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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. If you are selling a hard drive and want to make sure no data will ever be recoverable. Other than that... I can't see any reason why someone would want to do it.
  2. No. Wipe Free Space does not free up space, and it does not offer increased performance or whatever.
  3. What do you mean ? Prefetch files are named according to the exe they refer to, and they only contain DLLs paths. The only thing that could show something is if the exe's name has something special in its name
  4. Where are those numbers from ? Currently, Opera 10.x has 9 vulnerabilities found, and Opera 9.x has 56, according to Secunia. I can't believe they are seriously saying all flaws were patched in an average of less than one day - the flaw patched in Opera 10.51, for example, was "open" for a week if I remember correctly. Unless, of course, they also count the flaws they found themselves - it's quite easy to say "we found a vulnerability" just after you patched it, but it's cheating It does. Since they have a very low market share, they don't have to lose time in finding security flaws, because no one will exploit them, and they know that. If Opera had, say, 50% of total market share, there would be a lot of other vulnerabilities found. And since those vulnerabilities would be exploited, they'd have to spend more time finding them, and less time making a better browser.
  5. Lots of users don't know what to do because Defraggler can't defrag system restore points or NTFS metadata, and thus think Defraggler's not good since it doesn't defrag everything. Please exclude C:\System Volume Information\, as well as all NTFS metadata you can't defrag (e.g. $MFT), from the fragmented files, and thus don't count them when calculating the % of fragmentation of a drive. And mark them as unmovable with a special color on the drive map (black, perhaps ?).
  6. Don't clean your Prefetch files. Prefetch files only are a list of the libraries a program need, in order. Prefetch files aren't loaded with Windows. Prefetch files are very small. Prefetch files don't use any memory, CPU cycles, or whatever. The only moment where Prefetch files are used is when you launch a program. Deleting Prefetch files will increase your applications's launch time.
  7. Anyone could do the same with Opera widgets/Firefox addons/IE addons/Safari addons/Windows programs/ponies.
  8. Reboot, then try again (if it's still there).
  9. CCleaner is a cleaner, not an updater tool. Secunia's PSI already does that job well.
  10. Aethec

    Forum Upgrade

    If you want to open links in new tabs, simply middle-click them. I do that all the time without even thinking to it
  11. Try running CCleaner again with Wipe Free Space checked. PS : WFS is useless. Seriously.
  12. Yeah. Like when they said PatchGuard in Vista x64 was a bad thing because their AV couldn't work with it - McAfee said that, too. All other AVs worked fine, however. (PatchGuard is one of the best security features in x64 Windows...) Or when Norton 2006 slowed your hard drive access by 23x (yes, I'm serious - 23x). They also have a nice Norton 360 which, with its "optimization" module, deletes Registry keys if it thinks they are useless, without user consent nor backups. Simply looking at the number of flaws and saying "this is more/less secure" is useless. They should have taken into account other factors, such as tabs/plugin sandboxing, protected mode (i.e. low integrity level for child processes) and market share (since Opera has somewhere around 2%, no hacker will search for flaws in it). PS : Did you read the link to the malicious "Chrome extension" you posted ? It's not a Chrome extension at all, simply a trojan.
  13. Too bad the forum limit is 90x90, it's blurry
  14. I agree with all points - except the "More secure" one. Firefox is, currently, the less secure browser, and Chrome doesn't sandbox plugins so you're vulnerable to all the Flash and other plugins flaws. Here's what security expert Charlie Miller (he won the Pwn2Own competition three times in a row hacking Safari) says : http://www.neowin.net/news/charlie-miller-windows-7--ie-8-or-chrome-provides-safest-computing-experience
  15. It seems so. But maybe you could simply use the .reg file and remove the - in it.
  16. First, don't use the Gutmann method, as it is completely useless for modern drives - even Gutmann has acknowledged that. There is no evidence of any data being ever recovered with only one pass, so I'd recommend simply using one pass, or if you really want to make sure those super-important top secret files you've got will never be recovered, use the DOD overwrite - it's what the Department Of Defense created. Using Gutmann means CCleaner is a lot slower. 35 times slower, in fact. Second, this seems to be a file in the Recycle bin - maybe you can simply empty it
  17. I prefer this one since the rich text editor works in Firefox 3.6
  18. Great! Waiting for Speccy to show up in the Translator...
  19. I also doubt they have any of the authors's permission to do that.
  20. According to this (Lifehacker), DNS cache cleaning can resolve browsing problems. However, they also say Firefox has its own DNS cache...
  21. Aethec

    Forum Upgrade

    What do you think would be a better forum host ?
  22. Download TreeSizeFree's portable version (be sure to select "TreeSizeFree.zip" in the dropdown list), and look for big files : http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml
  23. Aethec

    Forum Upgrade

    If the quota of votes per day is set to 0, why not simply disable the voting system ? I don't see any use for it (important things are pinned anyway)
  24. Sorry, didn't see it was a Styler-related tweak. Maybe this then : http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm ? (it's the 24th)
  25. The "Archives", "Disk images" and "Movie files" can't be translated, even though I and other translators have reported that bug lots of time. I guess performance and bug-fixing matters more than localization :-(
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