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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I also have no clue what you mean
  2. Wipes chromes history for me fine. Are you signed into google in ypur browser? Often this allows google to store your history online and return it to any chrome instance you are signed into.
  3. Instead of the size fragmented, what % is still fragmented? Have you followed the advice given here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=35458&do=findComment&comment=212223
  4. Ideas about what? you are extremely unclear. "Btw there can be a problem when cc cleans SO in NAPAPI player and not PPAPI" Means what? I realize you're talking about flash but what are you asking/saying. "Clear browser cache. Not much easier than press...in browser." Not understandable, yes ccleaner does not clean more cache than happens within the browser, how could it? Ccleaner cleans other stuff besides browsers, browser are included in ccleaner's junk definitions because it allows a user to clean system/other-program junk at the same time as browser junk.
  5. What is this asking? what is SO? if you don't like ccleaner why are you even posting about it?
  6. The development staff is who will be replying, I'm not so sure what more of an answer can be given to the question "who will be answering"
  7. It is very clear on the defraggler website what the difference is. Under the free version it says "optimized hard discs" Under the first tier (25 dollars) Defraggler Pro it says "optimized hard discs", "automatic updates", "premium support". I would say it's easy to tell that the payment gets you direct developer priority support (as opposed to mostly relying on this the users' forum) and the ability to update without visiting the website. As well, there is no bundled google offers. While this may not seem worth it to you, it was there in plain font for you to see before you press buy and for many who rely on defraggler these benefits are worth the once a year (non-subscription) payments they make for it.
  8. This type of key (beginning with a I) is usually tied to your antimalware software. As you would not want softwares to easily disable your antivirus, it does not register itself as a connected registry entry and thus programs, like Ccleaner, will see it as a registry "issue". Right click it and choose exclude. Then read my signature and perhaps save yourself grief by not cleaning everything suggested by ccleaner, or especially any competitive registry cleaner (not because my personal bias but because it is the most gentle registry cleaner out there, with most others showing more entries and thus are more likely to break a PC when cleaning blindly)
  9. What browser are you using? what windows version? The question "should I use ccleaner" in regards to fixing an issue is a bit of a misunderstanding of what ccleaner is. It isn't a fixer program. Primarily it is a junk file and "last run files" (MRU) remover. As far as whether or not running ccleaner will fix the issue with your particular website/game, there's a chance that removing the cached website or a bad cookie might fix the issue, in which case ccleaner's cleaning might fix it but otherwise it's not a likelihood
  10. I think you should ask the people at tanki as they will best be able to walk you through fixing whatever may be wrong
  11. This is a well known and old issue, however both the user community and the developers are happy you took the time to come here. I can't remember which item that is cleaned by that entry should be excluded but I'm sure some other user/member will come soon and remind us.
  12. The post right above you is a developer, answer his questions
  13. No, sadly recuva, and most other non-specialized recovery software, can not see network attached storage. Drives must be physically attached to the computer and mapped,by widows as a drive letter.
  14. If you don't have this software, and the registry entries are indeed being recreated even if you manually delete them within regedit some program you have needs them. This could be as harmless as a third party media program which you are using (iirc both foobar and winamp are open source so are used as the background program for other media programs). This could, however, also be malicious software which hides itself by using those keys. In this case you need to seek proper computer healthcare. This doesn't, to me, point to an issue with ccleaner as you don't have that software installed so it is indeed an obsolete software.
  15. First, it seems you misunderstood Hazelnut because you provided little more than you did the first post. Now I think I can at least parse a little of what you are saying so let me try FACT 1: you are playing a flash based webgame. This game allows you to login to the creators server so that parts of your game can carry over from the last time you played. FACT 2: Although you have multiple accounts on that creator's server you place a checkmark in the remember me box. Now whenever you attempt to log on with another account you find that the game not only remembers the first account, but won't change accounts. Now if these are correct facts then it is very likely that the flash game uses flash-cookies or browser-cookies. Ccleaner does indeed clean these via the section relating to your browser (chrome, Edge, Firefox, internet explorer) and "Adobe Flash Cookies" which I believe is either under multimedia or internet, but it's listed somewhere on the second tab of ccleaner's cleaning tool.
  16. Incorrect information. Those databases are locked by other programs using the trident renderer (as they have since windows 95) which is the Markup Language interpreter for Edge and before it Internet Explorer. Mostly it's programs which in older windows call internet explorer in the background, the repeatable result I got was by using secunia PSI.As far as why those databases lock while in use, this is best practice for a web browser, and all modern browsers do this. Internet Explorer did it wrong, it kept its cache/cookies/history as many individual files, easily identifiable of the website that they point to; even ie protected and private modes did this, be it to a less permanent location but still there. Now these files are recoded and databased just as Firefox and Chrome do. Internet Explorer in Windows 10 also uses this database (at least cache) so any application which call on IE/Trident to render lock it.Nothing to do with the trolling excuse 'microsoft os is collecting all ur datas' also all uploads to microsoft are easy to turn off, at least in 10 Pro.
  17. All edge instances must be closed, also sometimes a program that is open keeps edge's databases locked. However, in rare instances edge is still skipped even after these methods are followed, the devs are currently looking into this
  18. As I stated above, I'm at the end of my suggestions, and think a format maybe your only recourse, problem is that with flash memory a format may cause the file not to be recoverable :-/ maybe someone else has some suggestions, but I can't think of anything else. also this was the first time you were clear that you were following what I said about recuva (and most/all similar non-specialized software)not being capable of interfacing with cameras). The card sounds like either it is formatted in a non-standard way (usually it should be formatted as Fat32, exFat or NTFS) which causes windows to be unable to mount it; or that the. Card has gone bad.
  19. Does the reader give a drive letter when there is no card in the slot. Are you sure that when you are looking at the camera, in explorer, that you are looking at the card and not the internal camera memory?
  20. They are working on it. Ccleaner regularly is released on a monthly basis so a new version is not expected for a week or two. Whether or not this issue will be fixed then is unknown to the community, and the developers only comment in the forum if they are in need of more data on the bug from users.
  21. No passwords are not, mainly only the cache and maybe cookies are used. Yes it can be properly cleaned, however like everything else, it gets unclean again...no cleaning is really permanent if a program still exists.
  22. So it shows as removable disc E, now you should be able to run recuva on it.
  23. I'm still waiting on you to remove the card fro. The camera and place it in the reader. Your previous post proves to me that it is still in the camera. Also I and other moderators are just users like you, we've no more answers than you do. I'm attempting to provide aid but can only do so much suggesting.
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