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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. What service pack do you have installed on your XP system? Runs fine on my WinXP SP3 system.
  2. You can also run the Uninstaller (.exe file) directly from the folder where CCleaner is installed.
  3. It was explained! It's called official download mirror/site.
  4. It's because of the 3rd party included Google Software included in the installer, many antivirus' will detect it. Like stated in my previous post there's an option to opt-out of installing the Google Software, or just use the Portable Build which shouldn't have antivirus' giving a warning. You can also always upload files your antivirus could potentially give a false positive detection of for a second opinion using multiple antivirus engines at: * Jotti - http://virusscan.jotti.org/ * MetaScan Online - https://www.metascan-online.com/ * VirusTotal - https://www.virustotal.com/
  5. If in doubt about anything just post on the forums and ask to get an answer. A general rule of thumb is if you don't enable anything under the 'Cleaner -> Windows (tab) -> Advanced' area you'll be alright - the only two exceptions being 'Custom files and folders' and 'Wipe Free Space' should you have the need to use them. Unless it's something automatically cleaned from the registry such as MRU, then it won't reveal anything.
  6. FileHippo to our knowledge or hunch has always been the official mirror or download site and has for years. I think the non-working _EXE extension your screenshot shows needs to be something for FileHippo to fix on their side.
  7. You can opt-out of the included Google software during the install of CCleaner. Of if you wish to avoid the installer and Google software completely there's a Portable ZIP build available at: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  8. It does that every now and then. It's been an unresolved issue I've had since around 2007 so it's nothing new. Although it could be the IPB forum software.
  9. It's always your choice to stick with an older version. I myself will use the previous version until the reported bugs are fixed.
  10. It downloads as a proper .EXE for me using the above link you provided.
  11. You don't have to do a clean install. If you do however do a clean install you will completely lose all of your settings - that's the main reason it's always been recommended to install over a pre-existing version.
  12. "upperslash" is required for the delete instead of a "backslash". Try this as your filekey1 instead and see if it works this time (notice the "upperslash" before *.txt): FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Bulk Rename Utility|*.txt
  13. I've heard of it Hav0c, and I use the Malware Domains HOSTS file. It's also included as the Malware Protection subscription in adblocking software such as Adblock for Chrome, and Adblock Plus for Firefox. Worth getting for the added protection. Their current lists are available on their forum here: http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/forums/index.php?topic=3270.0
  14. Surgeons General Warning dialog pops up in the antivirus.
  15. Although they don't have any documentation, perhaps bookmark the Docs site since if they ever release any official info it would probably be there which is at: http://www.piriform.com/docs
  16. I wonder how antivirus with built in USB Protection deals with an infected e-cig.
  17. You already have a topic about this problem located here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42290 Again, stop uploading .doc format for pictures - only upload; GIF, JPEG/JPG, PNG Topic closed, the discussion can continue in your first topic about this. And I did post an answer in your first topic, the reason why you can't delete those Avast keys.
  18. Sounds like a CCleaner bug perhaps. It's unknown exactly what CCleaner targets because looking at the cleaning routine reveals nothing since it uses Piriform's own internal code for the cleaning, so it doesn't list things like seen in winapp2.ini. Which leads to a question are you using the winapp2.ini file or some download that adds extra cleaning into CCleaner? If so try disabling or removing them.
  19. Perhaps Win7 stores the icons differently since it works on WinXP, or CCleaner is ignoring the read-only attribute. Edit: Something I remembered: If you're by chance setting custom icons on some of your Favorites some websites will reset them back to the sites default favicon.
  20. More info is needed: * What web browser are you using, and what's the version of it? As for the banking sites you'd need to tell CCleaner which cookies to keep, see here: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-settings/choosing-which-cookies-to-keep
  21. Something to try: 1. Get the icons to show by visiting some of the websites. 2. Go into your user profile folder, and then open the Favorites folder. 3. Now that you're in the Favorites folder right-click and change the properties to read-only, even in-mass if you wish. 4. Run CCleaner again and see if it can or can't remove the icons since the the properties where changed to read-only. If CCleaner can't remove the icons then the read-only parameter is providing protection against the icons being removed. Edit: I didn't even realize I had did this on my system already and my icons stay intact. So it's worth a try.
  22. Sounds like favicons to me, perhaps a screenshot will explain.
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