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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. What antivirus software do you have installed? I'm only asking because ESET will sometimes incorrectly flag the CCleaner installer. Temporarily disabling the installed antivirus real-time protection may (or may not) yield results. You can always manually update CCleaner using the Portable build, and try some of the stuff I have detailed here.
  2. You could try the Recycle Bin Fix and see if that's what's causing CCleaner to give the wrong info. -or- Then again you could also try the newest version of CCleaner to see if that corrects the issue (I can't remember from the changelogs if they fixed a Recycle Bin issue in newer versions or not) - if you prefer to keep that old version of CCleaner without installing over it there's CCleaner Portable available which you can unzip into a New Folder to try.
  3. It's been renamed to Panda Free Antivirus. Being "cloud" based does not make it more open to threats but instead the opposite, it's actually faster to respond to any threats because it is cloud-based with a much faster response time to those threats versus having to download a set of definition files - although with that said it does have a basic set of definition files that it will store on your computer. The one thing I liked about it was it didn't need daily definition files. I liked it allot but had to get rid of it when it would annoy me every few minutes to buy a pro license - it's only suppose to do that about once per week. One thing though is a complete system scan with it is rather slow on WinXP (in my case about 2 hours 5 minutes every time), which is why when I had it I'd only do a complete system scan once per month.
  4. It's just for the file played. Here's an example from the playlist it created on my system (I've been personally deleting it for years via my own MPC cleaner via winapp2.ini): MPCPLAYLIST 1,type,0 1,filename,E:\Video\Dream Theater\Dream Theater-Breaking The Fourth Wall (Live)-TV Version-2014-AC3-Xvid.avi ___________ This FileKey deletes it for MPC, a FileKey will still need to be made for MPC-HC: FileKey1=%AppData%\Media Player Classic|default.mpcpl
  5. No! Only difference is the settings are taken out of the registry and put into the ccleaner.ini file instead.
  6. I know you dislike it, and I do as well.
  7. I haven't tried Outpost Free Security Suite however make a disk image before trying it!
  8. If would be interesting if he went straight to this:
  9. I wonder if unplugging the girlfriends portable hard drive, and then plugging it back in would refresh it and reveal if the files are intact or not - worth a try at least.
  10. If you're by chance referring to me you need to realize I personally hate the new GUI design but instead of constantly complaining about it I use an older version of CCleaner. Also I'm the moderator who pinned/made sticky this topic.
  11. See if Hazelnut's corrupted recycle bin fix post helps you: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42673
  12. You aren't the first person to report this. Just use Chrome to manage your extensions it has.
  13. What the original poster stated could be considered a bug, so lets stay on-topic and not hijack a possible legitimate issue with venting.
  14. Should you decide to go back to an older CCleaner version where the registry cleaner worked for you they are here: http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history
  15. One way to test the registry cleaner is to on purpose make an invalid file extension for CCleaner to find: 1. Create a New Text Document, and name it (without the quotes): Something.findme 2. Manually open Something.findme with Notepad - do NOT double-click on it or it could get registered as a valid file extension and we don't want that. 3. Run CCleaner's registry cleaner, it should find the new invalid file extension .findme and offer to remove it - if it doesn't find it you've perhaps discovered a bug in the registry cleaner.
  16. I don't known exactly. I can only guess or speculate they are perhaps reiterating what was mentioned in sentence number 2 of the annoucement/changelog since improvements to Firefox would also improve cleaning in Firefox Portable.
  17. That and Piriform will have one HUGE topic to churn through with users wishes instead of them being fractured all over the forum.
  18. That's the way it is with for instance some forum software.
  19. If you're doing important work that you don't want CCleaner having any possibility to mess with you could input exclusions. Making periodic full backups with a good disk imaging software would help too.
  20. Thank you Hazelnut, I got it.
  21. If people wish to vent about the new GUI design this is your sole topic to do it in. If any new topics are opened about it I'll close them and point people to this sole remaining open topic about it.
  22. It was a moderation decision to close your rude topic (rude title that is) which contained sentiments which have already been expressed by others so no re-hash with a new topic is needed nor should it be tolerated anymore!
  23. I'll move this whole topic into the Suggestions part of the forum.
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