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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers Works willa custom Firefox, Chrome, opera and thunderbird
  2. Does custom location chrome not work with vivaldi?
  3. I'll have to look at my setting in it that allows me to see it
  4. Nergal

    New CC

    Same answer you were given the other time you asked (in march this year). 2 or so weeks after the version is released.
  5. Even those precautions can be circumventedhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine_escape http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/05/extremely-serious-virtual-machine-bug-threatens-cloud-providers-everywhere/ Also, our issue was not with you personally not using antivirus, was more the "matter of fact"ness of your initial post. Recall that, previous to your long post describing why you don't, you left the public forum with a post the points toward it being safe to run without AV; whether you meant to or not, you did advise others to also go without protection. If a newbie traveled to this thread to see what "nerds" like us (members with many posts) use as an AV they'd be present with the opinion (in that one particular post) that its safe to do this (they had none of the information that you provided in later posts, nor did we).
  6. Instead of switching of the entire MVPS, use hostserver, or other redirect watcher, to see what entry is blocking the page and whitelist it in HostsXpert
  7. Make sure your old version of ccleaner isn't running
  8. Can it be uninstalled via Windows. I'm pretty sure it cannot. The free and Pro version are relatively the same (free is not hobbled so if free can't pro won't)
  9. Winapp2 is not supported by this forum outside of the thread. The winapp2 file is meant to be a template, and should not be used in whole or (if it is )you have to deal with the time delay as that's ccleaner looking and every entry and checking to see if it is on your pc. Due to forum "rules" for keeping winapp2 troubles to its thread, I've been forced (by myself) to lock this thread.
  10. Chrome or IE not and. Whichever is the parent. I know it used to be IE, but for some reason I think it may no longer be IE (though I very very very may be wrong on that), but iirc it is definitely one or the other.
  11. Either turn off PuP protection, or wait for the slim build in a couple of weeks
  12. The data in the health section is S.M.A.R.T information that is provided directly by the hard drive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T
  13. After a scan type the file type into the search box like *.mp3 And that should show only the files of that type. I think you can do multiple types by using a comma, but I'll have to check that. Also, if I recall correctly, the checkmarks will stay checked even after you clear the filter.
  14. Case fix idea 1: Open control panel Open internet options Go to the advanced page Click reset internet explorer (In case I got steps 3-4 badly worded, follow from my step 2 with step 2 onward from http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-reset-internet-explorer.html
  15. Sounds like you were overzealous in your registry cleaning. Even with a gentle registry cleaner like ccleaner, one should practice extra care in removal of entries from registry for this exact reason. You can't easily fix when you don't know what you removed. Read my signature (and learn to follow it's simple advice), and while you do I'm going to re-read your thread and maybe make some suggestions to get you out of your current circumstance.
  16. Nergal

    Windows 10

    5.02 is very very old, the oldest version to clean edge even a bit is 5.09 (edge cleaning was broken) and it is getting better now. Please install version 5.11 as this was released today
  17. Correct, they do not, except in cases of bug reporting needing more information.
  18. The data provide is the S.M.A.R.T. data More here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T
  19. @Rodster please keep all your answers limited to Piriform software, as this is an official piriform user forum. I've removed you paragraph suggesting other developer's software.
  20. The developers are aware of the issue, and a new version in eminent (likely in the next few days) so a fix may be in the works (though I have no inside information past educated guessing). Edit: Lol. I guess I'm a little late on that, new release was today. Can everyone try 5.11 and report back
  21. Ask not why developers do things, for their way is mysterious and unknown to us all
  22. The issue here seems to be happening to those trying to update from a version less than 5.09 to 5.10 is this also your case?
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