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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. More information on @trium's "another question" is here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=35458
  2. Strange, because @kroozer told you exactly the same thing in 2014 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42501&hl=
  3. 8% is nothing to worry over. It's likely that this is as defragmented as much as possible. You could look at the file list and attempt to defrag individual files, but you should remember one thing. Windows begins fragmenting immediately (even as it is being defragmented) thus the "holy grail" of 0% that you are trying to achieve is nonexistent. Anything less than 25% is pretty much optimized with no need to defragment.
  4. Google translate Hi! I downloaded and installed the latest version of Speccy. The home page displays the temperature of 112-117 degrees on the motherboard ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. H97-PRO (SOCKET 1150) (link to the correct screen Please! Thank you in advance!
  5. This is a false positive and what antivirus is "thehacker" sounds untrustable to me It looks to be flagging one of the language dll files. Can anyone find any documentation on TheHacker? I haven't yet. EDITa: I'm going to do some digging, but usually virustotal should only be taken seriously when there's a majority share of hits. EDIT1: For more information on False Positives: http://blog.virustotal.com/2015/02/a-first-shot-at-false-positives.html EDIT2: Just to follow up on Kroozer's slim suggestion. The dll in question lang-1059.dll is identical in both the portable and slim (and regular) installers. This was confirmed, by me just now , via SHA256 hashing, uploading both versions of the file to VirusTotal and a manual look at the two files using WinMerge. The reason the installer version doesn't flag it is that the dll needs to be compiled before it's apparent to a scanner. To the original poster, while this is likely (as I and others stated) a false positive, as long as you don't need to have ccleaner in Belarusian (language 1059) you can delete the file and all other lang files which you don't need you can find the language codes https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964664.aspx
  6. Open internet explorer and turn off suggested sites It's likely that ccleaner is removing/clearing it but windows recreates dat files as empty. It's probably 5kb in an empty state. If turning off suggested sites doesn't work run analysis in ccleaner find suggested sites in the details. Then right click it and choose exclude.
  7. Yes once they are all ticked, and you've ok'd all the warnings, you should be able to right click and reset
  8. Yes go through all those warnings, without ticking anything else, once all the warnings are gone you can do the right click default thing Wrong url removed Correct support url http://www.piriform.com/contact
  9. I had a thought, they should stop reticking the next one after you've accepted all of the warnings that pop up
  10. The info icon was a bad icon choice on piriform's part. It's just a header icon like the ones above the other sections. As far as your bug on reticking after untick, that's a bit odd. You should be able to right click the icon and choose restore default settings and it should return to only the ones piriform initially had checked when the product was installed. As always, while we welcome your participation in this user-community forum and will happily continue helping you here, I would like to remind you as a purchaser of the Pro version you're entitled to direct priority developer support.
  11. Yes, but I don't know what that reason is; most likely different bits are shown, or maybe photo handling is better in one or the other (though I can't make up my mind on which to give that accolade the one that misinterprets the thumbnail as the image or the one that doesn't show the thumbnail in preview)
  12. Ok I've moved this thread to the mac subforum. Where you may get more help, however this is the user forum (we have very few Mac users). as you have the pro version, you are entitled to priority developer support (for 1 year after you purchase). You may wish to ask your support team http://piriform.com/support
  13. This is an official software user forum and as such we cannot discuss competition software. However, to quickly answer (against my better judgement), image files are made of multiple parts, one of those is the image icon (the small picture you see in tile view in windows explorer). Often times a recovered image only retains that thumbnail, or a currently-non-live file may have once occupied the same drive-space as the now restored file and scrambled the header to the full size image.
  14. Clam is a very agressive anti-malware and will often flag software as infected falsely. As long as you got ccleaner from piriform you should be fine. Probably clam is flagging bundled software (such as google chrome or a vpn software piriform has contracted with) and is alerting you as these bundles are often considered PuP (potentially unwanted programs).
  15. Well, with ccleaner's (unobtrusive) registry cleaner (and especially with other, more aggressive cleaners) one should always practice caution. Please read and follow my signature below.
  16. I was wondering that too, the use of "finder" made me think that.
  17. Wow, that's a huge breach of trust in my very opinionated opinion.
  18. As you have absolutely nothing checked in the firefox and thunderbird sections this can't be ccleaner doing it.
  19. Upgrade your chipset drivers or if there is no update to them you'll have to wait til your manufacturer releases them
  20. Often suggested but it's a no go. These may seem useless to you, but removing them can break future windows updates.
  21. Sessions under firefox and thunderbird, I believe, if you uncheck these the issue will stop
  22. Uh not just similar but I gave the same answer there and the is no such product as "IBackup" it's an obfuscation technique used to protect the antivirus' deep hooks into Windows (hooks other software developers are not aloud to use). I believe the I ties into the intel folder elsewhere in the registry Long and short of it is (as long as you are properly protected from and scanned for viruses) you can safely (99% surety) add that entry to the exclude list
  23. Uh I'm removing your email address. Public displays of email draw spammers to you and the forum itself.
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