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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. it is against the license to download without arriving on the piriform website (except for the other officially sanctioned websites). Direct download of the software is not allowed (and can easily end up causing you trouble). The developers have been informed of choclatey's infraction, however I believe this is not related to your issue so once you have confirmed the ccleaner that is downloaded from piriform's website (by you, not 3rd party software) still causes your issue we can actually work on that.
  2. Chocolatey sounds like it's breaking piriform's license. Please ONLY download via official website or authorized dealers (such as file hippo)
  3. If you blindly remove all in registry scan you do face a large chance of deleting something important. Follow the advice in my signature (the text below this post)
  4. While I have moderated the name of competition out, I won't remove this thread as it's an oft asked question and deserves an answer. I have made generic the opposing product, and locked/stickied the thread. However I hope, fellow moderator, @Andavari will chime in because his explanation of the why of this is much better. Basically it comes down to this. Cleaning the registry, using any cleaner, is an action that can cause great damage to a PC. Cleaning programs must attempt to identify a registry entry and whether it is still in use by a computer; they rely on the developers of other programs following a programming etiquette that agrees with the method of identification. This (for any registry cleaning method) can result in a number of false postives, removal of many of which may cause the afore mentioned PC breakage. Ccleaner tends to be regarded (by the internet at large) as a (arguably the most) gentle registry cleaner; while it still does have false positives, they number much fewer than other x-brand registry cleaner software. While you may see fewer results, it is more likely to be actual results as opposed to many that you may actually need. Also it's likely that some of the items x-brand lists are cleaned in the junk cleaning section of ccleaner (traces, recently used documents, etc).
  5. Please do NOT suggest non piriform tools, this is an official website for recuva
  6. Depends on the time, money and effort spent on recovery. With recuva it's likely you may see this file(s) as red; you can attempt to recover them but will be unlikely to get a perfect file. It also depends how and with what you overwrote the file with
  7. As strong a feeling I have on this subject, we try to keep non-political on the forum; with regrets, I'm locking this before it begins.
  8. You can also mount vhd as a hard drive http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/566-virtual-hard-disk-create-attach-vhd.html Aldo, since you made a VHD in recuva, is it safe to assume you have Recuva Pro? If so, don't forget you have direct to developer priority support so you don't have to rely on the guesswork of us, the userbase
  9. Are you on vista or newer windows? If so ccleaner already should request Admin privileges (UAC popup)
  10. Maybe maybe not. Uncheck all winapp2 entries, run cleaning check off one (most likely suspect first) winapp entry and clean again. Repeat one at a time until you confirm which entry it is.
  11. This is NOT the place to ask about competition software, please do this elsewhere. Thank you.
  12. Yes ccleaner always needs elevated privilages to run, portable or not There is not any cleaning differences between installed and portable.
  13. no, too comprehensive and over reaching...not everybody has each of those drives...not every file with those names should be held equally
  14. If your browser was open when you open the cookies window, this may account for the appearing disappearing
  15. Pro is limited to one location (can be used as a portable). As far as differences, to the best of my knowledge, outside of auto-update I don't believe there's any major ones.
  16. Lol thanks /me am bad moderator hee hee
  17. Did you check on xp (or does localappdata translate correctly on XP? It's been a while since I was around an "ancient one" )
  18. Are you sure they aren't tied to any number of AISeesoft software out there? However filekey 3 realllllllllllly does need to be removed so good catch there.
  19. Currently a bug is in ccleaner with the latest chrome, this may be the issue here.
  20. I know current build of chrome severely broke ccleaner for windows, it is possible the same may be true on the Mac. The developers are looking into the PC issue, and read all threads so they should also see this. However, just in case, make sure you have fully exited chrome before cleaning.
  21. The have already stated that the are working on a fix, I'm not sure where all the vitriol is coming from in this reply above me. It feels a bit trolly when you type replies like those of @Question42. @billiam904, on the other hand, makes a good point, about you users having "done your jobs; without this community all coming together, to show that this bug wasn't the usual fixable issue (which @Question42 would have known if they had bothered to have read the thread) it may not have given the developers the information they needed to call it a bug. So a big hand to all of you who've replied civilly here, those of you should be proud of yourselves.
  22. The developers read all threads. They rarely will interact unless they need more information. That said, I would not mess with things inside apps, especially MS Solitaire as that program is known for breaking (read some of the reviews). However the developers do (as I said) read every thread so you may see this added.
  23. Upgrade to professional will not fix this. Android 3.X and newer only mounts as Photo Transfer (PTP) or Media Transfer (MTP) device. Recuva, and most other likewise software, can only access devices that mount as Drives (e.g. Memory Sticks, Hard Disc Drives , Solid State Drives and the like).
  24. File Hippo has all the old versions of defraggler, if you follow the download links from piriform.com one of the choices is file hippo.
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