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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Basically differencebetween will answer pretty much any logical comparison (strangely there is a .net and a .com but they seem to be different companies...wierd)
  2. A browser is an application that resides on your personal machine and is able to interpret the programing languages that make up the entirety of the world wide web (such as html, php, css). Some common browsers are Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome Opera, and Edge. A search engine is a website which resides on a server based network. Its software never appears on your machine; instead I takes the data you enter into a search box on its webpage (which you access by using the browser software on your PC) and runs it through its database looking for similar webbased-objects (usually webpages) that match your query. Finally the search engine writes out its results in a webpage format that your browser software can interpret (see above "browser" definition). SOME commonly known search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing, duckDuckgo. Edit: after typing this reply, I, on a lark typed into my search engine of choice (Duckduckgo) the exact question " what is the difference between a browser and a search engine" My first result was http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/internet/difference-between-search-engine-and-browser/ So I'm not sure why you felt unable to find any explanations on the web.
  3. Ccleaner misreported the entry. because the antivirus hid its source. This is by design of the antivirus. If this registry entry properly identified as being part of symantec/norton then viruses could easily disable your antivirus
  4. All the plus means is that you were also provided with the other piriform software pro versions As far as the download I'm unsure, you'll need to contact the developers, as this is the user forum and we can't much provide aid. Please go to http://www.piriform.com/support And sign in at the bottom of the page
  5. The reason he commented on the paragraphs is your post is nearly impossible to read and thus makes it difficult to discern what you are asking. It was the same feeling I got from The include/exclude section is only relevant to ccleaner's basic cleaning process and not the disc analysis. I'm not even sure what you are attempting to do, it sounds like you want to delete every .png on the harddrive, but there are bound to be ones in folders that windows doesn't allow users to access (like any within Windows UI apps).
  6. This is a user forum only, the devs will likely look at it if you post it but unless they need more information on a bug they won't comment. Sadly none of us, probably, can tell the answer to your "how does it work..." question
  7. Yeah I think it's Hazelnut's blocker or proxy cause I see I on tapatalk and web
  8. Not only does this have nothing to do with the topic, but it absolutely isn't at all what piriform software does so why... no don't answer, if you are serious please start a new topic in the suggestions board
  9. Lol I did not mean to suggest the thread was a rabbit hole, but only trium's safe mode administrator line of thought. I would like for you to continue working with us on this, I'd you so wish
  10. I think this is going down a rabbit hole @trium @bartholomewking Random Question is the date/time on your pc correct. Can the following utility see SRP? http://nicbedford.co.uk/software/systemrestoreexplorer/ (NOTE: POSTING THIS OR ANY COMPETITION SOFTWARE IN OPEN FORUM IS FOR MODERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING ONLY)
  11. By random do you mean it's only occurred the once? or can you reliably recreate the crash. If the latter please run ccleaner with the debug command and recreate the crash. Afterwards post the created log here
  12. +1 (I haven't opened speccy in a while so it may already be there, but if it isn't this would make spec reading easier)
  13. You must exit chrome and make sure it is not running in background processes. Vous devez quitter chrome, et assurez-vous qu'il ne fonctionne pas dans les processus d'arrière-plan.
  14. Hi, please don't mention software by name that directly competes with piriform software, it makes my job harder.
  15. As far as I can tell that just means that if "I" upgrade to 10 in five months I won't have to install 60 separate updates, maybe just 4 or 5
  16. Perfect, yes then it would be correct to assume no harm would befoul your pc or at least no more than would occur with regular computer use
  17. Did you try the fix for WMI that hazelnut pointed to in reply 13
  18. You can already do this (as I do) using customlocation http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers Also works for opera and chrome
  19. There is no cleaning differences between pro and free. There are no default exclusions (in the include exclude section). maybe it carried over from your free installation and you had forgotten it was there.
  20. As long as you don't have Wipe Free Space enabled and turn off multiple wipes, there should not be harm done. Those two options I mentioned cause more wear and tear on your hard drive than a normal clean would.
  21. Devs rarely if ever post in the forum, though do note that they read all threads/posts. When they do it's in the bugs boards to ask for more information
  22. Really permanent storage of or physical destruction of drive is the only way to guarantee unrecoverable data. But either mounting the drive on a separate computer the wiping the drive should work (may need to delete the windows folder before the wipe but I cant remember) or, as you suggested, dban makes a fast job of it
  23. I forgot to say, you need to also change any of your shortcuts to point to ccleaner 64 for the target change in task scheduler to work. Basically the task tells windows to run the task instead if the target is attempted to run, so that's why you had the results you did when you tried it (the uac popup)
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