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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. MPC and MPC-HC are in winapp2.ini as [Media Player Classic More*] it cleans allot but it doesn't clean the playlist.
  2. Maybe zip them? Could be some security thing via the host, some won't host a .bat file.
  3. Many things are explained here: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-rules The defaults can be restored by going into: Options > Advanced > then click the button Restore default settings
  4. And in this case one official simple Yes or No about the multiple GUI complaints topics could've allowed everyone to put this to rest, and know what's going or not going to happen - just sayin'.
  5. Should also mention I've also found the code for it in HTML Help files of programs. While add-ons like Ghostery will effectively block it when visiting websites, the HOSTS file will block programs system-wide from using it.
  6. When I read that all I could think was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmwqnqL3Hbg
  7. I always have seen it as pointless, and as SMalik called it "junk." For me installed antivirus is more of a bottleneck cause of slowdown versus having some silly little prefetch file that's supposed to speed up things. Personally I don't know why Microsoft relied upon dozens of silly little files when they could've made a single file for it like Prefetch.sys - with the ability to empty the contents of course.
  8. It would help if you'd just edit it out of your post of winapp2.ini entries you submitted, that way Winapp2.ini (person) doesn't accidentally include it when he updates and it could save the casual lurker from copying it and using it at their dismay.
  9. It's used for tracking, some software also uses (or used) it like UltraDefrag, UltraDefrag Portable, etc. That is spelled incorrectly! How I personally block it is via the Windows HOSTS file: google-analytics.com ssl.google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com
  10. At minimum it does need the ability to delete on reboot several competitors have that feature and it has needed the ability for over a decade now. In the past just limiting it to IE's index.dat files never sufficed for me. Although I don't know how "wiping" would be done in that "special" Windows mode.
  11. It's not safe at all!!! Deleting it will have Microsoft Office wanting the re-install discs the very next time it's used.
  12. Since this is asking for the old GUI where a topic has already existed about it I'll close this topic.
  13. Very highly unlikely someone is going to need your "help" after 6 years from that post. Please pay attention to the post dates. Topic closed!
  14. What OS are you using? Perhaps it's something to put into the suggestion box for them to implement. Also, that key "PnpLockdownFiles" doesn't exist on my system.
  15. Try enabling the view of 'Hidden Files and Folders' in Windows. Alternatively allowing CCleaner to finish the Wipe Free Space should remove them.
  16. Microsoft Updates will still update XP with all the previous patches, and they continue to still offer current versions of their malicious software remover during updates.
  17. Exactly! And the negative fall out afterwards of adding it into CCleaner.
  18. Ah, yes, the topic that descended into he said she said: http://forum.piriform.com/?showtopic=41115 ----- You say careful, which reminds me of something I watched years ago on some big news channel which stated "many computers have some form of infection even if deemed clean by anti-virus." It's known that anti-virus software alone is no guarantee of having a clean PC.
  19. If it's a shortcut pointing to CCleaner that you made sometime ago, perhaps create a brand new shortcut pointing to it - now I don't know if this will make any difference however it's worth a try.
  20. @ bawldiggle Check your PM's, I've sent you one.
  21. That's usually the case when taking into account first run all on its own because of loading into memory, then of course the antivirus is going to scan it too. In my case Avira Antivirus takes longer to allow some programs to load on a first run basis rather they're already prefetched or not. Anyways like you said it's been discussed to death.
  22. I will inform an admin about this topic of yours so they can look into it.
  23. I have 'Old Prefetch Data' checked under Advanced in CCleaner, although I could do without it because whenever I make disk image backups I use a batch file of mine to delete the *.pf files - no sense in my views to back them up in the image too.
  24. You can change a Windows setting that will tell you when you last accessed CCleaner it's called "Date Accessed" in WinXP, not sure what it would be called in a newer version. Here's a general search for it, should cover different versions of Windows: https://startpage.com/do/search?a=1&cat=web&language=english&query=explorer+last+accessed+date&pl=ie
  25. I've moved your topic into the bug reporting section - sounds like a bug.
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