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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Old Nvidia card here and also old drivers running it because newer drivers on it are very buggy for the old card I have - so no Java was needed back then.
  2. Andavari

    Xbox One

    I haven't bought any next gen consoles yet. So far I've only seen YouTube videos with graphics comparisons between current gen and next gen when featuring the same games running on both. Some of the games that will be coming out (on PS4 at least) such as new sim racing games that will put Gran Turismo to shame will probably warrant a purchase from me.
  3. See #5 on the Defraggler docs page here for the official response of using it on an SSD: https://www.piriform.com/docs/defraggler
  4. It's been a known bug for a long time now (at least for WinXP), which I suspect they can't easily fix.
  5. Windows: How many total files and the total size are in your temp folder? CCleaner: Are you using the secure delete mode?
  6. Hazelnut explained to me that sometimes Nvidia display cards can be noisy back when I got mine, I had thought something was wrong with mine too but that's going on at least 2 years ago. All the loud noise (plastic grinding/rubbing noise in my case) they can/may/will make doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with it, other than being audibly annoying. The noise is caused by the cooling fan on the display card, it's as if they should've made the plastic fan blades a few millimeters shorter or moved the fan a few millimeters further away from the card material. It makes so much ruckus I won't buy another Nvidia display card.
  7. An initial full defrag with many defrag programs can be very slow as most move allot of files around using their own unique algorithms. However Defraggler is slow!
  8. Just fight trolls with some super cookies, these kind of super cookies.
  9. The topic won't really go anywhere since Piriform fixed the ability to turn-off monitoring. However complaints users have with their opinions or dislikes is the only way to let Piriform know what people think of features, etc. I don't feel the need to close the topic - as long as the topic remains civil. What Piriform does is up to them. Just my opinion.
  10. The same thing can happen with console systems. For instance GTA V Online on PS3 can be jerky/jittery seeming like it may freeze or crash when there's allot of online players - just a frame-rate issue I suppose caused by network lag/over-usage.
  11. Detailed here what it does in this post: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=30444&page=1&do=findComment&comment=182297 There's also the docs site of what it does: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/using-ccleaner/wiping-free-disk-space If you only wish to wipe free space and leave the Windows OS fully intact I'd recommend using Method 1 (Automatically wipe when cleaning) from the docs link above aka "Wipe Free Space" instead located in 'Options > Settings' where you select the drives to run it on, then you'd need to enable it in 'Cleaner > Windows (tab) > Advanced' by ticking Wipe Free Space. Remember to untick Wipe Free Space in 'Cleaner > Windows (tab) > Advanced' once finished so that it doesn't run everytime you run CCleaner.
  12. Wipe Free Space in 'Options > Settings' doesn't have the destructive functionality described. I think you instead went into 'Tools > Drive Wiper' and selected Wipe 'Entire Drive (All data will be erased)'. When in doubt ask about something on the forums to understand what it will do before committing to it and being sorry later.
  13. Try cleaning Firefox with its own in-built cleaners, then close Firefox and wait for the Firefox.exe process to fully end, and then give CCleaner another try.
  14. Needs to be uploaded as a text document then.
  15. Actually I don't, I don't even go into mine to configure it however I don't play any PC games. If Nvidia has a forum I'd recommend joining it and asking them.
  16. I'd think the two antivirus' would wreak havoc, and like mta stated in the previous post ditch one of them. I don't know if AVG has a full screen game-mode or not, if it does that may be more desirable for a game player. Other than that the Nivida drivers could be re-configured, i.e.; turn-off some features if it's causing stuttering/sluggish graphics, etc.
  17. The solution is to either disable/untick TeamViewer cleaning in CCleaner, or to make an Exclude for the connections.txt to keep the file intact.
  18. Wouldn't Chrome gain in popularity for the add-ons, a similarity with Firefox? Also for people tired of Mozilla seemingly changing Firefox in a way that make people complain so much Chrome would be a viable alternative.
  19. Microsoft Updates. Even if I had a new system I still wouldn't use it.
  20. This is what CCleaner removes if TeamViewer is selected: [TeamViewer] ID=2395 LangSecRef=3024 Detect=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer Default=True RegKey1=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer\Version9|MRU FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\*|*.tmp|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\TeamViewer\*|*.tmp|RECURSE FileKey3=%ProgramFiles%\TeamViewer\Version9|Connections_incoming.txt FileKey4=%AppData%\TeamViewer|Connections.txt FileKey5=%AppData%\TeamViewer\MRU\RemoteSupport|*.tvc
  21. You could try in Safe Mode to see if it works correctly and isn't a conflict with something else running on the system - such as antivirus software, some antivirus might not like a Wipe Free Space happening.
  22. If you're using Wipe Free Space too much that cause your hard disk to prematurely wear-out, it would only be beneficial to use if you were selling off your computer. If you haven't rebooted in awhile give that a try, and it also run ChkDsk on the hard disk and hard disk partitions.
  23. Perhaps look on the RealPlayer site for an uninstaller to fully remove it. Or if Real doesn't offer an uninstaller for full removal and if feeling brave reinstall RealPlayer Cloud, but this time uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller.
  24. Have you tried disabling them instead of deleting them as a non-destructive alternative? If CCleaner also can't disable them you could try using msconfig which is built into Windows.
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