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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Actually, just from your description, it sounds like Microsoft forbids the command line extra arg0 which allows a program (any program) run as administrator without asking. For security reasons alone this is a good thing otherwise a malicious remote actor could execute root level access after a simple exploit of the task scheduler to create arg0 tasks. Sadly the only way to skipuac is via arg0 That said you could test my theory (I no longer have a computer I can remote into to test myself) by running ccleaner64.exe from commandline with the arg0 extra remotely. And see if it runs
  2. Nergal

    ext4 recovery?

    Ok, I'm not sure why it didn't for you. Hmm, does windows see and assign a drive letter to the drive?
  3. Nergal

    ext4 recovery?

    Last I checked recuva didn't do ext4 but that may have changed.
  4. The good is to use filters and only remove files such as docs, movies, pictures or music which might be duplicated. One should NEVER do anything like registry or duplicated or system file removal EVER without knowing and deciding. How would a relatively simple small application be able to make logic leaps you yourself are unwilling/unafraid to do. It has no idea what might be a good or bad file. To even begin being able to do that, it would need an ever evolving huge database; think in terms of your antivirus' daily definitions and MB - as big as or bigger than ccleaner itself - sized files containing them. And still, in all honesty, I wouldn't suggest running blindly if it were to hold such a database. Stand alone duplicate finders don't even know what they are doing without user "knowledge", why should a second-thought tool in a junk cleaning tool? Note, this is just my opinion, I'm not saying anything but my own thoughts on the post above
  5. Thanks, the developers read all threads, I'm sure they'll fix this.
  6. What is the actual issue? Should Oké be changed to OK?
  7. Phones don't tend to mount as drives (with a letter assigned). They mount as Media Transfer Protocol devices (MTP) or Photo Trasfer Protocol devices (PTP). Recuva and most free competition software require a drive letter mount.
  8. Part of me thinks this is set-up spam However, I'll play along. What, exactly, is the major function of the computer in your life (i.e. gaming, writing, e-mail, web, netflix, etc etc)? Would you be interested in a laptop, a desktop all-in-one or are you set on a tower? Why, I'm just wondering, would you choose this forum as a place that can help you decide; we can, don't get me wrong, but it seems an odd way of introducing yourself to the community. Edit: Yes otherwise the Future is cold. Thermal Past
  9. Edge and IE are used by other programs to render their GUI (especially Windows Store Apps and Office Products). As far as chrome see the link in the second reply. and make sure (in task manager) that no errant processes exist.
  10. Please share the screenshot (instead of just exclaiming about it ) Also please try this - right click internet cookies -choose analyze -double click the results to get the details -either see if you notice any cookies that seem odd and/or present the results to us for further looking.
  11. It's not completely ignored, this is a users' forum. The developers read every thread, but they don't comment unless they need more information about a bug. If they are able to fix it they will. Edit In both cases in the images in the original post, show the same hard drive? Or seperate drives of the same make? It could be (guessing only) that the drive doesn't report it's size to WMI (though I kinda doubt it), but as I said they can use that data toward fixing it, probably.
  12. Uh what? I have no such issue. I don't report any problems.
  13. yearly, in order to continue auto-update and priority support. The program itself doesn't stop working though
  14. You can't, Windows is a messy child and begins fragmenting even while its being defragmented.
  15. Hazelnut has no ties to piriform as a company, she has no want to "cover up bugs". Our jobs as moderators are to keep threads on topic, while you may be upset about what occurred to your pc, you have a thread and will be afforded all courtesy there. Do stop posting in other people's threads. Thank you.
  16. That sounds like a server side (at Facebook) error, it couldn't be caused by ccleaner Facebook suggests you follow these instructions https://facebook.com/help/186570224871049 (Note, I don't fault you for not being able to find that hundreds of facebook users seem to face this issue with zero input from facebook)
  17. Highly doubtful, at most you'd have to re-login. perhaps give more information. What happens when you try to log in, what messages from the webpage do you see?
  18. You need to exit ccleaner before updating/running-installer
  19. yes I mean winapp.ini and winsys.ini (the cleaning routine) are plaintext and not coded.
  20. Be sure to recover (and write to folder) to a separate partition or even more preferably a completely different piece of hardware (hdd, sdd, flash drive) if you do not every file you recover will lessen the chance of the next file(s) successful recovery.
  21. More to the point, custom location only supports specialkey and specialdetect entries...why would you need anyother use for it, everything else ccleaner does is plaintext and not behind codewall. In fact this is exactly why we are able to use winapp2 entries, because very little of ccleaner's cleaning routine is obscured behind the software.
  22. The entry should cover both just under 1 header that's all
  23. No, i mean Edge has been hard to get the right clean, but they released the routine; while, on the other hand, it is likely they will work on the vivaldi routine til it's ready before including it in ccleaner
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