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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Nergal

    Open PST file

    While at this time, I personally don't have an answer for you, I've moved this thread to the recuva discussion board where it can be given attention from recuva users.
  2. I've moved this topic to the ccleaner discussion board
  3. Is your xp box only service pack 2 and not sp3? There is a Microsoft hotfix if so (though,honestly there is zero readon to avoid service pack 3 at this point, so I'd rather be suggesting that people install the last service pack...which I guess I just did)
  4. The purchase you made is for access to (zendesk) support from the developers if you go to the above link you indeed will get a response from them
  5. Nergal


    Edge, currently does not list cookies in the cookies to keep section. The developers are currently trying to fix Edge cleaning, uncluding this issue.
  6. In ccleaner's settings turn off all monitoring setting, including keep updated.
  7. Yeah, it's just badly worded. The developers have informed us that "complete cleaning" refers to the multiple pc users at a time cleaning. As far as per user, cleaning is rhe same in pro and feee.
  8. The issue is that (at least) one registry entry that you removed is unable to be replaced. This happens when a user blindly removes all entries instead of small specific removals (e.g. only missing .net references in on removal and activex bits in a seperate one) and removing entries. The advice is my signature would have made this much less likely to happen
  9. did you uncheck filezilla in the applications section before running ccleaner? It's always best to look at the different sections to be cleaned and thoughtfully decide if you want a prpgram cleaned or not.
  10. Uh I meant zero offence to you, and only explained the situation as it is. My emphasis on the word user seems to have the triggering factor, and thus for the use of all capital letters I wholeheartedly apologize. It is not, of course, forbidden to post your opinion nor your frustration. Nor is it insulting for me to inform you that as a paid customer you have the developers' ear more than most here (including moderation staff); that it is a way to get an answer from them faster, and more likely, than it is by posting frustration (and using the second person "you" pronoun) in a user forum which, by design, sees little developer interaction, which was the single fact I attempted to explain in my paragraph about the user forum. My next section was specifically separated from the fact section with opinion tags. By doing so I was stepping away from moderation duty and, like you, expressing my understanding of the bug at hand. I acted with zero condescension nor sarcasm; the latter was not even present in the conspiracy theory section, which is actually my belief but for which I have scant evidence. Again, I meant no disrespect in any of my sections you and I just have different opinions about the ease of fixing this bug. I've no intention of banning you. I have not, nor will I even give second thought to this discussion until the next time somebody posts here. To note I agree it's frustrating that Edge cleaning is messed up I just have respect enough for the developers to assume fixing this is at the top of their list, and if a fix has yet to be found that there's good reason for it. [unfounded guess] It may take until Microsoft adds add-on support before third party software will work properly.[/guess]
  11. Do not defragment SSD they don't fragment like that and have a limited number of write cycles. In short SSD+defragmenting=shorter life for SSD
  12. {Edit: I would think that b}oth palemoon and seamonkey should trigger their parent browser's warning (I believe firefox is the PB for both) is this not the case. if you use customlocation ( http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers ) does it work?
  13. Nergal

    file defrag

    I've removed mention of competition software by name in the above post)
  14. Yes ccleaner cleans maxthon by the section relating to its parent browser. Back in 2014 it was based on internet explorer; whether this is still the case I do not know.
  15. Turn off multi overwrite, it's not very useful. Also use WFS very sparingly as you gain no extra space and wear out your drive's life (especially multiple passes)
  16. Google removed the ability to mount phones as hard drives, sadly you will not be able to use recuva (or other non-specialized recovery software) on your phone
  17. Old thread needs closing. Moderator closed
  18. This is an official software website, so I've removed the mention of competition products in the above post.
  19. My opinion concurs with hazelnut's. Duplicate finder should only be used to remove things like mp3 or pics. With Win10 this is all more so true. There must, as far as your initial question, be something between the "duplicates" you are observing that is, either by ccleaner or reality, perceived as different.
  20. I know on win98 (virtual machine) I had to use version one.
  21. Sadly no recovery program can promise the definite full recovery of previously deleted files. This is true for the free softwares (such as Recuva) and this is true for $500/hour cleanroom recovery.From Wikipedia article on Data Recovery So while recuva might mark something "excellent" this may only indicate that the majority of fragments seem to be in a whole state. Excellent does not means the same as definite.True Example: I reformatted over 40 GB of mp3s on a 200GB hard drive. I immediately ran both Recuva and a competitive software I was able to recover about 1/5 of the data as "excellent" or its equivalent. Between the two softwares (non-concurrent) runs, the scan and recovery took roughly 72 hours. Sadly however about 3/4 of the recovered songs were either too broken to even open or were partial or multiple songs crushed together. However I was successful in regaining a few (1/20th) of my lost I'd say the programs did their jobs.Much of the time a file can be reconstructed (carved https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_carving ) but even this does not always guarantee recovery...nothing can guarantee it.
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