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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. It can most definitely use a Bin icon as you stated! On several occasions the way it lists stuff to be deleted has had me go looking, only to find out it was in the Recycle Bin which has a Windows icon next to it in the cleaning list, probably because it's listed under System in the Cleaning (tab). The confusion for me comes from using the Detailed view ("classic") which doesn't label where things are from, although I prefer the Detailed view.
  2. Glad I don't have one of those computers. Now to see if they get sued out of existence, or probably get away with it.
  3. Not all empty folders are safe to delete.
  4. I removed your full quote of the previous post by login123, it isn't necessary being it was the previous post. I also fixed your post which was at first confusing because it was typed into the quote.
  5. Please explain "clan", I won't put words in anyones mouth but if it's what I think it means...
  6. CCleaner does not backup the passwords. What happened was it deleted your cookies, in the future you'll need to configure CCleaner's Cookies to Keep list located in: Options > Cookies
  7. For something unexpected put those together with the real Annabelle.
  8. Tonight on the news hackers hack Barbie, but not to pieces.
  9. OP never mentioned why the wanting to exclude them. Some things in CCleaner are difficult to get it to properly exclude, so perhaps try excluding the "Desktop" as a folder instead of the files stored in it like .URL, .LNK.
  10. As long as you have this unticked in CCleaner it won't scan to remove any invalid Desktop shortcuts: Windows (tab) > System > Desktop Shortcuts
  11. What he's referring to is this in CCleaner: Options > Include > Add Edit: You're more likely to get these cleaners added into CCleaner via the community winapp2.ini file ages before CCleaner ever officially adds them in. You could just make a post in there that points to this topic of yours requesting someone add it into winapp2.ini if you don't feel comfortable coding the cleaner for it. I should note that you may be interested in the winapp2.ini file since it also cleans these for .Net Framework: [.NET Assembly Temps*] [.NET Framework Isolated Storage*] [.NET Framework Logs*] [.NET Framework SQM*] [.NET Framework Temp*] Edit 2: I just threw this together, it can be a template to get you started with newer versions of .Net Framework since that temporary folder which is empty for me only exists in one place on my old XP system. [Temporary ASP.NET Files*] LangSecRef=3025 Default=False Detect=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup FileKey1=%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files|*.*|RECURSE
  12. Info that's needed: * CCleaner version number * Windows version (and is it 32-bit or 64-bit) * Explain what the issue is.
  13. Good suggestion! And I'd imagine a reboot during a Drive Wipe and/or Wipe Free Space could bite someone on the backside in a bad way one day.
  14. It would be so much simpler if CCleaner would just Stop the System Restore service when Wipe Free Space was used, and when it's finished Start the System Restore service. It would end all matter of these posts (which has been going on for several years) about Restore Points being nuked.
  15. Try NirSoft RegScanner (freeware), it will display a list of all things Google or Chrome in the registry allowing you to double-click them and then manually delete them via RegEdit. Try to limit yourself to only removing Chrome references because there are some Google registry data that has nothing to do with Chrome that's build into Windows. Note that some antivirus' may give a false positive against Nirsoft RegScanner.
  16. Stopping Wipe Free Space before it ends can cause it to leave a huge file on the hard disk, using TreeSizeFree like esoteric17 did can help you find that disk space consuming file so it can be manually deleted. Personally when I use Wipe Free Space I temporarily disable System Restore in Services. Edit: The reason why the Restore Points were deleted can be read here.
  17. Can't see the screenshot. If it's files that are being deleted Exclude them: Go into Options > Exclude > Add > Drive or Folder > Browse to the path of your game. If it's registry settings that are being deleted Exclude them: Go into Options > Exclude > Add > Registry Key > Then input the Registry settings path of your game.
  18. I would probably only last 1999 years 364 days, one day short.
  19. I don't know but perhaps an icon flushing tool will help remove the jaggedness if they're actually icons in the program, then again maybe not if they're bitmaps in the program.
  20. You aren't by chance using the "tweak/hack" to extend updates of XP until 2019 are you that Microsoft warned against? If so I know it will cause issues some little some very obvious.
  21. Or Samsung should start making car parts. I don't know how a life expectancy could be guaranteed because everyone will use their SSD differently, just like how some people have no luck with now old school hard drives dying in months while others use them more than a decade without issue.
  22. That's why I've always stated to use a free image hosting site instead of uploading images/pictures to the forum.
  23. Andavari

    SSD Hardrive

    Some useful info by forum member Aethec in this post that was asking the same thing you wish to know: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=29437&do=findComment&comment=175889
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