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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. It's been almost a year since you requested the feature and my sentiments are the same as yours.
  2. Welcome to the forums dsmultimedia. You aren't the first to report this problem with CCleaner 5.x. Seems serious to me so I've made a post in our staff area where an admin should see it, and I linked to your topic.
  3. A couple of places to try and download it from, see what works for you: * http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds * http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner
  4. I did last month. I can do without visiting a site or viewing content that strictly requires it.
  5. From my past experience with SuperAntiSpyware it creates a startup entry even if using the freeware version. If there's a SuperAntiSpyware forum it's probably best to ask them before removing either of the entries you see.
  6. If you can't find it by looking for Chrome files/folders on the hard disk (which Google annoyingly has install in a non-default hidden location), and if you can't find it in the registry I'd leave it as a ghost only CCleaner is seeing.
  7. Also if you're using the community winapp2.ini file make sure you untick/disable anything that mentions BagMRU, Bags, or ShellBags as those can or will also reset folder options.
  8. I'd imagine CCleaner could cause a crash if Chrome's cache is corrupt or possibly infected. Also if need be you can manually delete Chrome cache if even Chrome can't delete it.
  9. Hazelnut is correct Handbrake creates an AppData folder labeled "Handbrake" (minus the quotes). Also don't forget the Program Files folder where it would've been originally installed. If you don't have Handbrake leftovers in those folder areas it may help to restart Windows and then see if CCleaner still detects it.
  10. You might be able to do this by first enabling everything in CCleaner, and then disabling everything. Then you'll have a ccleaner.ini file with everything listed inside it with default=false.
  11. I'm using 4.17.4808, available at: http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/58488/
  12. Commercial versions of CCleaner will NOT fix the multitude of problems you're having which to me sound like either malware damage or registry damage. If it's malware you can find out by visiting a malware removal site listed in item #10 here who will assist you free of charge. If you wish to contact Piriform directly about the communication error here's the support page: http://www.piriform.com/support
  13. This is what I'm referring to, I figure a screenshot works better than trying to explain: That screenshot was from CCleaner 5.02.5101 which to me seems buggy in its detection of browser add-ons! It was showing me Adobe Flash Player in "C:\Windows\System32\Macromedia" which I haven't had installed for over a month, and I know for sure all traces are fully removed from my system. Now in the older version of CCleaner that I prefer to use it doesn't have that issue whatsoever!
  14. If you're using a full community winapp2.ini file either downloaded from here, or from using CCEnhancer (which we aren't suppose to offer support for on this forum per the Piriform owners instructions) you'll need to run Trim.bat made by Alan_B.
  15. It would've probably been better to just create a brand new topic than revive a 10 years old one, however we've learned things about this issue since then: Wipe Free Space fills the whole unused portion of the hard disk causing Windows to run out of disk space, and Windows reacts by automatically deleting restore points to regain disk space. To prevent this what I do is temporarily stop the System Restore Service which results into the restore points being left safely intact.
  16. That reminded me if there's a Chrome add-on left behind causing this, open CCleaner and go into: Tools > Startup > Google Chrome Then right-click the add-on and select: Open containing folder
  17. It's still detecting them from somewhere either physical files or the registry. Edit: See this recent post by Nergal.
  18. They aren't stored anywhere, once the program is closed they're gone.
  19. For previous posts when it keeps feeding the same version stating there's an update when there actually isn't one available the solution was to: 1. Uninstall CCleaner. 2. Reinstall CCleaner. For whatever reason that has fixed the issue for some people.
  20. It can most definitely use a Bin icon as you stated! On several occasions the way it lists stuff to be deleted has had me go looking, only to find out it was in the Recycle Bin which has a Windows icon next to it in the cleaning list, probably because it's listed under System in the Cleaning (tab). The confusion for me comes from using the Detailed view ("classic") which doesn't label where things are from, although I prefer the Detailed view.
  21. Glad I don't have one of those computers. Now to see if they get sued out of existence, or probably get away with it.
  22. Not all empty folders are safe to delete.
  23. I removed your full quote of the previous post by login123, it isn't necessary being it was the previous post. I also fixed your post which was at first confusing because it was typed into the quote.
  24. Please explain "clan", I won't put words in anyones mouth but if it's what I think it means...
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