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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I think, but am unsure, that this removal may cause havok for people who use a microsoft login for windows 10
  2. This is usually caused by a winapp2 file that is overly large. You say you're testing it without one but i've, in all my years here, never seen a delay in that button not related to winapp2. Do you maybe have a large include or exclude list?
  3. Oh guess I missed the detect os on the entry, sorry for misreading
  4. Both of those would show no matter what os is used, is that on purpose?
  5. Slow down, we can usually solve this type of problem but you need to explain your situation a little more. What happens when you try to install or uninstall it. Does it give an error? To be sure are you getting it from piriform or ccleaner website (ccleaner.com)? Is ccleaner still running such as monitoring (check the system tray for monitoring)?
  6. Ccleaner cloud allows you to monitor and clean in a business with many computers; it is indeed a separate program from the bundle, which provides the professional versions of the four softwares.
  7. And with that you were banned and the topic closed
  8. Sounds like there's another cookie you need to move to the cookies to keep side of the cookies option. Try this 1: clean cookies. 2: Immediately go to bank site and only bank site. 3: immediately close chrome then open ccleaner 4: go to the cookies option. See if there's anything in the cookies to delete side. My guess is a flash cookie with an strange name like g.botw.com
  9. There's is a checkbox at the begining of the install process, however you are not the first to not notice it (it may not have shown but i've seen no proof it wasn't there in other cases)
  10. Three actually you forgot copy of copy of grinch.jpg.old
  11. i've forwarded this to the management so they'll see it, but keep in mind that it's Christmas so they might not see it immediately.
  12. I think you're asking how many Gigabytes you need for the recovery; it would depend on how much you need to recover
  13. Because the recovered files will overwrite other files that you are trying to recover.
  14. Bah humbug to all and to all bah humbug
  15. The push pin will cause pop-ups not to time out and show until you, the user, dismisses it
  16. Depends on the file, but many files are recreated after deletion (mostly for ie/edge)
  17. Cookies, cache, history. anything checked off in the browser section in ccleaner. You can turn off autoclean on exit under smart cleaning section I believe.
  18. This warning is usually accompanied by ccleaner still running. Make sure ccleaner is fully exited including smart clean monitoring. Check task manager for ccleaner.exe or ccleaner64.exe. Kill those instances then manully delete the file c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe (or the file listed in the error message). Finally click retry(recommencer in the screen shot).
  19. Suggestions on said warning's words?
  20. I'm gonna +1 this, mostly because the OP +1'd themselves and now I feel bad
  21. Check to Make sure ccleaner isn't running including monitoring in the system tray. Then manually delete ccleaner64.exe. then press retry on the installer
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