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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. This is a topic for long past beta. Topic locked.
  2. I believe that the task created for skipuac is a per user instance. Does it skip on the account you enabled the preference on.
  3. Are you signed into google on chrome? Is chrome still running in the background (check task manager for chrome.exe)
  4. I tried twice too I think the php reads "moderator" with ] as a command. I put it in code tags but it looks kinda ugly
  5. Yes, kill all ccleaner processes and click retry on the installer
  6. Make sure ccleaner isn't running (check the system tray for ccleaner monitoring) then manually delete ccleaner64.exe then hit retry
  7. Quick clean is in beta testing, a random number of installers had quick clean in it to test if users like it.
  8. It sounds like ccleaner is still running (maybe smart cleaning in the system tray). Check task manager for any ccleaner remnants.
  9. Usually it skips if the browser is open, make sure ie is exited fully before clean.
  10. Full cleaning just means it'll clean all users on the machine from the administrator's user account. The smart cleaning section of pro will tell you when a browser has closed and if you get to a certain size of junk. This is what it means by automatic cleaning. The pro comes with a year of priority support and automatic updates.
  11. Manually delete the file ccleaner64.exe and press retry. Make sure ccleaner isn't running including monitoring in the system tray.
  12. Wait a day or so while norton gets a little more trust in the version. It's probably telling you the installer doesn't have enough downloads to be reputable (according to norton's employees or algorithm).
  13. Eduardo, don't post your email address like that, it draws spam to us but more importantly it draws spam to you. It also sounds like you have a malware messing with ie. Check out rule ten of our forum rules for some trustworthy sites to help you take care of that, and yes it may be the cause of your ccleaner issue too.
  14. Ok, first make sure ccleaner isn't running including monitoring in the system tray. If it's not running go to the folder C:\Program Files\CCleaner and delete ccleaner64.exe. If it won't delete then ccleaner is still running, check task manager(in details mode) you should find it running there.
  15. You'll have to be a little more specific than 3/4 finished, what is the exact message given with the retry button? If it's can't overwrite ccleaner64.exe there's an easy way to fix. But we can't help without knowing for sure.
  16. You possibly checked it at least once, yes? Check your ccleaner's settings in the registry and delete the myapp entry if it's there. Then open ccleaner and see if it's unchecked
  17. Nergal

    Black marks.

    I don't agree with it, but most people are indeed fooled by the advertisement. piriform wants new less computer savy users to use ccleaner, and has decided that those users might want pro (why idk, none of the features speak to low-knowledge users).
  18. Nergal

    Black marks.

    Psychology and good business sense to present it as a discounted price
  19. Merged and moved to ccleaner discussion board
  20. Doesn't Revo only work if revo was installed and watching the other installers, or am I misremembering?
  21. Try the slim installer from https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  22. Make sure firefox isn't hiding in task manager's processes section. 97% of the time an addon is keeping firefox from fully closing
  23. Recuva can only detect devices which mount as a drive. Your camera likely mounts as a PTD (photo transfer device).
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