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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Already exists http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-add-your-own-program-for-ccleaner-to-clean See http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=32310 For many already made by the community, thus lessening your work perhaps As far as firefox light This may work http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers
  2. So it seems the result is don't remove rules you aren't comfortable are invalid. Ccleaner (all registry "fixers") is just making educated guess as to which is valid or not, it is up to the user to know. Please read my signature below this post
  3. There are safe methods of getting non-paid apps for those who don't have google play (whether by choice or country restriction) While, I won't name the site, it is well regarded by many developers on XDA and checks by hand that the version they have is cryptographically signed the same as the playstore version. Think of it as a Mirror download site for APKs.
  4. A rather good guess would be "when they have a routine that is functional and complete" and likely not before that, unless it's a moving target like Microsoft Edge.
  5. As far as I can tell (though it's only based on observations on my own pc) it means the latter one that from then on the locked browsers will be skipped anytime. You can of course test this and then make the warning come back if you don't like the results by using the ccleaner options section where it allows hiding warnings (not on pc currently so I can't tell you exact location in options, sorry.
  6. Huh? Sdk for what? Speccy isn't an operating system, nor does it have any API for plug-ins. It is only a System Specs Interpreter (mostly access through the WMI service the OS provides)
  7. What about a scan for non-deleted files? (Sorry to butt in a it's just a guess but...) However, usually if a file isn't pasted it just stays in the same place (I thought, but maybe not in the middle of a paste IDK)
  8. if you download/install the free version (from the download page) over your pro version it will stay registered as the pro; however, it may be better to get at the cause of the download stall. This is a forum made up of volunteers, and by buying the pro version, you are entitled to priority support from the developers by contacting them through the support site. However, if you'd, for whatever reason, like to continue here in this thread we, forum members, may be able to suss out the reason.
  9. Nergal

    skipped files

    Yes, you need to make sure firefox is fully exited. sometimes mozilla maintenance service or a badly written plug-in keeps Firefox running in the background, so you'll need to check the processes or details tab of your task manager, then kill any errant firefox or plugin container processes.
  10. Not redundant. Ccleaner can't handle entries with equal names. Thus as firefox entries and thunderbird entries would share names the software name is necessary.
  11. Moderation staff pointed the devs to this thread, keep up the good work reporting issues
  12. because ie switched from pure file to partial database format for its junk
  13. Good catch, and that's why I started this thread so patterns (and there are likely to be many separate ones) can be spotted where they would be missed when placed in seperate threads.As far as why it hasn't been fixed, there may be multiple reasons, the least of which could be that it's unfixable and caused by the way that chipset communicates the information to to WMI service which then reports to speccy.
  14. Again this would still allow for bios, as bios is before hard drive mountAlso OP please read (para-quoted from toshiba website) A note on the first paragraph: disconnect all peripheral devices, not just keyboards. You can assure full shut down by pressing and holding the power button until you hear everything click/whrrr to a stop.
  15. Registry can't touch bios interaction, it is a Windows only features, while bios runs on your cpu chip. So it is highly unlikely that ccleaner stops you getting to BIOS. That said, ccleaner doesn't have a "thing" (by which you mean intended action). Upon analysis, it suggested one or more POSSIBLE registry issues. The program, not being sentient, then requires input from the user; in this instance an ability to read the entries and uncheck items (see my signature for more of an idea what to check off or not) . Upon doing that (or instead of taking that action) the user then must consciously press the clean button where they are AGAIN presented with an ability to go through and reject some of the cleans. Again, without sentience, the program has no intent and thus leaves the conscious decision to you to either read through them or (with the programmer's intent that you had already done so after analysis) press fix all. Ccleaner did not break the windows part of your computer your anticipation of an outcome not in the design lead to it. But, again, that isn't relevant at this point as you can't get into BIOS which means there is more in play here than just registry cleaning
  16. No there isn't, and it wouldn't be useful, just mounting unmounting a drive can be enough to change the store of removed data.
  17. This is windows fault not piriform's. It is an issue plaguing many developers' software, not just hardware specs but vpns and others too. Edit more: I re-read your post and you seem to understand my reasoning quite well already, so I decided to expand my answer a little more. Think of it like the warnings in American pharmaceutical advertisements. Even if a drug does not actually cause some of the side effects, they must be announced because one or more subjects in clinical tests reported said side effect. Similarly, because of the Windows insider program, some applications pop-up with difficulties; especially during upgrades and "big updates" (aka service packs ). With speccy, it was the embedded CPU-Z headless app in the 64bit speccy that set off alarms. CPU-Z (gui) was also pulled as were, as I said, a couple of VPN applications. Why they have yet to un-blacklist or cease pulling it off computers (seemingly at random and only installed versions) and why they don't inform users that the program is in windows.old and provide an easy GUI way of restoring and whitelisting applications is, as I said, in the hands of Microsoft.
  18. Guys please, remember that talk of compatibility with other programs is not supposed to occur on open forum. We are an official site, and while I, personally, think it's great that our cleaning rules are helping users who, for whatever reason, choose to use ccleaner (imnsho the best of its class) to clean their PC, I'm going to ask that we not mention that here anymore. Thanks. For anyone waiting on the new version I have an idea. Take the entries you feel you need added, copy them and paste them in your own file. There no need to wait on anyone else. I'm beginning to believe that some of the complaints are coming from people who may not be grasping the point of this thread and file. Let me then, again, lay it out for you: The entries provided here are for PERSONAL USE winapp2 files. This thread and Winapp2.com are allowed some lee-way by ccleaner's developers because the creation of community entries reduce the amount of redundant work an individual would need to go through to create entries for applications that they use. Yes we all got used to a regular release schedule, but that is not guarantee of future versions, nor does that make winapp2 your monthly slave (as unpaid workers are known). If you want an updated file in your ccleaner, then update your file.
  19. How many ways do I have to say the answer, in this particular thread, before you realize an answer is given. So far proof has been that this is an issue within Edge and not ccleaner. If anybody has proof to disabuse me of the belief that your edge is not at fault, feel free.
  20. you've never been able to completely wipe a live windows system drive. Think about it logically Ccleaner is doing the wipe To run ccleaner on Windows you must be in a Windows session. How can ccleaner wipe not only its own existence (if it runs from the c drive) and the universe in which it resides (Windows Operating System) Free space is any space on the drive that is not being used by live (non-deleted) files. So any previously deleted will be overwritten. This is something you would want to do before "returning the PC to the company" Here would be the Routine I suggest for return assuming you want no data of yours to be given to them (I'm assuming "the company" is giving the PC to another user after you) 1: Reinstall windows as a clean install wiping out all old data (depending on the Windows version this is called multiple different things on the windows installer). 2: Defragment the Windows (Windows defragmenter will work fine, or Defraggler portable if you prefer) 3: download to a memory stick or external drive ccleaner portable 4: Wipe Free space, one secure overwrite with MFT option enabled should be enough to thoroughly make your computer safe for resale/reassignment
  21. what same problem? An overwritten file? If so the straight forward answer given should be enough for you, did you have some further query about the overwritten file?
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