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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Ie = internet explorer Issue = problem you are having. I hope that helps clear my foggy words.
  2. I don't understand what you mean by "is my english good" What I wrote was a plain as I can put it. Polls: I don't think they work at all for anybody. Everything else you describe: sounds like your internet explorer settings are too strict. Go through them and you may find why this is occurring for you on this site. other than that piece of advice, I can think of nothing more, maybe somebody else can.
  3. Ie for win10 uses the same database as edge. The proper way to keep your logins is to go to ccleaner's settings >cookies and moving the sign-ins you want into the cookies to keep panes, then even with cookies checked you will not lose those login cookies
  4. I'm pretty sure polls are disabled on the forum, so that isn't a ie issue. The others sound like issues with zone setup in your internet explorer, try to add forum.piriform.com to safe zone and see if there's any changes. Also try to either add or remove the domain from compatibility view (what windows are you using and what version of internet explorer?)
  5. Nergal


    I don't see what part is confusing/untranslatable but I'll try again Yes ccleaner cleans flash cookies All flash cookies are stored in the same location regardless of which flash is used I have never heard of a stand alone flash player, but I would assume that it too would store in that location
  6. Read some of the other threads it's being worked on, and is only happening to some people. Do you have any windows-ui apps running? While trying to clean?
  7. Nergal


    Stand alone flash player? I've not encountered such a thing, but yes ccleaner cleans flash cookies which are all stored in a single place across all browsers...and I would guess this stand alone player if made by Adobe should also do such.
  8. It attempts to close it then, if it can't, skips it. The developers are currently looking into the skipping that is occurring even if edge does not show in task manager
  9. Sounds like malware to me, and seeing as the first two "how-to-remove" hits in my search engine are on sites with bad rep and the herdprotect sites says the guplayer is a application whose installer pushes adware, I repeat you are likely infected and running ccleaner may have been what was wanted by the infector. Go to one of the trusted sites and get a clean bill of health before we try and figure out anything
  10. Ccleaner is absolutely not a malware remover. Please read rule 10 in the forum rules thread for reputable malware remover help sites.
  11. I don't know and they won't if you don't run a debug. (Edit) For what it's worth, it didn't do that (freeze/crash) when I was on windows =Vista,7, 8 or 10. So it's something with your system. (End edit) What do you mean a copy of it. Also I repeat. If you want a real answer (especially without a debug) use what you paid for and ask the developers via you priority support link. We are just a user forum
  12. Ccleaner, as far as anyone here on the user forum knows, looks at if a registry item is properly tied to a thing. Almost 99% of the time I've encountered recreating registry, in my MANY years of using ccleaner, they were actually tied to a security software. Now ask yourself do you want your antivirus to "properly report" the files they represent? No probably not, so a registry cleaner, even one as gentle as ccleaner, should not be able to remove them nor know what they are by available scanning techniques. My signature say it all in regards to registry. As far as @buffy2 being agressive and shouting fix your program. Maybe you are unaware but this is a user forum. Nobody here, except the bug fixers who pop in when a thread bug needs nore info or steps, but nobody involved in forum threads is employed or even known by face of piriform. We're trying to aid you. there is no need for acting foolish whilst we give you advice, especially when it is advice that has been true for windows and ccleaner (as well as and more so other registry cleaner softwares) has been since at least 06 (The fact that there are now three threads in which im having the same conversation better not be trolling. For now I'll chalk it up to be "new operating system growing pains". )
  13. There is no difference between the cleaning routines of free and pro (main technical difference is multiuser cleaning). However since you have pro you have 1 year of priority developer support, which is much better choice to ask imho. Go ahead reinstall pro, then run ccleaner in debug mode (ccleaner.exe /debug) and keep the resulting log showing the issue you describe (the freeze) and contact them. As far as not using ie. This point is moot, windows itself and many programs use Internet Explorer (and in Win10 Edge) to render themselves, items still accrue in those locations. This is why ie is listed in the system tab as opposed to the application tab with the other browsers. In short internet explorer is more than a browser of the web when it comes to Windows. I've removed the forbes link because I honestly think you may have placed it there accidentally
  14. From tenforums / http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/2267-windows-10-upgrade-installation.html
  15. Vloads, sorry the other two piggybacked into your thread my answer was aimed at their skipped image. Your issue may have something to do with edge or cortona remembering (or maybe Microsoft's servers remembering). I cant recreate this but I've turned off autocomplete.
  16. It's not that registry cleaner is better or worse under Windows 7. The "100% reliable" that you mention was an illusion. You were just lucky not to run into an issue yet or to not notice other recreated regs in your cleaning history. I was giving my registry advice as far back as 06 (xp/vista times) for the same reason, recreated reg entries and broken pcs from blind cleaning. Edit: Also I dont work for Piriform. I'm only a software user like you. However any mucking with the registry requires care and attention. So no, you nor anyone else should not trust ccleaner, or any other registry cleaner, to be 100% accurate with its found entries, that's why when you choose clean you get the box that shows each entry you selected and asks you one last time if you are sure. Again, you get zero performance boost from registry cleaning. If you feel you should be able to have full trust don't use ccleaner's registry tool, or especially any other company's because ccleaner is the most gentle registry cleaner software that I, and many of the regular member/users here, have encountered.
  17. Edge (and probably metro sytle apps) must be fully exited in order for ccleaner to clean it
  18. Only delete registry entries you know you no longer need. Those having to do with uninstalled software (ex: last years tax program) and old versions of updated software (ex: .net 1.1 now that .net is version 1.2) Registry entries you are unsure on leave them, they cause no harm. Conversely, removing entries that are needed can cripple or kill a pc (not something you need happening during these early win10 days especially) As far as individual entries, the members here may be able to offer guidance if presented with entries in question, be they only a few, nobody wants use their freetime parsing a list of many shared dll entries but one or two we may be able Edit Footnote 1: shared dll, in this case does not mean shared by users of a pc. It refers to driver files that applications have placed in system folder in order that they may be used (shared to) other software (including windows itself). Footnote 2: the Too Long : Didn't Read version of my answer is. Leave the registry alone, unless you know what you need to remove. It gains no stability nor speed to clean registry
  19. If a registry entry returns that means it is needed (often these are tied to your antivirus). You need to right click the entry and add to your exclusion list. As always please read my signature in regards to registry cleaner
  20. Actually, I think, the ie11 in windows 10 may use the same databases for cookie/history/cache that edge does...though I may be wrong I'm less than 12 hours into my learning Win10
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