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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. That doesn't seem like a ccleaner issue. You can see exactly what ccleaner finds and deletes by running ccleaner from a command window with the export switch . However I would suggest you immediately go find malware help. You can read rule ten in our forum rules to find a trustworthy malware helper sites.
  2. Do you have ccleaner blocked at the firewall you use?
  3. Correct, neither of those features are available as far as I know. Best place to ask (as this is a community of users) is the winapp2 thread as some of the contributors have been working with the file going longer than a decade, and watch for posters in the thread.
  4. Um, I didn't say anything about registry, I said firefox sometimes leaves behind a plugincontainer or other process in task manager and that this is often caused a firefox addon.
  5. Also a faulty extension can cause this with FireFox, look in task manager for plugincontainer type leftovers (not just firefox.exe)
  6. Is chrome still running in the background, check your task manager for any chrome.exe or plugin container.
  7. Monitoring is now called smart cleaning
  8. See here https://forum.piriform.com/topic/5739-solution-when-ccleaner-wont-install-or-download-windows/
  9. I've pointed piriform staff to this thread
  10. Sounds like you checked off the option for run at start-up. The words used in that option are confusing, it means run a clean at start-up, which is what you are seeing happen.
  11. Again i'll ask (a last time) for you to be civil. Yes I realize one can manually update what is found. the version numbers are different. The current say the new says It looks like the developer of virtualbox messed up either their version on file hippo or the application itself, and left off or added the 1 in front of 33076
  12. Nergal

    %1 Chipset

    Think he means speccy ;-)
  13. Oh I see, did you have compact database checked under firefox when this problem occurs?
  14. You can't run a full drive wipe on your system drive (usually C:). Is that the problem?
  15. Have you turned off android doze for ccleaner. (Just a thought, not an official answer)
  16. This is less a bug and more a misunderstanding of how reg cleaning should be done. It sounds like you just trusted ccleaner to be 100% right on every entry it finds. It's much better to look at every entry individually which ccleaner gives you the chance to do. You should follow the advice in my signature below this post for good rules to follow when using the registry section.
  17. I've moved this to the defraggler subforum. Yes you can cancel it at any point and files defragged will stay defragged (until windows refraggs them). Some more files will have been fragmented between your analysis and cancellation so it won't really be picking up where it left off. Think of windows as a child when it comes to defragment/refragment; as soon as the child's room is clean s/he starts pulling out all the toys and remessing the room. Edit: the twenty-four hours is an estimation at the particular moment. That time may get smaller quickly and may increase to a longer time just as quickly.
  18. Can you expand a bit and say how this relates to ccleaner?
  19. Is this about ccleaner browser or ccleaner? If the latter I will happily move it to the correct board.
  20. The license code goes into effect when you purchase it, so best to wait imho
  21. There's no need to keep all of them, maybe just the last one(s) Though I do advise caution in cleaning the registry so often. You really only need the backup files to solve problems that occur from the removal of registry entries mistakenly thought issues by ccleaner. See my signature below this post for good rules to follow when using the registry section
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