome - he doesn't care at all what the devs have to do, and he likes having one place to download everything. In fact, an "app store" is what Linux distros have been using for years - the main difference being the fact you can still install apps from other places.
  9. Armor Games : armorgames.com There are a bit too much ads IMO, but that's fixed with AdBlock Plus
  10. As I already said, no one ever recovered something overwritten once with zeroes.
  11. One pass can't be recovered. Gutmann is there only because if it wasn't, people would be complaining since it also is in other tools.
  12. Microsoft demonstrated Office Communicator today : (more pictures on Neowin : http://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-demonstrates-office-communicator-14 ) Anyone else thinking the GUI is several orders of magnitude ahead of WLM's ?
  13. "In fact performing the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless for any drive since it targets a blend of scenarios involving all types of (normally-used) encoding technology, which covers everything back to 30+-year-old MFM methods (if you don't understand that statement, re-read the paper). If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to perform all 35 passes. For any modern PRML/EPRML drive, a few passes of random scrubbing is the best you can do. As the paper says, "A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected". This was true in 1996, and is still true now." (emphasis mine) Source is a paper by Gutmann himself : http://www.cs.auckla...secure_del.html
  14. Wipe Free Space, as you said, writes over free space. Unless you don't want anyone to recover your files if they have access to your disk (e.g. you work for the FBI), it's pointless to use it. If you wanted to sell your drive, you'd delete all files, and then use WFS
  15. The point is : The kind of people with enough money to run a deep analysis of your drive is not the same as the ones who would want to know what was on it. Unless you're doing illegal things.
  16. Here's mine (a nebula, again)
  17. All right, all right...it seems you absolutely want to go off-topic...so...have a read : Charlie Miller : "Hacking into Macs is so much easier" [ZDNet] Apple Mac OS X : 1233 flaws, 44% highy critical [secunia] MS Windows XP : 344 flaws, 40% highly critical [secunia] MS Windows Vista : 178 flaws, 38% highly critical [secunia] MS Windows 7 : 28 flaws, 47% highly critical [secunia] ...Back on topic now. (If you want to discuss Windows security more, create a thread for it ) A new "Essentials" tab got added to the Windows Live Preview website : http://www.windowsli...com/essentials/ And a new website appeared - this one is to promote WLE Wave 4, too : http://explore.live.com/
  18. Well...I seriously doubt your hard drive contains so much valuable info that some agencies will try their best and use millions of $ to recover what was on it
  19. The memory slots-related strings aren't shown in their localized versions. An image is worth a thousand words :
  20. Are you using the Registry cleaner ? If so, restore the backup it created
  21. Look under the Application tab, and uncheck anything VNC-related.
  22. Don't use Gutmann, unless you are using a drive that is more than 20 years old. The 35 passes are designed for that kind of drive - not modern ones. Gutmann is a waste of time. In fact, 1 pass is enough. No one ever recovered data from a drive that had been filled once with 0's. There was once a challenge named "Great Zero Challenge". Its goal was to recover data from a disk that had been rewritten once with zeroes (using an Unix command). The challenge went unaccepted until the end - one and a half years if I remember well. If you want to add other instant messengers, post the files that should be deleted - it'll be easier for the devs, they'll have less testing to do. As Ishan said, the Registry cleaner is supposed to be a "safe" one. You can make backups...but what if you prevent Windows from booting ? You might know what to do in this kind of situation, but the average Joe (the one that doesn't even look at what will be deleted) doesn't. Besides, there cannot be any performance gain using a Registry cleaner, unless the PC had serious issues before. The Registry contains thousands and thousands of keys. Deleting a few just can't make a difference. PS : It seems you are using Wipe Free Space. Unless you want to sell your hard drive...don't. It doesn't free up space (well, actually, a side effect of it is that it will probably delete each and every of your System Restore Points, which is a bad idea) , and it doesn't improve performance at all.
  23. WFS is a bad idea - period. Unless (only exception) you want to sell your drive.
  24. I'm sure MS would love to remove the "Live" from WLE. But they can't, or they'd get another stupid anti-trust thing. (As for the viruses - that's because of the low market share. OS X has more flaws than XP, Vista and 7 combined - and there are some common vulnerabilities in Windows versions, so the Windows count should be even lower)
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