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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. If you run the 32 bit on a 64bit machine, it will automagically hand over to the 64bit exe
  2. Well that would be why you get no results. You need to enable the winapp2 entries you want to keep, afaik, before running trim
  3. Hi, we don't really use the name of the greyware you mentioned so I placed our usual name for it into your post. However afaik the TRIM function you speak of is trim.bat. do you have items in your ccleaner checked off from the winapp2 file Could one of the entries in your winapp file lost one of its brakets "]"? because we have a lot of entries with the word "more" in them and I see that is the command you say MSDos is "barfing on" Please copy the output of your command prompt which shows the error. Have you attempted to open a command prompt as admin and open the bat from within the CMD.
  4. I did read it, and described what I read, which you confirmed. As I said, while they may be popular policies, it by no means the removal is all of them.
  5. Maybe I'm misreading this, but it seemed like the article was only stating that some policies were being retired (a very normal action between OS versions); granted they're probably quite popular GP branches, but it didn't sound like it was the entire GP (perhaps I misread it though)
  6. @pinero9053 i'm giving you the benefit of doubt and not banning you, but it sure looks like you made 2 meaningless posts in order to post your links. Try to do better, or be considered a spammer. K thx bye
  7. I literally just said in the post before yours I didn't want the link to zipfix in the forum until proof it's a safe site. I've again removed the link. Edit: Especially as there are now at least 3 different links to this software and all are different. I also removed the 2 links above The first is a single (spammy) answer on a reddit (where anybody can post) And the other is instructables and the references come from 2 different (again spammy) responses (that anybotty(sic) can post) To the original poster, I'd follow the advice given by moderators (and long time helpers like MTA) before attempting to find/use the (seemingly spammy) fixtoolbox zipfix. I welcome, reputable, information to make me trust these posts, but I've yet to see it.
  8. Nergal

    Slim version?

    it's not like they are malware, they are normal programs which, if accidentally installed, can be removed in the normal way (control panel/Win10 app-settings screen/ccleaner uninstall section
  9. Nergal

    Slim version?

    But what would be the point, if the newest ccleaner is already installed (spoiler....none )
  10. Nergal

    Slim version?

    Version of installer? I believe it's in the name of the installer. As I said, in the program (ccleaner) there's no slim vs. Non-slim
  11. Nergal

    Slim version?

    Slim only refers to the installer. It only means that the bundled wares (Google Chrome or Toolbar, or some VPN software iirc) aren't in the installer.
  12. Also check to see if the at&t cookie is a flash cookie
  13. Yes, what you should have done was simply uncheck save to ini file, then it would have place your settings back into the registry. Save setting to ini is the first step toward portability or allowing multiple users to use the same settings. It transfers settings from the user's registry (hkcu) to a file. Depending on your os, shadow copy (for the ini)or system restore (for the registry) may retrieve your settings, but I would not wager on it.
  14. Why would it have, as he said there is no current support for Sierra, there likely will be when it is not beta.
  15. Nergal


    In ccleaner options (either first tab or advanced tab I don't remember) is "only deleted temp files more than 24 hours old" (not sure if 24 or 48 sorry) enabled or disabled
  16. Because, the given name is enough if the OP wants to follow-up on it, but the link, with it's unknown qualities (which I clearly spelled out) seems sketchy enough for me to consider it unsafe to have the link here on public forum. If you can provide me some proofs that it is safe, I'll allow you to repost it.
  17. Open windows task SCHEDULER there should be an on-demand ccleaner task, check that all the settings are correct, my guess is that it's pointing to an invalid location (but may also needed to be set to run as the wrong OS or a couple of other small inconsistencies)
  18. If it makes 1) your job easier and 2) makes the file smaller in MB, then I'm for it.
  19. Nergal

    Files gone

    I've removed your link. The website is not one of our approved malware links (and seems to be embroiled in a webratings war, so I couldn't really verify it's safeness). However it is NEVER advisable to use ccleaner to cleanup possible malware infections for the very reason you describe. Immediately go to bleepingcomputer or another reputable site (we list them in rule 10) and get disinfected.
  20. Idk = I don't know thus, to repeat myself , I have no clue if that's possible. I don't use chrome, but since one can tell Google's phone not to track/sync webtracks I'd assume they might place such in their PC browser.
  21. I removed the link in the post above, not enough public information exists about the linked site (no WoT, not many links outside set-up posts). Sorry if it's legit, but it sure doesn't look like it.
  22. I believe it's temporarily stored in the ccleaner directory and deleted when finished installing
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