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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Yeah looking at mta's image again, I realize that icedragon is just his browser program. Doh
  2. I'm going to say it's not the thread but that icedragon.exe
  3. I didn't remove reference to revo's removal, I removed reference to a general freeware article which doesn't help. Revo is different because it monitors installation process so it can fully remove traces.
  4. Sirio a moderator has once already warned you on language, you will be banned if you do it once more
  5. Unlikely to have any effect or be the reason for this, as multiple members are reporting and I doubt it that they all (if any) are running illegitimate copies. And discussion that one or more is would just continue to derail us, so let's keep it to the issue, k thx.
  6. I believe that some OEM may have provided it, but it's more likely an ISO made by the member or otherwise separate from the install of windows, but it's irrelevant to the subject, so let's stear it back. Were any of the other's who were experiencing this issue trying to "jump versions" (update from >5.9 )
  7. Huh? If you mean the winapp2 entry, please see the link in my signature for the winapp2 explanation.
  8. Yeah I removed the link above, it's not really relevant to helping solve this is (people can look it up if they like, but it comes close to infringing on features that piriform software performs imho)
  9. When you click yes does it close ccleaner? I notice all three of your images show drastically out of date old versions. Could you attempt to manually install 5.9 (from file hippo, your pro subscription should stick there) and then update?
  10. Date time proves when the illegal documents were created; paired with the serial number, law enforcement agencies would be able, with relative certainty, to ascertain who printed them (especially if the SN points to a business or public device).
  11. At least on mine, it auto updated. be sure to close/fully-exit ccleaner when the update downloads. You can also manually download the portable version and overwrite the files in your ccleaner folder and it will overwrite
  12. We, the user community forum, need a lot more information than what you've provided to even postulate on this crash. 1) Windows version? 2) recuva version number? 3) is this a one time crash, or is it repeatable? 4) what scanning settings do you have set? 5) are you attemping to recover a certain (deleted) file? Or are you working with a formatted drive? 6) to your knowledge, how is the health of the drive? Is it and hard drive, a SSD a usb stick? If HDD/SSD is it external or internal? 7) are you attempting to recover the file to a different drive? Edit: Ok in your image I see you have the professional version. This does grant you priority developer support (for a year after purchase). They may be able provide better/faster aid than the user community can, so you might wish to look into that (though rhey will need the same information I asked for above. Edit 2: I now also realize questions 1 & 2 are answered in the image.
  13. Can you add I've moved the image from your other topic here, I've closed that one, as this is a bug report so this thread is more correctly placed.
  14. Why would you join a forum just to ask this. I mean, we might be able to help you figure out a good setup Still though Perhaps you can give us A little More information.
  15. We also have a 2016 entry in the community driven winapp2 template that you can use (though without warranty mind you) http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=32310&view=findpost&p=266811 [Office 2016*] LangSecRef=3021 Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common Default=False FileKey1=%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent|*.* FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\MSOIdentityCRL\production\temp|*.*_sync FileKey3=%AppData%\Microsoft\PowerPoint\Sync\Temp|*.* RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\File MRU RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\File MRU RegKey3=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\Place MRU RegKey4=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\File MRU RegKey5=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Place MRU RegKey6=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Publisher\File MRU RegKey7=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\File MRU RegKey8=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\Place MRU RegKey9=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\OneNote\RecentNotebooks RegKey10=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\User MRU RegKey11=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\User MRU RegKey12=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\User MRU RegKey13=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Publisher\User MRU RegKey14=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\User MRU ExcludeKey1=FILE|%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent\|Welcome to Word.LNK ExcludeKey2=FILE|%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent\|Welcome to Publisher.LNK ExcludeKey3=FILE|%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent\|Welcome to OneNote.LNK
  16. Word 2016 (if out of beta) will likely (no inside information, just educated guess based on past releases) be cleaned by the ccleaner version coming in the next few weeks.
  17. It would be easier to just remove the button, which administration has not done yet
  18. Please see my edit above (typed at same time as your reply)
  19. Yes Caveat: that the wipe mft option in ccleaner is checked (I believe, though other members may be more certain on that point)
  20. They are unrecoverable because there's already data overwriting it (files on top) there for a secure delete (which overwrites data on top of the file) can't be performed.
  21. Depends on the trustworthiness of the link. And the reason for posting it (in this case it was posted to create a link to an article you wished us to read on the subject)
  22. I made login123's link live (understand the caution, but no need in this case)
  23. Right,microsoft accidentally had started pushing it to many machines, but now it waits til you reserve a copy. http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2015/10/16/microsoft-accident-forces-windows-10-onto-windows-7-windows-8/
  24. As I said, there is no problem. The rest of the fragments are unmoveable at this time. If you wish, try to individually defragment them. It is likely that they are sharing blocks with unmovable files and/or they themselves are unmoveable. What are some of the files listed in the files window
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