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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. It likely belongs to your antivirus software. Most of the ones that begin with I (capital i) are.
  2. EOLo I don't see a crash in the last one I see a full open and close.
  3. Which OSX version? The free space erase uses Mac's built in utility so knowing the osX version may aid in finding the issue.
  4. Awesome thanks guys, that may help the developers work on this issue
  5. I see a few DMP but no ccleaner debug log showing the crash Will someone please document the crash using debug4 http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/troubleshooting/running-ccleaner-in-debug-mode Also how sure are we (I'm not at all sure) that these crashes, the various people in this thread are seeing, are related? Do we have any actual evidence that they are? Can we also get a post (as a midpoint to this thread) listing the similarities and differences between the different Users/Crashes?
  6. Antivirus program? Windows Version. Can you recreate the crash consistenty, and if so please present a debug report by running ccleaner with the command-line switch /debug For more information http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/troubleshooting/running-ccleaner-in-debug-mode Please post the resulting log (again only one showing the crash, others would be useless) While there have been a rash of similar threads, i'm hesitant to link you to them as, in my opinion, these crashes may be unrelated.
  7. I could be that they haven't been indexed yet, iirc indexing is pretty slow especially on XP
  8. Recovering is saving, do you mean you finished the scan but have yet to recover? Do not disconnect the old drive until the files are recovered (saved) from the old/source drive to the new/destination
  9. Horrible idea, even valid websites have drive-bys attached, No sandbox is perfect and tons of advertising networks have been compromised. Most people who say "none" either haven't been bit yet or, more likely, are horribly wrong about their inflection status
  10. The update message should only be occurring when there is an update (by in large once per month unless a critical fix is needed which hasn't happened in at least a year). Are you saying that, on the free version of ccleaner, that you are seeing multiple update notices per month? That should not be occuring but to aid you we'll need more information. What version number is your ccleaner? Which windows version do you run? Did you get ccleaner from piriform.com? Or are you complaining that you wish ccleaner just downloaded the file and didn't send you to a webpage? The answer to that is long winded so, in case you don't mean that, I won't get into it in this post
  11. Link to what? If you mean oo-software. I still see the link, and I know I didn't remove it. But for future reference, please do more than post a link. as I stated in the post below it, though do you have any links to reputable endorsements of the program? Best I could find was a couple of stray mentions on malwaretips (which, while it's got a green on WoT some of the comments make it seem more likely to push dangerous (not malware, just computer breakingly aggressive registry cleaners and such).
  12. Oops, I thought you were the first mention. However, while you may feel that about browsers only being changed from within the browser, the Original Poster is writing about a feature included in ccleaner and thus needs support for said feature
  13. Ah, well let's leave it there if it is not family friendly and has nothing to do with the topic. (Even in the lounge, people, please don't let things go into the weeds)
  14. How you say what in Austrian? (Also my google app doesn't have Austrian, will German make do?) Welches Wort fragst du, wie man in der österreichischen sagen? (Auch mein Google App nicht über österreichische Sprache. Kann ich ins Deutsche übersetzen, statt ?) (Edited for much better translation)
  15. Nergal

    ublock users

    That's my guess, is that malwaredomains decided that either bilder is, accidentally or purposely, not scanning or uses poor scanning software. And that, when contacted about malware (as I assume is done by a reputable hosts provider), were unresponsive/took no action.
  16. I think this thread got off base with the MSCONFIG part. My guess is that @ident didn't realize that you meant the chrome tab on the start-up tool. The browser tabs are not related to Windows start-up and thus MSCONFIG is not related at all. I'm not a chrome user so I can't help per se,but all of the items you list are made by Google and likely cannot be removed as they are built into chrome. You may wish to look at some of the many de-googled chrome forks (browsers based on chrome that advertise removing Google services) if you wish a Google-free chromium browser
  17. Lol that's why I avoided the card catalog analogy
  18. I'm finding very few reputable endorsements of the above software. While it looks ok from a WOT standpoint I've found very litte about it.
  19. Nergal

    ublock users

    Basically they're stating that because bilder (while seemingly popular amongst European) does not have a good practice of making sure uploads are what they say and that malware domains has in the past and continues to find embedded malware in the images. You may wish to look into more reputable picture upload sites
  20. How about this. The browser is a phone, the search engine is the Yellow Pages
  21. When you type "a name, place name or subject into the browser" it sends the typing (herein query) via http (web language protocol) to the search engine (again, a network of machines databasing a certain subject or the web itself). This is still the browser translating between yourself and the web. Another way to look at it is without a browser a search engine looks like a bunch of noise (you might remember the sound of a modem)
  22. Are you sure they are firefox and not, maybe flash? If you highlight it what icon is shown at the bottom of ccleaner? Also it could be that Firefox is not always completely exited after closing (this can happen if an add-on or feature such as sync is still running) check Windows Task Manager (processes on >W8 or details on W8 and W10) for any firefox or addon container.
  23. Does windows recognize it? What windows version? Please also give the version number of defraggler. Is it a HDD of SSD? Edit (more questions) How is the drive attached (internal, usb (USB1,USB2 or USB3 version of the computer's port) FireWire. What format is the drive (NTFS, ExFAT, other) Can you give a little more detail on "doesn't recognize"
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