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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Those are at: http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history
  2. They'd probably need to build that department first! Seems every few months there's an update that causes issues, this latest one seems very serious. Which reminds me of something Hazelnut has mentioned in the past when she says she waits a few days before applying updates - very wise!!!
  3. Botched Microsoft Updates. I wonder if they test updates at all.
  4. Those polls you mention are on this forum.
  5. If you want to see a better report the good old "classic" detailed way it used to be, go into and enable: Options -> Advanced: Show initial reports in detailed view
  6. I'd recommend not doing it on these forums but instead on one of those poll sites to give anyone willing to take part the opportunity without having to register on the forums. That and it wouldn't be a thread on here that could possibly get closed, hidden, or deleted.
  7. The CCleaner registry cleaner is deemed "safer", meaning it isn't going to dig through every crevice of your registry like a more aggressive and thorough registry cleaner. Can it miss allot of invalids - yes it can and will, but at the same time it's being "safer" it's also much less likely to damage the registry.
  8. The original Thing, notice it's under the desk where the computer tower spawned it.
  9. Disney World, and Mickey Mouse too. The default blue and green themes in XP do look very childish and awful in general.
  10. You are the second person that I know of that has had the issue with the extension not being a working .EXE, so I'll inform an admin about it.
  11. You have Secure File Deletion enabled with 7-Passes, as your screenshot clearly reveals. A possible solution is to completely turn off the secure deletion, or at the very least scale it back to just 1-Pass.
  12. If you were to attach it, most likely myself or another mod would remove it.
  13. Unfortunately YouTube was broken before that counter caused is more issues. Some of the channels I view have complained about YouTube being broken which is causing them grief.
  14. Just some re-thinking on my part here: Perhaps XP and even newer systems like Windows Vista and newer could possibly get stuck in PIO mode such as if a CD/DVD optical drive or hard disk is failing or about to, in that scenario it would make sense for Windows to choose PIO mode.
  15. Solution: Right-click what the registry cleaner finds for that software and select: Exclude CCleaner's registry cleaner will then never offer to delete those keys again.
  16. Because download sites are only suppose to offer the Standard build, although some don't follow the "rules."
  17. You can feed it the full actual path where you have it installed. For example Firefox Portable: CustomLocation1=FIREFOX|C:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\profile Edit: And no CCleaner probably won't know if a Firefox variant/clone is running, so it's worth looking in Task Manager to make sure it isn't running before cleaning.
  18. See my "Edit 2" in my post above yours. ImgBurn is the one program I'll be using from now on to reset DMA! I've had it installed and that feature under my nose for years and had never used that feature it provides. Edit: Microsoft really shouldn't have to provide much info for the fact that Vista and newer systems enable DMA on their own (perhaps after a reboot), they don't get stuck in PIO mode like WinXP systems do.
  19. I can't provide more info, this is just how I know to reset a WinXP machine back to DMA mode. Most info on this is found on random forums. For users of older Dell computers running WinXP such as the Dell Dimension and Precision line of computers Dell has a freeware small utility called "Dell Utility to set Secondary IDE controller CD devices to DMA mode v1.0" aka "PIOtoDMA", "R53986", available in their support/downloads which automatically fixes the issue after the user restarts their computer. The freeware burning software ImgBurn can reset systems back to DMA mode by clicking: 'Tools -> Reset DMA'. Here's the ImgBurn FAQ on drives not running in DMA mode - interesting info that WinXP can lie about being in DMA mode when it can actually be stuck in PIO mode. Now it would be nice to find a freeware or open source program with a GUI that can reset any Windows OS system back to DMA mode and not just on CD/DVD drives but also hard disks - so if anyone knows of such a tool please post a link to its website. Edit 2: I've found out that ImgBurn will reset DMA system-wide, meaning it will attempt to reset it on both the Primary IDE Channel ("hard disks"), and the Secondary IDE Channel (optical drives like CD/DVD).
  20. winapp2.ini goes in the exact same folder where CCleaner.exe is located. As for the new Foxit Reader not being detected - the cleaning routine in CCleaner may need updated to detect it. Also make sure you install Foxit Reader into the default location it recommends during installation, custom install locations may not be cleaned.
  21. Welcome to the forums! It's a good looking download site.
  22. It would help to post some registry key locations for us fellow tinkerer's to look at. I know of a cleaning program that cleans a ton of the stuff mentioned, but that program digs so deep I'm leery of it.
  23. Some software is abandoned ("abandonware"), so the newest/oldest version is the only version available anymore.
  24. Been asked for before and the general reply was if it deletes an incomplete torrent download you'll lose that download. You can always add-in the files you wish deleted into the Include area located in CCleaner at: Options -> Include
  25. In the meantime so you don't have to always move the taskbar: Left mouse click the CCleaner icon located at the top-left, a menu should show giving you the option to Close.
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