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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. Create un collegamento a CCleaner, fate clic destro, e aggiungete /auto /shutdown dopo la bersaglio : "[...]\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN (thanks Google Translate...I can understand Italian, but I write it really badly...)
  2. Yes, but if one flaw out of 29 took one week (7 days) to be patched...it means all other flaws were patched in less than 18 hours. That's a bit too low IMHO. Besides, do you know there currently is an unpatched vulnerability in Opera 9.x ? Yes, it's old, but companies like Apple, Microsoft or Mozilla still support old versions of their browsers... http://secunia.com/advisories/product/10615/ I can't see what you are trying to say Yes, but since Opera is free (except the mobile one), they have limited money. And if they had to pay more people in the security part, they'd be less money left for the other groups. Besides, sandboxing tabs/plugins basically means "redo a major part of the browser's architecture", so the security group wouldn't be the only one working on that. Opera is like Linux in security ; they have a very low market share, so they can freely decide what to do with security. It's not a bad thing.
  3. Doesn't that mean "if you visit those sites and decide to install an add-on, there won't be a confirmation dialog" ? There's something like that in Firefox, too, and it works that way.
  4. Java Quick Starter >> Disable, unless you visit lots of websites that need Java. .NET Framework Assistant >> Never used. Disable. Java Console >> Unless you debug Java web apps, disable.
  5. Try updating to Opera 10.52.
  6. Bump. The number of users who use WFS as part of their daily/weekly cleaning is big. And they all think it will free up space, or increase their PC's performance, or both. Just look in the CCleaner Discussion forum
  7. Don't use Wipe Free Space. As ident said, it will not free up space and it will not increase performance. It will only delete already deleted files, i.e. making your deleted data unrecoverable. @Piriform devs >> That's why so many people were against adding it to CCleaner
  8. Did you tick the "Custom Files and Folders" checkbox in the Advanced section of the cleaner ?
  9. You can't simply add them all - or you'd have to search for "MRU" or something like that in the Registry, and it'd be dangerous if there are any false positives. The Piriform devs will need to know each and every location where MRUs are stored. Try Winapp2.ini (can be downloaded from a sticky thread in this forum) - you can even add your own entries if you want.
  10. Merge the backup CCleaner created when you cleaned the Registry. (double-click on it)
  11. Are you using a modified winapp.ini or winapp2.ini ?
  12. It doesn't seem so - there isn't any reference to Office 2010 in CCleaner's app cleaning file.
  13. No. Unless used, no files are loaded into RAM (the exception being with Vista and 7's SuperFetch, which loads some libraries into RAM that would otherwise be unused to speed up program launch time if there's enough RAM availaible, but that's another subject). However, depending on your disk, its end will be slower than its beginning, and thus if you have a nearly full disk, it can slow down your system if the most used files are in the end of it.
  14. I don't understand why they have to use Google (or any other analytics service) instead of counting the number of updates directly on their servers.
  15. Since the files it compresses are the files you don't use often, it is a good compromise between freeing up disk space and performance.
  16. Yes, it seems so. Even though I went to the Firefox options to make FF my default browser, if I click again on the "Check if FF is my default browser now" button, it says it isn't [EDIT] Fixed by re-installing FF and rebooting.
  17. I think we should re-create a sticky thread with only the code for the Chromium browsers and delete this one - it would help people since they wouldn't have to read an entire thread
  18. 127 is the maximal value of a signed byte. So I think it's not the actual temperature...
  19. Indeed. That's also why so many people were against adding it in CCleaner
  20. Same here. Hardcoding iexplore.exe is not a good idea.
  21. What do you mean ? CCleaner has no option to clean something in the user's directory - except in %AppData% and %LocalAppData%.
  22. That is impossible - or, at least, really weird. Compressing files will degrade performance when reading them, as Windows has to decompress them each time.
  23. No. Prefetch files are NOT loaded with Windows. Please read this : http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=743
  24. Is the fragmented file in C:\System Volume Information\ with a very long name in hexadecimal characters ?
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