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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. I assume you are using McAfee with its "in-the-cloud" protection named Artemis ? It is known to have a lot of false positives (the latest AV-Comparatives.org test says "The McAfee detection with cloud sensitivity would have "very many" false alarms" i.e. more than a hundred on their known clean set - 20x more than the majority of other AVs). Here's a VirusTotal scan : http://www.virustotal.com/fr/analisis/99c2c04a0364039d796a5f026a6e6f83c0282eed33d384d082ee4f4803b7353b-1273249904 As you can see, no AV detects it as a virus.
  2. Those are System Restore Points. You can't defrag them. Add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll need to enable view of System files in Windows Explorer's Folder Options).
  3. If you really want them gone...you know how. If CCleaner included that...people would think it is a good thing, and that it should be done (simply look at how much people use the Reg cleaner without even knowing what the Registry is).
  4. TreeSizeFree is small, so you should be able to use it without interrupting Defraggler. By "bug files", I mean "abnormally big files that you don't know"
  5. Download TreeSizeFree Portable : https://www.jam-software.de/customers/downloadTrial.php?article_no=80&language=EN (make sure you select "TreeSizeFree.zip" in the dropdown list) and look for big files somewhere on your drive;)
  6. Please do the following : Analyze the drive Select all fragmented files in the File List tab, and click "Defrag selected" Analyze the drive again Copy/Paste here the content of the File List tab (= the files that couldn't be defragmented)
  7. It seems (from a quick Google search) that the iPAQ are using Windows Mobile ; you can't use CCleaner on it.
  8. Temp files != IE's cache. I never said emptying the cache would increase performance ; the main point of cleaning it is not having lots of data that will never be used again because you won't visit the associated website again. However, deleting Prefetch files has no positive effect at all. They are not loaded with Windows, they do not use RAM, they do not use CPU cycles, or whatever. http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=743
  9. Office 2010 is Office 14 - MS programmers are superstitious
  10. I've got Win7, and it is the same format
  11. Unless you change the name, CCleaner's backups begin are in the cc_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format.
  12. Aethec

    IE 8 V vrs IE7

    All the IE8 problems seem to be resolved now - at least, I haven't seen anyone complaining in a while
  13. Please update CCleaner, latest is 2.31. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download
  14. Aethec

    IE 8 V vrs IE7

    IE 8 is better - period. It's safer, more stable thanks to its multiprocess architecture, and it's faster. And it has support for CSS 2.1 - web devs are currently becoming mad because of the 30% of people who are still using IE < 8. As for my personal experience, yes, it is faster, and has nice features (like the accelerators). But I still use FF.
  15. First, you shouldn't say "M.$". It makes you look like one of those stupid *nix fanboys, which you aren't. The FF add-on was not a virus at all - simply a (failed) attempt to make life easier for .NET developers. It had a vulnerability...well, yes, so what ? FF already has the most flaws from all modern browser, and they usually don't patch a flaw unless a PoC is released, it's not like it was invincible and MS made it vulnerable. But we should stay on topic - if you want to discuss that further, you can open a thread in the Software forum
  16. The problem is that Recuva will recover the file to a different location. So there will be two copies of your file : one securely overwritten, and thus deleted forever, and the other one, deleted but not overwritten. If Roma really has some very important documents to erase, using CCleaner's Wipe Free Space may be a good choice.
  17. CCleaner's Add & Remove Programs is simply a wrapper around the uninstallers - it's not a full-featured one like Revo. The main goal of CCleaner is cleaning temporary files and MRUs, the Add & Remove Programs tool can be seen as a bonus
  18. Aethec


    Did you make a backup ? If so, go to the folder you saved it in (usually My Documents), and double-click on it (it's a .reg file, it has a blue icon).
  19. You can't manipulate SuperFetch, unless you know where it loads its data - and I think it uses layout.ini since it's much easier than rebuilding another index.
  20. Send a Private Message to a Piriform dev, e.g. MrRon.
  21. Start >> Run >> cmd >> chkdsk /R If asked to, reboot.
  22. Aethec


    Are you using the Registry cleaner ? Did you add any include/exclude folders or files ?
  23. Then don't use Windows. Or don't insult Microsoft for creating an OS. Why haven't you already switched to Linux or OSX ? My guess is that you don't want to, because you think Windows is better >> you shouldn't be insulting MS, especially since I don't think you have a reason to do so.
  24. The MPL skin Messenger Live Toolbox is also good at hiding things (and it has a hidden pref to hide ads, if someone is interested ).
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