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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. Does that mean...CCleaner will be able to clean other users profiles ?
  2. Aethec


    Minefield == nightly builds. Mozilla says " This directory contains precompiled binaries of Firefox. These are NIGHTLY BUILDS. They are completely untested. We don't even know if they start up without crashing."
  3. Index.dat files are deleted after a reboot
  4. Aethec


    Namoroka is 3.6's code name. 3.6.4 is Lorentz (aka out-of-process-plugins). 3.6.5pre...is something after Lorentz, but I don't think it's more than a few bugfixes. Nightly builds should update each day automatically. If not, set app.update.channel to nightly
  5. If the files were overwritten (and not only their names), you will never be able to recover them.
  6. Eh...I don't think cleaning an AV's quarantine folder is a good thing. What if it quarantined a false positive, and then CCleaner deletes it ? Besides, I think MSE has a self-protection to make sure no one can access those files but him.
  7. Please do the following : Analyze your drive Select all files in the File List tab, and click "Defrag Checked" Analyze again Post a screenshot of the File List tab after that.
  8. As Hazelnut already said, A vs B threads usually end into the A fanboys saying A is better, and B fanboys saying B is better. And since you're in the Piriform forums, I think there'll be more "Defraggler is better" answers. ...You forgot to mention one thing : Puran Defrag is not free, and created by a company no one has ever heard of, and Defraggler is freeware created by the guys who made CCleaner.
  9. When Defraggler defrags free space, it moves all non-deleted files at the beginning of the drive in order to have the largest possible contiguous amount of free space. Besides, the MFT works in such a way that the only way to delete a file name in it is to recreate files until it is erased - in fact, it's much like a disk : when you want to write something, it will be written in the first free space found. Here, "free space" means anything deleted. Windows can't make a difference between a deleted file, and a lot of zeroes.
  10. Please update CCleaner, latest is 2.31. http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  11. Try using FileHippo : http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  12. Aethec


    Please update CCleaner, latest is 2.31 : http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download Maybe it has fixed that bug.
  13. Did you make a backup when using the Registry cleaner ?
  14. CCleaner is free and can be downloaded freely from http://www.piriform....leaner/download . Where did you pay it ?
  15. That's already done : in the Options, select Cookies and then you'll be able to choose the cookies you want to keep.
  16. PF files won't load unless you use a program. A malware's PF file would simply be some kilobytes of wasted space, nothing more.
  17. Interesting usage - I hadn't thought of that. But I wonder if CCleaner really create zeroes, or simply random data...
  18. Unless the said server has serious flaws, no, it isn't.
  19. Don't. Wipe. Free. Space. Unless you are selling your PC. Wipe Free Space only deletes already deleted files. It doesn't improve performance, and it doesn't free up space.
  20. Aethec


    Are you using the Registry cleaner ? The only items cleaned by the Corel PaintShopPro X2 section are Registry keys, so it would be a really big bug if it deleted something else.
  21. Did you tick the Adobe Flash Player checkbox in the Application tab ?
  22. It is faked. First you see them typing an URL, so it should load that URL, not a file on the computer.
  23. There are also lots of people with serious malware problems, but that don't know they have, or simply think it is normal. I once found a PC with lots of malware/adware on it. There was an AV installed (a well-known free one). When I ran it... it found nearly everything. The full scan had never been ran before, even though there were lots of porn ads when opening IE, and "admin restrictions" everywhere in options. Why ? Because they thought everything was normal, and simply blamed Windows.
  24. Deleting Prefetch files decreases performance - period. There is no possible way it could improve it. The only PF files worth deleting are the ones from programs you don't use any more, and from (un)installers.
  25. If, and only if, everything on your PC is working properly... Follow this : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-system-restore-in-windows-vista/ Then defrag your drive with a full defrag Then enable System Restore again. Else, you can simply add C:\System Volume Information\ in Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll need to enable view of System files/folders in Windows Explorer's Folder Options)
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