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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. What antimalware product do you use? At what point during the setup does this occur? Edit Does it occur if you use the slim build from http://piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  2. Still hasn't even been a month...me thinks you are impatient at best, or, at worst, unwilling to see that, for some, this is something that, for various entries, happens and has in past versions of both ccleaner and Windows and that it is easy enough to exclude an entry you know is either impossible or impractical to remove. More/constant noise does not make your point any more/less relevant than it was in your 1st post
  3. A lot of the fixes are around wirking correctly with 10
  4. Please leave your and everybody else's politics about 2000 yards outside the door
  5. Wow, so it's using methods the advanced viruses are now using (writing to the firmware on the bios chip).
  6. Also doesn't the mozilla update service run in the background?
  7. Recuva can only detect drives given a drive letter. Most devices (Android, Ios, cameras) only mount as "transfer devices" and not drives. While it surprises me that Windows Mobile only mounts as a transfer device, this does seem to be the case. So I can maybe research for you a little, which phone do you have and is it windows phone 7 or 8?
  8. Sounds like you are right anout the one to uncheck. As far as why it's "barfing" on that entry, it usually is a symptom of Firefox not exiting entirely. After you exit firefox do you see any errant Firefox processes in the processes tab of task manager? Edit: This can also be caused by a corrupt history database, iirc.
  9. To the developers: It looks like, from where I'm looking and in my testing that applications which use trident cause ccleaner to lock on edge clean. My test was done by opening secunia PSI (of all things not working in Windows 10 ) And attempting to clean edge section only. If I clean and PSI is open ccleaner wants to close edge. If I immediately close (manually, not via ccleaner) psi and immediately clean edge (via ccleaner) no edge locked message
  10. Nergal

    old topic

    Let's keep this thread on the subject thanks, this can be discussed in private or at the running windows 10 thread in the software board
  11. Why astonishing when ccleaner comes out on a relatively regular Monthly basis and Win10 was released less than a month ago. The developers read every thread, but rarely comment unless they need more information, as they've not commented it is likely (though not guaranteed by me as I've no actual connection with them) they are looking into what you've put here.
  12. This is the best/correct place to start
  13. Please run ccleaner in debug mode with the command line swith /debug and post the resulting log to this thread
  14. Are you using wipe space? Is the drive an active windows installation?
  15. There is a known issue with edge being skipped (occassionally) that the developers are aware of and, AFAIK working on a fix for
  16. Just to follow-up on Hazelnut's post quoted by Winapp above I had the exact experience, so those yet to install the update may want to expect this to happen. So far I like it. Sometimes edge says it's loaded a page but never gets rendered. And I'm a little unclear on if the internet options control panel (which is also internet explorer preferences) applies only to IE, to Edge and IE or to anything trident based. my major wonder about this are the zone and advanced tabs. Boot up still seems speedier (however I did implement fast boot which I had turned off in windows 8 so that could be why)
  17. An internet forum is not the place to learn a foreign language
  18. It will run defraggler.exe and won't forward to the 64
  19. Yup and hostxpert works on 10 ....maybe better than it did in 7/8
  20. Ccleaner comes out on a regular monthly basis. Not only that but I imagine you think that software developers are magical and just by reading a "bug" can fix it immediately, they aren't. They are human beings. That said I still see no bug here. I see relatively the same exact registry entries I saw in 7 and 8
  21. Don't put the filter in (especially before a scan) as a lot of times a extensions or name may be garbled and so it may not show
  22. I'm sorry but I have to insist that this topic remains focused on ccleaner. Perhaps, you can ask your question in the computer and software section
  23. I mentioned this in Post 130 109 (just getting you back ) (Edited to change incorrect 130 to 109)
  24. No, internet explorer is depreciated. The reason it is even installed is so a user can go to the few sites edge doesn't render well. Now let's do a thought line on that. Let's pretend that forum.piriform.com doesn't work properly in edge. You have already logged into your account here, but because the site isn't fully functional and when it was in internet explorer it did, you press the 'show in internet explore button' on edge. Which of the two would you rather 1) immediately when IE opens the page you can click reply and answer the question I'm asking Or 2) you click reply and internet explore says you aren't signed into the site, and you have to re-enter your username and password. To me, number 1 is preferable. Your post, which suggests Microsoft make them separate, would cause number 2
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