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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. They do. A product with too much false positives is rated lower than a product with the same detection rate but less FP.
  2. There's already a ClearPageFileAtShutdown value in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management . However, it is useless for 99.9% of people. I don't think anyone will try to search into the page file to look for valuable information. And if someone does, it'll be a virus - so it will harm your computer anyway.
  3. Do you mean the Tray Notification Cache ? It is already a feature of CCleaner, in the Advanced cleaning section. However, you must then restart Windows Explorer. To do so, open a command prompt (Start >> Run >> cmd), and type : tskill explorer.exe explorer.exe
  4. Why would Microsoft - or anyone - want to support a 9-years-old OS, that will probably be 10 years old when IE9 launches ?
  5. I tried some tests on my computer (2.20 GHz Intel processor, GeForce 7300 GS) between IE Platform Preview 1.9.7745.6019 ans Firefox 3.7a4pre. Both use DirectWrite and Direct2D. No plugins or addons were enabled on Firefox. IE took 811ms to complete SunSpider, FF took 817. No real difference here. IE makes 130 runs/s on Dromaeo JS test, Firefox 154 (but the Dromaeo test suite is made by Mozilla...) On the Flying Images demo, moving the mouse a bit, FF has weird results ; sometimes it performs really good (64 frames/sec with 36 images, 35 with 256 images, and it uses 72 MB of RAM), and sometimes really bad (respectively 10 and 2 frames/sec, 160 MB of RAM are used...). IE always renders 64 and 15 frames/sec and uses 42 MB of RAM. FF doesn't render borders when border-style is set to dotted or dashed and border-width to a high number - but it seems it's a bug in the nightly, the stable release is able to render them. However, even the stable release renders borders corners badly with a dotted or dashed border-style. It also can't justify the text on the "Text justification animated" demo. Also, FF fails with the "Atlas zur Europawahl" demo. And it fails to render colors correctly on the charts demo with a very high zoom level. And it fails to zoom on the radial chart. And it doesn't render shapes inside their borders, sometime it's a bit off. All of those things are rendered correctly in IE.
  6. The demos are really fast on my system with IE9 preview. Firefox is sloooooow. And they killed Ogg Theora and Vorbis for <video> and <audio> However, DirectWrite-rendered text is really ugly with white text on a dark background.
  7. It seems CCleaner can't clean Office 2000 - there are no "Office 2000" nor "Office 9.0" in winapp.ini
  8. All Linux distros use the Linux kernel, so I think many of Linux flaws can work on any distro... << Interesting one, since the changelog describe the vulnerability to cause a kernel crash...
  9. Search YouTube. Or look on Secunia.com. There are hundreds of flaws on each Linux distro. The winner is Gentoo Linux with 3247 flaws. 24% of those flaws are highly critical.
  10. First Firefox, then Opera, and now Internet Explorer 6 and 7... http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=5633 It's currently being exploited.
  11. The Chrome entry has no DetectKeys, but DetectFiles instead. Theoretically, it should detect Chrome as installed if the %ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe file exists.
  12. Here's a list of all lang codes : http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/help/HP052590231033.aspx
  13. Send a PM to MrRon (or another Piriform guy)
  14. Chrome isn't http://secunia.com/advisories/product/28713/
  15. They wanted the ballot screen, and now they published an unfinished product because of it. How ironic.
  16. http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=5619 "In the absence of a patch, Opera users are urged to avoid browsing to untrusted Web sites or switch to an alternative browser."
  17. Old Prefetch file are unused*, and the Prefetch folder is autocleaning. But they aren't useless - maybe you'll want to run an app that you hadn't used in a month. You may free some kilobytes of your disk, but it's not worth it. *They do NOT load with Windows, use RAM, or whatever.
  18. WHQL means "We guarantee it won't harm Windows". This driver doesn't harm Windows.
  19. Deleting the content of the Prefetch folder will NOT make your computer faster. http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=743 << Read this
  20. Where exactly did you install it ? The Chrome entry has two DetectFiles : The AppData one, and %ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
  21. If I run regedit on my x64 Win7, I can see CCleaner's options. However, there are things the 32-bit programs can't do, like looking at C:\Windows\System32\ - but Defraggler is 64-bit on 64-bit Windows.
  22. There's (was ?) a bug using FF 3.6 in this forum too - using the default editor you can't select or delete text. Really annoying.
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