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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I believe that the year of priority support and automatic updates begins when the purchase was made. Note I do not work for piriform or ccleaner so this is just my supposition.
  2. Yes, this is a known bug in the current build, hopefully it's fixed in next. If you move a cookie from cookies to keep, I believe they should reappear.
  3. Hey guys, a few things. One this needs to move back to ccleaner, we're not an open software site, we're a user support forum for ccleaner. As far as I can see the software you're discussing is directly competitive to ccleaner. Second, nicon, as stated by him, is getting close to rule 10 (see forum rules at the bottom of thread index). We users cannot provide Antimalware advice and users are directed to seek professional help at a known antimalware site (such as bleepingcomputer or the geekstogo in his post).
  4. The license is single install only
  5. I'm not sure I understand the question
  6. See this is one of those that I will close. This is an official website for ccleaner so we don't have alternate posts/threads.
  7. Read the first post here
  8. Necromatic thread locked. op can request we reopen but locked for now. Was spammed in
  9. Uncheck run at startup, this is a badly worded setting, it means clean at startup
  10. Both of those are likely from the new "software updater". I know the devs are tweaking it a bit for the next release. I believe it was discussed that the error 26 is akin to server not available at the moment.
  11. I've moved this to ccleaner bugs. But you need to provide a bit more information. Which session are you talking about (chrome? Edge? Firefox? Something else?)? What happens when you try to clean it (says skipped? Say it removed it but it's still there?)?
  12. It wouldn't make sense to do this as the overwritten files are bound to change after the scan, if the drive is in use.
  13. They're needed for intel embedded graphics, windows is doing it's job by recreating them. Please read my signature below this post for good rules to follow when using the registry tool
  14. You misunderstood me, I don't think it was removed, I think the code to previously hiding it is hinkey and may be still hiding it.
  15. [Opinion] I don't think that they pulled the tool, as nukecad suggests, but that the hide code from the random beta was not fully removed. Of course that is an opinion and I have no further knowledge than either of you. [/Opinion]
  16. Refers to a cleaning run at start-up. For not starting with windows, turn off smart cleaning. Same with this turn off smart cleaning Not sure why the pop-up still happens, but it sounds to me like turning off smart cleaning will solve your compendium of issues.
  17. It's pulling its updates from file hippo so the list is any software on that site (for better or worse). Sadly, as I miss PSI dearly too, it is an update availability not vulnerability
  18. That I do not know, i've only used customlocation of parent browsers which are monitored by the ccleaner "smart cleaning" function.
  19. Ignore ini file. The value I gave you is for the registry method you used, you just left out which browser family gets the customlocation Step by step here https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers
  20. It looks like you misread step six you need to write firefox or chrome (whichever is the parent browser) in the value data CHROME|C:\Users\204013683\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default is what you need I believe
  21. it'll be cleaned by the cleaners for its parent browser (I believe for brave it's chrome but maybe it's firefox). I've only used the ini method of customlocation so not sure if you're doing it correctly.
  22. Thanks, I've pointed the developers to this thread, but since you have professional version you should contact the developers directly https://support .piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  23. Currently the price is for one installation only
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