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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Uhhhhhh what? None of my instructions were for the includes section. Please read the link I provided. If your questions are in a more general vein, and not related to the original question, then it all depends on what you want removed.
  2. http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsersFor multiple profiles add an ascending number to CustomLocationIni Or registry
  3. Beta os are (as a rule) not always immediately compatible with software (of all kinds) as developers (of any software) need time to create differences (sometimes as simple as upping a hardcoded supported OS version number, sometimes much much more work) and thus piriform has never officially supported beta OS. That said, the developers read all threads and will have noted your concerns. They may not reply, unless they need more information from you, as this is the user forum. As a paid customer you are entitled to a year of priority, direct developer support so you, if you wish, might contact them directly (though I'm pretty certain you'll get a similar answer.
  4. http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers
  5. Sometimes that helps sometimes it doesn't, so all luck sent your way
  6. You'll need to run Regedit directly then (it'll also require admin privilages) In search/cortana type regedit it should come right up Then in the file menu for regedit you can import the reg file You may also want to first look through the reg file in notepad (or favored text editor program) and remove those entries you know you don't want (kinda a mirror image of my signature advice on registry editing)
  7. I found these instructions for your pc to enter BIOS with fastboot enabled (which is likely why you only got the start-up menu) If you get to the start-up menu, can you choose last known good configuration
  8. If you put them in a separate sub-folder, as you said in reply #7, and it ran with no issues, then deleting them should be fine.
  9. Yes, the ISO is most likely just service pack three, as MS does not distribute Windows XP. You need a non-OEM (NOT ONE THAT CAME WITH A DELL, HP, COMPAQ ETC) XP install disc . Pop the disc into the Virtual Machine disc drive and install XP to the machine. You maybe then (I believe) can use the SP3 iso, but perhaps must first run all XP updates and install sp1 and sp2 first
  10. I have a S4 and there is no mass storage mode so I'm not sure how you managed to go into such mode. If disc manager doesn't see it there's not much any recovery program can do.
  11. It's highly unsafe to remove duplicates in some sort of bulk manner. Best to look through each entry and only remove (for instance) one of two mp3s of the same song, or two of the same picture (document, whatever). never remove dll files or executable files or .sys or anything like that. Pretty much follow the spirit of my registry advice (found in my signature below). I've removed your e-mail address. Never, ever, ever post your email address on a public forum, it attracts spammers to both yourself and the forum.
  12. Just to repeat and be clear, there is no way ccleaner could be the cause here, sorry I can't help any further
  13. Yeah, this is what I'm assuming is going to occur, but right now I don't even think cookies can be read in edge via ccleaner, which is frustrating I agree.
  14. Registry cleaner is a separate tool, so you don't need uncheck anything before routine disc cleanup, just don't run the section's remove entries tool. Did you make a backup of the removed entries (per ccleaner's suggestion). If so can you restore it (right click the file and merge in registry, or run regedit and file>import). If this doesn't work, perhaps a system restore point? When cleaning registry it's best practice (window 10 or not, doesn't matter) to follow the simple advice in my signature. There, honestly (especially in the case of MS office 2013) hasn't been any difference between registry cleaning in 10 as opposed to earlier windows, people are just noticing the dangers more with the advent of Win10; my advice has been there since XP, and is the same now as then... In short leave registry cleaning alone unless you are only removing what you KNOW you don't need.
  15. You say you cleaned as you normally would, does that also include using the registry cleaner part of ccleaner?
  16. Not possible. your YouTube subscriptions are stored on a Google server, not your personal devices. Perhaps you have multiple accounts on youtube/google
  17. Nergal

    Free space cleaning

    Free space clearing will achieve no extra space on your drive. Basically WFS (wipe freespace) fills all the unused areas (your freespace) with junk then deletes the junk. While this does not net any extra drive space it makes any (previously) deleted files to be harder/unlikely for recovery.
  18. You are writing on the USER forum. The developers only reply to bug reports which need more information. As you've filed a support ticket, I'm sure they are aware and desperately trying to find a way for edge to be cleaned. I'm also sure you realize, that "a beta copy" of windows 10 was a work in progress (especially Edge) and while, yes, they obviously had a copy and were working with it to ready ccleaner, that doesn't preclude bugs from cropping up, especially as this case is to do with WINDOWS locking the files which need cleaning when in use. Often, as stated above, this is caused by programs other than edge being open while cleaning occurs. Also you have a Pro license, this entitles you to 1 year Priorty developer Support, direct contact with the developers. [Opinion]However it does not mean they can magically make this issue fixed just because you, and others, snap your fingers. My guess is edge cleaning may be much harder to figure out than ie (single files easily removed) or firefox/chrome (database files, like edge, but not heavily integrated into the operating system or dozens of software products). Patience is always a good idea for cleaners when a new operating system is introduced. I'd wager (though have zero inside information) that Piriform development staff is even working with Microsoft on this. [/opinion] [Conspiracy-Theory] Based on moves by Google, the age of cleaning a browser by third party software may be on the way out[/Conspiracy-Theory]
  19. The developers read all threads but rarely comment unless more information is needed. The problem with translation is often two speakers of the same language may disagree on what words to use and some languages use more letters than can fit in the given location. I'm not, in any way, stating this is the case here, but it might be. Google translated to German: Die Entwickler lesen alle Themen, aber selten zu kommentieren, wenn mehr Informationen erforderlich sind. Das Problem mit der Übersetzung ist oft zwei Sprechern derselben Sprache kann auf welche Worte zu benutzen und einige Sprachen verwenden mehr Buchstaben als in der gegebenen Stelle passen nicht zustimmen. Ich bin mir nicht, in irgendeiner Weise, die besagt, das ist hier der Fall, aber es könnte sein.
  20. Iirc you cannot, and never have been able to, use %EnviromentalVariables% in the GUI section for includes. It's always been a matter for ini editing.
  21. She means empty the recycle bin and then run ccleaner. Is it then as slow. What settings do you have in ccleaner (multipass wipe, wipe free space checked, don't ask to close browser are often suspect in slow cleaning). Are all of your browsers closed. try unchecking all Edge settings, is it still slow?
  22. If it runs with them in a separate folder, then it'll run with them deleted. That's how I test things.
  23. Do you have MS search checked off to clean in ccleaner? Have you only run ccleaner's cleaning routine, or did you also do registry. If the latter did you pay attention to what you removed?
  24. I researched a little, and I'm wrong esent errors seem to relate to windows search. I'm not sure why ccleaner is adding those errors.
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