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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. It can and has been, but ...
  2. mta, do you have any definite proof of losing multi-user clean? 'Cause all you did was point to your own post in another thread.
  3. The cleaner doesn't remove the program. It removes junk created by the program. After running analysis, you can double-click any entry in the right hand pane and see the detail of what junk files are to be removed.
  4. The annual nature of the ccleaner pro license covers priority support and automatic updates; I don't believe (and as of the last time the developers clarified this to us moderators a few years ago) the other added feature of Pro (the ability to clean multiple users) gets disabled, but maybe somebody who has let their license lapse can better answer that part.
  5. or is it that you have defraggler set to ignore pagefiles? Just checking, also try not to reference competition that's why I pm'd you
  6. Cool keep us advised and let us know how it went
  7. Exit ccleaner and check task manager (perhaps you have monitoring turned on and didn't realize).Norton and MB are fine they are not the ones pulling ccleaner
  8. No this has do do with ccleaner still running when you run the setup, or your user not having the permission to write to c:\program files (such as trying to run the installer without administrator privileges). The only other cause (that I know of) of this is that your Antivirus program is grabbing it. Would you mind letting us know which Antivirus software you use (there are a few specific softwares that do this to ccleaner)
  9. Settings > Monitoring
  10. 1 - it's very easy to choose to uncheck google install from within the installer. If you like free software, you have to deal with the monetization of bundled ware. This is not "trojaning" nor is it difficult to remove the Google if you accidentally missed the uncheckable install. 2 - Granting that you got ccleaner from an authorized source (piriform.com or file hippo) there is zero way that only installing ccleaner (or only running analysis) would cause any of the issue you describe. Did you, by chance run any cleaning routines? I'd wager your answer is "yes, I cleaned and used the registry section" but I'll wait for your answer to confirm/deny this.
  11. MacOS is not a version. It is the brand of Operating System, version would be (for instance) 10.11 "El Capitan" See release history https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X If you instead mean macOS 10.12 "Sierra". Piriform does not support beta operating systems (especially this early in their lifecycle, it has literally been out 3 days), you will need to late til it is released (and likely a little longer after that)
  12. Perhaps be a lot more specific. First what version of OSX? What version of Ccleaner (don't say latest, that means nothing, give a version number) Did you get ccleaner from piriform? Did you make sure you downloaded the Mac version and not the PC one?
  13. No change in program, maybe the new installer
  14. The file (and many of the files ccleaner removes) recreates itself when delete. The benefit of this is that the file (in your case your logs) is empty (no entries in the log). Thus ccleaner is doing its job, as is windows
  15. This occurs if edge, or any program that uses edge's renderer, is running at the time of the clean. Many "Windows Store" apps run using edge, as do many (traditional) Windows applications.
  16. Nergal

    1 video

    is the pic in the previous post a mockup? Because the font looks quite suspect. Can you show us from an old version (you can find them at file hippo)
  17. Nergal


    Wipe entire drive will erase everything including windows itself. For logical reasons (being that one cannot delete files one relies on to run the deleting software) you can not wipe the entire drive which is running windows at the time. However, wiping an entire drive (from inside a different pc) will leave the drive completely blank and would require you to reinstall windows from its CD
  18. maybe windows index service, maybe antimalware scan; hard to tell per se. and I could be wrong, but it's been my experience that just having a mounted drive could be enough
  19. Nope, this is a windows thing. Windows begins refragmentation immediately even as a drive is being defragged (whether with defraggler or anything else)
  20. Nergal

    1 video

    Huh, can you better describe what the actual issue is? Previous it was 2 video? What does that mean, that ccleaner used to show both your cards? I don't believe it ever showed me both, just the currently active (one rendering the program I believe)
  21. No, ccleaner is not creating these (or any) files. Ccleaner uses a identify and remove techniques with hardcoded locations from which it detects if a software is there or not. If the detected location is found then a hardcoded set of disc locations and registry entries are removed directly; they are not moved to any temporary location first.
  22. Safari (for windows) is highly out of date. Will never be updated again and has been abandoned by Apple. If anything has let security lapse on your machine, it's still allowing that browser to remain on your pc. Internet Explorer/Edge are used by any number of applications, as well as windows by itself. Uninstalling updates for the browsers is definitely not the way to go as, again, you open yourself up to malware attacks. As far as AVG warning constantly, that sounds a bit like you've a Malware problem (some combo of Trojan and open backdoor perhaps) you really should immediately 1) cease using Safari 2) visit a Qualified Anti-malware website such as those listed in item 10 of https://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showannouncement=15&f=4
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