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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. speccy is currently broken on win 10 64 bit. Devs are working on a release soon
  2. Recuva can only detect drives which windows gives a drive letter. Android removed this ability many versions ago, so it is not possible to recuva an Android device
  3. ha yes, I knew somebody had tried this, I couldn't easily find it at the time. And, of course, you are correct I was not suggesting this as a permanent solution, but something to get users by while, as I suppose, the developers work on it
  4. See my reply where you posted before. Also, again, you have speccy pro you can speak with the developers directly (I.e. Not in the user forum, where they do not reply unless they need more information on a bug). As you've found the thread about this already, I've closed this thread.
  5. If you have the paid version, you can use your priority support account and may get an answer from them. I've attempted to get somebody to try the method I stated, but nobody has.
  6. Recuva can only recover from drives which windows can see and assign a drive letter to. Where do you see that ext4 is supported, I tried to look but saw nothing Ok found the ext4 mention in the april 2015 release of 1.52 However, I'm not sure how this is achieved, but I believe a third party ext4 for windows driver is required.
  7. Super cookies are not flash cookies, but flash cookies can makeup part of a "super cookie" Super cookie is a term where a site places multiple types of cookies so as to remain tracking. To answer both questions posed here: yes, ccleaner cleans both flash cookies (and has forever; you can find the check box on the second tab "applications" under adobe flash) and other locations of super cookies for nearly the entire time that this cookie method has been known of.
  8. This is a known issue. It is with the 64 bit speccy (or more specifically the embedded cpu-z64 within speccy), if you delete or rename speccy64.exe and run speccy.exe you should not get a bsod and/or forbidden use of the program. While I lack inside information, the developers read all threads and I am sure they are working on the problem.
  9. While the developers read all threads, they don't comment in the user community forum. As for your suggestion, I don't have any comment on it. Maybe other members might but it's not a controversial suggestion so I don't think you'll get much more discussion than a +1 type post.
  10. actually, that'll only give a small picture of it as that will only show the files cleaned and not the registry entries (such as recently opened documents). As far as 2016, the following is the rule that ccleaner's latest (as of the date on this post: future readers) version cleans FileKey1=%AppData%\Microsoft\Office\Recent|*.* FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\MSOIdentityCRL\production\temp|._sync FileKey3=%AppData%\Microsoft\PowerPoint\Sync\Temp|*.* FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\WebServiceCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\OfficeFileCache|*.* RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\File MRU RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\File MRU RegKey3=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\Place MRU RegKey4=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\File MRU RegKey5=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Place MRU RegKey6=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Publisher\File MRU RegKey7=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\File MRU RegKey8=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\Place MRU RegKey9=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\OneNote\RecentNotebooks RegKey10=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\User MRU RegKey11=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\User MRU RegKey12=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\User MRU RegKey13=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Publisher\User MRU RegKey14=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerPoint\User MRU Source thanks to @Winapp2.ini http://www.winapp2.com/winapp.iniAll of the MRU regkeys are your most recently accessed files
  11. Speccy64 is suffering a bug caused by the 64bit CPU-Z embedded in it. If you delete speccy64, from the speccy folder, does threshold still block it?
  12. Winapp2.ini is a general file that a user can add rules for cleaning, see the explanation link in my signature. I assume you are posing a question about the community template, which is submitted to the stickied thread at the top of this board. I'm not quite sure what you are asking though. Maybe expand a little on your question.
  13. Me am Stupid There's a second screen of Prefs in Hostserver "on Site Blocked" I've never gotten HTML or IMAGE to work, but make sure there's a checkmark in both Activate Log and Include Referrer Holy Cowstuff I was many version behind I'd missed all these updates to All, sorry I hijacked the Hosts thread, but on the other hand, this Program (along with my oft mentioned HostsXPert) is crucial to my host management and finding why x-y-or-z website isn't working, and deciding whether it's worth it to whitelist a blocked host Edit2: I also have a Scheduled Task set to run The Control panel at login, i've attached it Hostsservertray.xml
  14. Sometimes for me norton/symantec are slow to start, and windows firewall/defender activate, but never long enough for a firewall permission. Weird. I look some more, maybe I have it running as windows 7 or something (I know that the run as current user is the only setting that worked, run at any user didn't)
  15. Me too, now I want to format something fat12 and see if windows64 can even read it
  16. Wait what? http://pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/partSizes-c.html
  17. here's my prefs for @nikki605 hope it helps
  18. Um, you'll have to talk to the companies that create the forum software and php programming language and your e-mail provider because 1) I, for one, don't always see it wrong 2) You made no reference to this you just pasted it like we're mind readers 3) it has nothing to do with this thread. Maybe it should be a comment in a thread to the admin staff, though even then, see my main point of who would be able to fix this and see the Admin of this site is not listed there. 4) why would it matter what the e-mail looks like? I promise you that things look even worse on tapatalk, android app, as it doesn't show quote and code as differentiated from regular text and I've never thought to post a screenshot with no information about it, lol Sorry I'm maybe taking this a bit more serious than I intended...I'm off to get some sleep
  19. No I understand what you did, I don't understand why copied the post notification e-mail in whole, or even at all.
  20. @CSGalloway I don't understand your post, it looks like you just copy pasted the post notification email that anyone gets when it a thread is subscribed to. What was the point/question you're attempting to make? Edit: it looks like also that you didn't notice took back his entry that you quoted, as it broke things
  21. Then it's likely the answer to both is "no". So my next question is what antivirus software do you use?
  22. Well there you go, you have your answer, bitdefender is preventing its removal. Run analysis in ccleaner, then double click temporary system files, find that/those file(s), right click it/them and add to excludes
  23. Do you run winapp2 file or other ccleaner "enhancing" software?
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