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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. A deep scan on a big drive will indeed take a very long time.
  2. I actually think this is due to a badly mistakable preference. What that box does is run ccleaner in auto mode. It probably is opening to the tray for a few seconds and exiting once the clean is done.
  3. What antivirus do you use? Edit do any of the things which dave pointed to happen to you. At what point in the install does it break? For instance nothing ever happens or it gets part way through.
  4. Please be more expansive. What happens when you try to run the installer? Do you have pro or free ccleaner? What windows version?
  5. It's probably a false positive. Dr web often flags ccleaner installer because of bundled software but I doubt that's what you mean. In future posts please use google translate (or it's equivalent) to English Это, вероятно, ложный положительный результат. Dr web часто отмечает установщик ccleaner из-за прилагаемого программного обеспечения, но я сомневаюсь, что вы это имеете в виду. В будущих сообщениях, пожалуйста, используйте Google Translate (или его эквивалент) на английский
  6. I think their question is for the software updater. Since actual updating can only be done on pro, if you have pro you can contact the developers directly with the link in my signature below
  7. Official documentation does mention it, though they stick their star at the beginning, putting it in the end allows the list to be sorted alphabetically. From the link in my signature
  8. The star is not by piriform design, it was a decision made, by the community, long ago to differentiate our entries from piriform's. The official page for winapp2 explanation is still valid and accurate.
  9. That's beyond what a user community (which the winapp2 template is) can do.
  10. You can find the pro support link in my signature below this post. Be sure to use the same email address you used to register.
  11. I wish this will be added too.i'd exclude my titanium backup folder which is the bulk (no pun intended) of what ccleaner finds for me.
  12. for what software? You posted this in the general software chat. Do you mean for ccleaner? If so go to https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds Download the slim version. Then follow this quote
  13. Star means it's a winapp2 entry. The star was added to the entries so that ini provided entries are identifiable
  14. Yes, the pro is different than android pro
  15. Not that I've found. I don't think it's possible on Android
  16. I don't understand. Once you've checked or unchecked a item ccleaner should remember that it's checked/unchecked. Are you uninstalling the old version before installing a new one? If not, the checkmarks should stay the way you wanted.
  17. That's quite odd, please start a new thread and we can maybe talk through this bizarre version mixup
  18. Please start a new thread as it well could be a wholly different issue from the OP
  19. While it is a big ad, there's a big button labeled download free version
  20. Never mind my last (now deleted) comment I misread something
  21. Obviously you've never been in rural america where even broadband speeds are as slow as a 1990s' modem
  22. I have no power to do anything, i'm just a volunteer software user like yourself, the only power I have is to ban spammers and deal with troublemakers.
  23. That is not an official download site. I would use caution when searching for ccleaner on the web.
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