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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. That would be dangerous. System Restore is useful. You never know when you'll need it.
  2. Aethec


    Well, don't use Java. I don't have it on my system, and have been living peacefully with no problems since years.
  3. SSD do not need any defrag. The only thing they need to keep their speed is the TRIM command, which if I'm not mistaken is supported by default only in Win7. Maybe the free space defrag does something that reminds Windows or the disk driver it should use it
  4. That's a good idea, but only for admins, and disabled by default. People using a computer don't want their cookies and MRUs disappearing because someone thought it'd be nice to "clean" them Thrak >> The Administrator account is the "true" Admin... but there are things it can't do. The only "account" that has all privileges on everything is TrustedInstaller, but...you can't use it
  5. That'd be useful. +1. PS : You should update to IE8
  6. Finding more entries doesn't mean the cleaner is better. Don't forget the Registry is really complicated - it's not made to be understandable by a human. A cleaner cleaning lots of entries will have a higher probability of deleting an useful key and thus create problems
  7. Are you using IE7 as a browser or only for testing purposes ? If it's your main browser, you should upgrade to IE8
  8. If the BSODs are from a BitDefender driver, you should try uninstalling it and then reinstalling it (but I don't know if BitDefender allows you to do that without losing your licence key)
  9. I edited that using Paint.NET. I don't know if it's doable using HTML, though. Maybe "Documentation" should be renamed "Docs" or something ?
  10. I think it would be even better to have a tab for them : Easier to access than the footer IMHO.
  11. Aethec

    Virus Protection

    CCleaner is not an antivirus. We already have a "which AV do you use" thread : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17628
  12. Maybe some System Restore Points or Shadow Copies get deleted ? Defraggler doesn't delete anything.
  13. That's not really a solution - Defraggler shouldn't conflict with minor system updates. Did you install or uninstall anything else ?
  14. XP restore points are small (and nearly useless). Vista/7 restore points, as kroozer said, are massive and useful.
  15. You must restart CCleaner for this change to take effect.
  16. Same bug in my system (Win7 x64) It worked using first df.exe /L and then df.exe C:
  17. If you don't mind having to boot in Safe Mode, yes, it might be a good idea if Defraggler wants to move some system files that are normally locked.
  18. Read this : http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=643
  19. I think the problem here is the fact that Defraggler can't find enough contiguous free space to defrag your big files. Please do the following : Move all your big files (i.e. > 1GB) on an external disk Defrag free space allowing fragmentation Do a normal defrag Move your big files back In Defraggler's Options, in the Defrag tab, check the "Move large files to end of drive" checkbox, and select 1024 as the limit. Defrag again. The last two steps are here to make sure those big, rarely used files (you don't watch all your movies everyday) will not slow your computer down since hard drives are faster at the beginning
  20. Or they might fail, and be one year late. Firefox 3.6 had only minor changes, but they had to ship it months later than expected... With all the changes they want to make to FF 4, it wouldn't surprise me.
  21. All this...in 6 months ? That's impressive, if they manage to do it.
  22. No. Cleaning the Registry can be dangerous ; it should never be automatic.
  23. The drive map should resize automatically to fill available space while displaying the whole drive. Could you provide screenshots to show what you mean ?
  24. Did you also do a normal defrag (in safe mode too) ? If it doesn't defrag everything... do you have a USB flash drive, SD card, external disk, or other storage device with free space on it ?
  25. Please do the following : Hit Windows key + Pause/Break key on your keyboard. Choose "Advanced system settings" Click the button in the "Performance" category In the "Advanced" tab, click the "Change" button Select "No paging file" Click the "Set" button, and click OK Reboot Go back to the dialog you just quit, and chose "Custom size" For both the "Initial size" and "Maximum size", type 1024 Click the "Set" button, and click OK Reboot That will defrag the pagefile. Then : In the Control Panel, select Power Options In the Hibernate tab, uncheck the Enable Hibernation checkbox. Reboot If you are using a laptop or netbook, enable it again by checking the checkbox mentionned above and rebooting That will defrag/delete the hiberfile. Then Boot in Safe Mode, in the Administrator account : http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fixtheproblem/ss/safemodexp.htm . Open Defraggler Defrag Free space (Action >> Advanced >> Defrag Freespace (allow fragmentation) ) Defrag the drive. That should defrag the rest of the files.
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