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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Hi you wrote this while I was modifying my post so I'm posting so you get a modi email
  2. Did you install G-Earth in the default location? If not please post the location you installed it to and some one will be able to modify the winapp2 entry to reflect your differences. Also you may need help on winapp2 (either obtaining or editing). you can find this at this thread and here in the beginner's guide It also seems that users seem to be assuming you have either plus or pro version of G-Earth installed. Thereis also the Regular version of G-Earth. I have run the installer for g-earth and found that (while it does write the reg entries as plus) there are two locations that need to have cleaning looked at by app2 writers: %appdata%\roaming contains the users location xml files %appdata%\local contains the dbcache.dat and dbcache.dat.index files (as weel as icons, images, and models folders) This is where the Vista version is differing when typing %appdata%\google\googleearth into the run box the roaming folder is opened thus Winapp2 and winapp are looking in the incorrect place for the dbcache files they need to look in the local folder (Note I do not know how to appropriately set this up for APP2 to do this but this is the info that a competent person needs) Cheers Nergal
  3. I'd like to bump the suggestion for unlocker (from the post above). I've used it VERY successfully on my XP laptop for a number of years and it was often worked to get rid of stubborn folders and files. There are also a number of deletion programs that if they can't delete the file at that moment they will queue the file to bew deleted at the next computer bootup. The Custom Folder in CC is more for specific temp files that are created and not handled by CC in it's normal form (I use mine to remove a RSS Attchment folder that keeps being made because my Reader program won't honor the setting of don't download the attachment for this specific feed)
  4. Rogue Remover should remove Antivirus 2008. You can use RR portably (so you aren't installing something that the rogue program will stop you from installing) Here is a link to RR on The Portable Freeware Collection (TPFC) which will also tell you how to set it up Portably. You'll need to use an extractor to make RR portable. Also instead of installing CC you may wish to use the portable version of it.
  5. I RECIEVED A PM about this (Instead of a Forum Post ???? Here is the recreation of the question and my answer My advice was to either not zap it or be sure to make a backup of the reg file previous to zapping it (Actually that's always my advice for any time u use CCleaner to ZAP reg files) but I'm 99% sure that that reg is for the Norton or Symantec Prods interface with the Outlook and Outlook Express Products. The Reason CCleaner is unable to identify it is Symantec tends to not tie their regentries and files is to make it harder for Malware to mess with the Symantec/Norton programs. Of course maybe I'm wrong. . . Let's see how the (Moderators) react. . . Come on (Moderators) React Paraphrase from Perfect Hair Forever
  6. Lloyd, nope the porti is the full program (about 2.2 mb) and is just all contained in the one folder including the settings. Also there is some discussion about setting your domain to run CCleaner/auto at log off I'll come back for the link later if you can't find it but it's pretty recent.
  7. Use the Portable version: http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds/downloading-portable
  8. it's convoluted but I think the OP wishes to keep the cookies but have the names not be visible to a prying nosy person. I think a scenario (I mean one that maybe isn't OP's problem but close enuff for some one here to help him/her) that would be equivalent to the poster's would be: User is a frequent visitor of certain adult sites. User's Wife is highly against his use of pornography and will often check through his cookie files for names like dome.org and Ilikesmallb00bies.com user needs to keep his cookies because he has set up the sites the way he likes them but wife uses CCleaner and can see the names. User wants to hide the names of these sites from her with out killing the cookies. THIS IS NOT (AFAIK) Something CCleaner can do. In fact it's very unlikely that anything can after all the Sites use these file names to tell it what to do. My Opinion is user needs to get a Flash memory stick, password protect it and use a portable web browser. or better yet, get a new WIFE
  9. Ummmm why'd you zap it??? it is the spamblock and/or the email virus check. that's why I asked. I hope you backed it up or your going to have to reinstall your norton.
  10. Do you use Outlook? If so are you using any Add-Ons? Do you Use Norton/Symantec Products? I ask this because only a few results came from Google, one was your post here, and the others were Mcafee site advisor pages exploring Symantec/Norton Products.
  11. this is will save all of your settings in a CCleaner.ini instead of your registry. Mostly it's used by people like me who use CC as a portable (no install) application .
  12. I also wonder if Sally is seeing .lnk files (i.e. recent documents etc) Sally Best practice is to save your Documents in the My Documents Folder. Where, if you don't mind my asking, are your documents currently being saved?
  13. Also check out Rouge remover it will take all the fake malwares off your computer
  14. Hummm does your mom surf the Inet more than you? I would (Before ANY of the other sugestions above) look at the size of the analyze (don't use auto, open CCleaner and click anayze on both computers) Next try and check each of the Windows options and Application Options off one by one. Do you clean yours more than hers (this is sounding dirty, NO? If you don't use norton on yours and she does it may be the cleaning of> Utilities> Symantec Antivirus or it may be her iechache size. after a cleaning on her computer if you clean again is it faster?
  15. thanks, been tryin to figure out how to do this for ages Will this work with a portable version placed in an all user accessible network folder?
  16. Davey Thanks that'll work perfect
  17. No love for XP on this I use the portable CCleaner, am a domain admin and often need a quick and dirty way to cclean another users crap (heh heh) but my domain is all xp sp2. I thought about using runas but then it looks in my account's stuff. not really reasonable to make every user an admin then un admin as suggested above (thirty machines is a lot to do that on much less a bigger domain) CCleaner is the BEST BEST BEST crap cleaner and even more so allows me to add specific folders (but am not sure about if I can use %username% in the folder section.
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