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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. This one looked so serious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD1PB46eF_4
  2. The official page is here, where you can find official downloads: https://www.piriform.com/ Edit: I don't know if it's legit or not therefore I can't comment on that. I've posted in the staff area so that Piriform are aware of it.
  3. Thanks for the update notice.
  4. Discussion about the GUI is limited to this single topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42323 Topic closed.
  5. I'm trying it out now via the new Chrome homepage, decided to give it a go because of its smaller memory and resource footprint compared to Adblock for Chrome. Hard to believe it's been mentioned before but I never looked into it.
  6. It is already there as a Recycle Bin Tasks.
  7. It would be much easier as you say to add it into the GUI, something similar to how we add in an include for Custom Files and Folders but instead for browsers to use that CustomLocation without having to manually edit the settings.
  8. Complaints for wanting the old GUI design go into this topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42323 This topic is closed!
  9. See here, this is what Nergal posted about: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers
  10. Whois tracked it to .JP, Japan.
  11. Only thing though is the full format can deal with bad blocks if the disk has any. I don't know how much time saving using the method you mention would be.
  12. You're only supposed to complain about CCleaner in this topic. Allot of software and hardware is unfortunately going down that route.
  13. Some programs will create a registry entry for it, although I don't know if any also install it as a piggyback program.
  14. If someone accidentally double-clicks, or has a mouse that's buggy which double-clicks on its own that could cause problems.
  15. Known as "The X Files" in English speaking countries, I think I watched two episodes of it. TV has plenty of old shows in syndication, in fact way too much old stuff and re-runs that don't signify the monthly cost of a subscription.
  16. Actually we have valid reason to close any new topic complaining about the GUI since we don't need a dozen or more with the same or similar complaints.
  17. Complaints about the UI design are dedicated to only one topic located here, therefore this topic is closed: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42323
  18. I suggest you re-read and understand forum rule 15 about asking for help via the PM system, we won't be going down that road ever again.
  19. Recuva won't restore registry settings, so even if it and you could locate what files were removed you'd more than likely still have to reinstall the software.
  20. What has me scratching my head is why are they even bothering with an installer in a "tech preview."
  21. Back when the first 2.x version damaged or removed a vital system file when uninstalling it even Windows Event Viewer couldn't give clear indication of what .DLL file it was. I don't think their cleanup tool or their forum still would have been a solution back then whereas restoring from a Macrium Reflect image fixed everything. Not the first anti-malware/anti-virus tool I've seen damage Windows during uninstall.
  22. There is no demo version! It's freeware with no official support from the developer Piriform the only support available is through this community forum from other free users. The freeware version does not operate/run at a reduced speed, it could be the size of the disk you're having it scan and/or the amount of damage the disk has being it was dropped.
  23. Well they can learn to not be like Chrome putting stuff in those deeply buried paths which can cause issues like you've discovered. I stated I'll wait for a stable build, well now it will have to be a stable portable build so I can place it in a more logical path.
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