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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. You may not have misunderstood, I've asked the developers to clarify, hopefully they will.
  2. Where did you read that deep scans only read certain file types. My experience is that, unless you type a filter before scanning, recuva finds files of all file extensions (and non-extension files too) no matter if you do a regular or deep scan. Yes deep scans take much longer and are likely to provide files with "excellent" as a condition but in truth are only currently not overwritten, they may have at other times been overwritten though.
  3. Good question, I'll try and get a Developer answer on that.
  4. Old versions are found at File Hippo. The links you provided are not approved download by Piriform and thus I've removed them...oh and Old Thread Closed EDIT: ALSO Ccleaner 3.x is Hecka old. That's probably why you have such issues. smh
  5. http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/06/drive-by-exploits-pushing-ransomware-now-able-to-bypass-microsoft-emet/ A Little background:EMET is Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_Mitigation_Experience_Toolkit My favorite part is Because it's a big reason to upgrade while it's free.
  6. Nergal

    Project 2013

    Longest step-up spam EVER!
  7. Also note: Chromium will appear in ccleaner as the "Chrome section" (as do all browsers show under their "parent" brandname). so just to be sure is it showing for some clone?
  8. Also note the changelog for the latest ccleaner includes "Optimized detection and cleaning of portable browsers" so it maybe due to that.
  9. If you can assign a drive letter recuva can see it, otherwise recuva will not fulfill your needs. Sadly, this is the way of recovery, some applications work in different situations. I have removed the competition name just because this is a official product website.
  10. Does windows recognize the drive and assign it a drive letter?
  11. Please provide more information What Windows version? What version number of Defraggler, and did you recently update it previous to the issue beginning?
  12. @Augeas is correct Thread closed @kashah46 I apologize for this, but can you please, if still having issues, post a new thread with much more (and correct) detail. @sasanka84 I know often it seems a bug is the same and while they could be similar it's best to start your own thread, at least at first so both you and the original poster can get equal attention by forum members. @M E Smith if you have yet to do so, you should contact your priority support rep as that is the main benefit of having the Pro license. @icegirl This is an English only forum. If you are having issues with the product RECUVA, it would be best to use a translator product (Google, Yandex or Yahoo) so we can better aid you. Это только на английском форуме. Если у вас есть какие-либо проблемы с продуктом RECUVA, лучше было бы использовать переводчика продукции (Google, Яндекс или Yahoo), чтобы мы могли лучше помочь вам
  13. A fire in the house will melt external drives, an external drive can fail, your dog could do it's business on the drive. while, on the other hand, a cloud backup is mirrored/striped across multiple virtual servers in a likely safer location if not multiple places. Always best to have both external and cloud imho/experience (particularly because down/upload speed and data caps)
  14. My mom's been using Backblaze for the last few years and it has definitely saved her butt. It allows for backing up external drives which other companies (at least when she was shopping for a provider) did not offer. Also BB is unlimited in storage space
  15. You can should be able to install the free version then enter your info into the register. There's no time limit after the download before you need to register it, so either of your options in the question will result in the same outcome. Hope that helps
  16. No problem. We dont really mention the thing you tried here, so I've edited your post accordingly.
  17. Sounds like it's taking a scan of the applications you have installed for the applications tab. This scan is usually instantaneous, however can be greatly slowed down if the user uses a winapp2.ini file, especially if it's a large ini, such as using the entire community template without editing out the applications you don't have installed. So my first question in these cases is do you have a winapp2 file? If so, and you remove the file from the ccleaner directory, does the delay go away?
  18. Ok it's likely not an SSD and is a Hard Drive
  19. Yes I think some miscommunication is mucking up the thread @lejnad please clarify the size or type of your device these are both very important variables in your question. The largest SSD I'm seeing on Amazon is 4TB and costs almost $3000U.S. If you do, indeed, have a 5TB I'd suggest Never EVER EVER run a wipe on it as each wipe will drastically reduce it's life, and that's a lot of cheddar (by which I mean money). However we all have the assumption that you either meant a smaller drive or a Hard Drive, and it'll be difficult to help without confirmation.
  20. That has less to do with free vs. Pro than deep scan showing files that weren't currently overwritten, but had perhaps previously been overwritten
  21. No, no offense taken, it's just hard at times to differentiate between human and spam bot, think of it as a sort of "turing test" So you don't really need a powerful pc (you aren't making movies with it or playing graphic intensive games (the type "teens play") I'd suggest and windows 10 pc with at least an i5 processor (i3 tend to cause the computer to have hic-ups in my experience and an i7 might be more than you need and is more expensive) you don't really need to do any customization so a Dell, HP (if you want good touchscreen, which definitely will change your Zuma play-time into something a lil more active ) or Toshiba should find you something fairly fast an in expensive. I'm going to suggest the extended warranty as computers will act with unpredictable behavior (especially when they are dealing with less technical minded people).
  22. No, piriform does not hobble their free versions. The is no limit to times or number of file. A few extra features are available with Pro (such as the ability to first save a copy of your source drive as a virtual-HardDrive file (vhd). Mostly the pro version gives you priority develop-direct support instead of needing the forum. If you do buy the Pro version, yes you can just put the registration in the free as you asked.
  23. :shrug: I guess I'm the only one who has seen neither more nor less "registry issues" across XP-Vista-7-8-8.1-10 Oh well
  24. What problem, looks like you're just throwing, relatively untrue and unfounded accusations at ccleaner. Perhaps if you stopped and took time to explain your situation carefully and calmly, though I bet (with a 75% probability factor) that the advice I've given since well before windows 10 (and is found in my signature) explains the reason for, and how not to encounter your issue -whether you keep using ccleaner or attempt a competition registry cleaner the advice in my signature remains the same for you.
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