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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. Try installing it in English. It installs all the languages anyway, so you'll be able to choose French when it's installed.
  2. I don't know. If I could choose CCleaner's default settings, I wouldn't check it. But you're right - if all other cookies are checked, Opers's should be checked too.
  3. Did you enable the System Files and Folders view in Windows Explorer's Folder Options ? Pagefile.sys is a system file The files beginning with a $ are NTFS metadata, and can't be seen from the explorer. I think Defraggler excludes those files. PS : The page file is there for a good reason. Unless you have _huge_ amounts of RAM, you shouldn't disable it.
  4. Be aware that deleting System Restore Points means you'll have less backups if something goes wrong. I don't think that fragmentation is the cause of your "slow as molasses" system. Sounds more like a lot of useless preinstalled or bundled software running in the background to me
  5. Sorry, but you are wrong in thinking CCleaner is used only by power users. I read a lot of French forums who talk about computer problems, and very often your average Joe is asked to download CCleaner to clean his computer. Kids don't always have limited rights. Their parents can trust them, or they can need admin rights to install games. Young kids don't know what CCleaner is, but a lot of teenagers like to "optimize" their PC using everything they can. Wipe Free space is not enabled by default. However, a lot of people come here saying they have problems with it, or that the cleaning is really slow. Why ? Because 1/ people think all checkboxes should be cleaned without thinking to what they exactly do, and 2/ people don't read popups. I know, that's a problem with people and not with CCleaner, but you can't create a software and think everyone will think before using it. Alan >> "But I guess anything is better than pure registry ! !" Why ? The Registry already has tenths, if not hundreds, of thousands of keys. Adding some more won't do any harm. And since the Registry is loaded into memory when Windows boots, it's faster than reading an .ini file on a drive
  6. 1. Agree, but not by default, and only available to admins. Contrarily to popular belief, cookies, MRUs, Internet cache, etc are not "useless files". 2. You obviously don't know anything about Windows tweaking. The "Force kernel into RAM" thing is one of the most dangerous "tweaks" ever, AlwaysUnloadDLL doesn't work in Win2k or later. 3. If you need free space so much you want to delete empty folders, you should buy another drive. Some empty folders are useful. And I don't see what are "registry errors that go along with them". 4. It won't save boot time (I don't see why it would). Backups ARE useful. 5 & 6. That's not how CCleaner works. And it would be reaaaaaaaaaally slow.
  7. Are you seriously saying you'll continue to use XP after 2014 ?
  8. The buggy thing is IIS log files, if I remember correctly. This bug only happens on x64 systems. It doesn't seem to do anything to the Tasks folder - my tasks are still valid XML files, without errors in them. When I asked how to solve that on Microsoft Answers, I got a reply telling me to delete each task until there's no more errors. Meaning, nearly all of my scheduled tasks aren't there any more, including useful system things like automatic creation of System Restore points. Great.
  9. Aethec

    Pale Moon

    The Linux users aren't the only ones with optimized FF builds any more ! http://www.palemoon.org/ It's a Firefox build optimized for Windows, with a few useless features (Parental control things, and accessibility) removed. It's a bit faster (~5% faster at SunSpider on my system), seems more responsive, and uses a little less memory. However, if you are using an old processor (e.g. Pentium III), it won't work. You can even install FF's language packs (PaleMoon is only in English by default) and replace the icons using ResHacker if you don't like the PaleMoon logo And since it's a Firefox build, it will use your existing Firefox profile - that's useful. I'm posting this using Pale Moon PS : But don't expect a miracle - it still has the issues Firefox has with memory management
  10. Yes, but what about the first thing ?
  11. Here : http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B221435
  12. Those are system restore points, you can't defrag them, you should simply add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll need to enable view of system files/folders in Windows Explorer's Folder Options). PS : I don't want to be rude, but...this question has already been asked and answered a lot.
  13. Aethec

    Command Line

    Try creating a batch file with 4 lines, with the shutdown parameter on the last one ?
  14. Defrag it using PageDefrag. That's easier than disabling it, rebooting, and enabling it again.
  15. Oops. I had completely forgotten the "Only clean files older than 24 hours" thing. Maybe the "Windows" part should be removed, since it is also effective on the user's temp folder...
  16. ...What ? I don't understand anything...
  17. CCleaner can't clean anything on external hard drives, unless you are using an external drive to put folders like your profile or the temp folder.
  18. "Archives", "Disk Images", "Movie files" (in large file options), "More colors" (in disk map color options) and the About Defraggler text still can't be translated. But still, it's a great improvement
  19. Registry cleaning shouldn't be done by inexperienced users - period. But the "Registry cleaning will improve your PC's performance by 65535%" myth is everywhere...
  20. I think CCleaner should only implement one pass for Secure Deletion, with only 0, no random data. But then people who don't know anything but think they do would complain
  21. Now if something goes wrong, you won't have any Restore Points...
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