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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Honestly, we can't really give legal advice here. There are too many factors in play, including the jurisdiction where the alleged crimes occured. In general recovery can occur on even the most sophisticatedly cleaned PC, depending on how much time, money and effort the law enforcement agency is willing to put into it. At most, your lawyer/counselor could argue that ccleaner is a junk cleaning/space freeing software that could be on any number of the jurors'/judges' computers and is used, by its userbase, primarily for non-nefarious purposes.
  2. Old thread closed, ccleaner now includes a duplicate file finder
  3. Because that's how skipuac works. It creates a task that watches for the trigger of speccy.exe being clicked and runs appending arg0 (run as highest privilageh
  4. I used to have a similar bug on my Galaxy S4 with tapatalk. If you reboot the phone does the icon show? Is it, maybe, on another page on the home screen? Could you also reply with your phone model and ccleaner version. Just to make sure you don't see the following anywhere on the homescreen?
  5. @Lozlo I had to edit your post. We are an official forum for piriform software, and etiquette would be not to mention competition software in the public forum.
  6. Where did you find these command switches? I've been here a while and I've never seen half almost all of these; the only ones I know are the ones listed on your first link
  7. Internet explorer and chrome have nothing to do with the issue, @Willy2's advice still holds for you
  8. Since it is a different problem please open a new thread instead of piggybacking on somebody else's
  9. Looks like a corrupt recycle bin. Try this http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42673
  10. I believe those are no able to be disabled as they are all basic chrome/google-app components
  11. I don't know that windows mobile yet allows for the type of cleaning that ccleaner does (though may be wrong about that, I've not had winphone since win7)
  12. Or realize people need to eat and unclicking install google chrome is a small inconvenience for you which keeps ccleaner free for you to use
  13. @CSGalloway are those common files? Are they created by a particular program? Sounds like their something that you, in particular, do manually but maybe I am wrong
  14. Really, read what you said. You volunteer here, so do I so does winapp2. None of us are without time conflict. He helps, as do I, many people here as well. This does not change the fact that this is a template. If you want entries in your file before he "releases" the TEMPLATE then you can add them to your file; what on earth makes you reliant on his posting the file to his website which he kindly (again) volunteers to do.As for my "attitude" I'm a moderator, thus I am moderating. If you see this as an attitude, I realllllllllllly do not care. How does your pushing for a man, who has a life just like this rest of us, to work faster and harder than he possibly is able to, and my calling you out on it, become a problem with MY attitude? (Deflection much). My assumption is that most of your problem with my so called attitude is because I constantly call out my opinion on entries, not just submitted by you though perhaps you may feel it is. You and I have gone over this before, both in PM and (I believe) publicly in this thread.I do my best to make it clear that, when I point to a entry as not being a good fit for ccleaner, it is just an opinion and not a mandate that something not be added; to me, that's the opposite from what you mean by my "attitude problem". You take things personally, I'm just doing my volunteer job moderating.Again how is you being pushy a reflection of my "attitude problem". Nobody says to you to hurry with submitting entries, why should winapp2 be any different, except his compiling the ini actually takes longer than any action you or I take in this thread, so he should have more leeway should he not?Lastly, it's probably best if, next time you want to call me out for doing my job, you write me a PM include a second moderator to moderate between us. If you call me out in public again I will, again take it apart publicly as I did this time.
  15. dude, he works, does school and has holidays; why do you have to be so pushy about his releases, much less ask him the day of the ccleaner release as if he's 1)got no other life and 2) has some sort of pre-release version of ccleaner to work off of. Neither 1 nor 2 is true so chill
  16. I'll try and get the developers attention for the late jan release, sorry they didn't get to it.
  17. I believe the checkbox named "Mozilla - Session" is the one causing your issue. Go to the second tab in ccleaner's cleaning section and uncheck this entry then surf some, close firefox with the tab open and clean only the firefox section (right click the firefox header in ccleaner and choose clean)
  18. But your understanding, as you've presented it above, is quite limited and I've seen no proof these file should be removed at all, let alone be considered to be junk files safe for cleaning regularly. While my vote counts for no more/less than anyone in this thread/forum, I vote these not be added
  19. See edit above for second link.
  20. They also contain the hash to compare the install of update and make sure the update recieved has the same make-up as the update sent by microsoft and pulled from multiple internet machines by default in windows 10, thus p2p as mentioned in the link you provided. Again Microsoft says anything remove from the \installer folder could/will break update and/or Windows Add/Remove Programs Please read and take seriously the following links https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2667628 http://blogs.technet.com/b/joscon/archive/2012/01/18/can-you-safely-delete-files-in-the-windir-installer-directory.aspx
  21. My guess is the hash are not safe to remove as they may break Windows Update and/or future updates.
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