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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. if that doesn't del the file use unlocker (http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/) safe and effective. Also try and run CCleaner in safe mode. What Specificaly is the file? what antimalware (antivirus, antispyware) r you running?
  2. Mike I'm pretty sure CCleaner all are checked by default IeHistoryView (Nirsoft) seems to have issues where it sees alot of stuff; CCleaner's been pretty good about cleaning everything out for me but I then started to use IE PRIVACY KEEPER on autoclean and so I stopped using CC for that section. But iehistoryview still says it's there (see attached screengrab)
  3. I'm down, Clown installed available (many of us Do not use the installed version of CCleaner ), I agree Because sometimes, especially when CCleaner is being used forensically, there is no online to speak of, so online help is useless. As Always, and as everyone else said, I am willing to put in my time and effort in any endeavor that'll make the n00bs lives easier (or at least mine by not constantly repeating myself). Also what is with people not frigging searching the forum before posting?!?!? Although at this point, the way RSS is setup it's sadly probable that they'll get an answer better/faster if they create a new post, I'm so sick of hearing three times a week that CCleaner's not deleting Firefox 3's privacy info. HEY AWESOME I DON'T NEED TO USE MY SIGNATURE IN THIS THREAD
  4. I'm gald I came back here if only to read
  5. Moderators, Developers, Davey and other POWER USERS/Helpers, I just went thru the Quick tour it actually doesn't say anything about being very careful with registry cleaner and that many things that it picks up should not be cleaned, if it did there might actually be LESS Traffic of this manner. It would also probably stop me from being such an A$$h0l3 on this board. I think it is ridiculous that soooooo many people just delete everything in the registry but hey I can not control the ineptness of others when they go and get rid, of oh I don't know, unused file extension:CAB and then say I'm kinda tired of people who don't even take the time to go through the list and to do it in small bits and TO AT LEAST BACKUP. but then I read the FAQ and the Tour and it really doesn't tell them anything but a quick note that they really should backup I don't know why they pass over But maybe it needs to say that MAY exist Because So many people now use CCleaner at the behest of "Technical Support" (READ TEXTBOOK-JOCKEYS) and just delete everything it finds Perhaps a (GAG ) warning screen needs to pop up when they open the registry part (with a check box don't show this again (Saved in the reg or ini) for us who KNOW what the heck1 we are doing. 1Ha as I write this I become LESS angry EDIT: FIXED THE STUPID LINK UNDER THE WORD THIS (Thanks Davey, I should have proofread a little better )
  6. Most of the file you sent I'd say DON'T Delete Delete the following Definitly: Unused File Extension .nude HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.nude (sounds FISHY to me) Delete ONLY IF you no longer use: LavaSoft Adaware HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders Installer Reference Issue C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders Installer Reference Issue C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\update HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders Installer Reference Issue C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\update\backup HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders Installer Reference Issue C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\update\new HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders Installer Reference Issue C:\Utilities\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders TaxAct06 Invalid or empty file class TaxACT06Return HKCR\TaxACT06Return Why would you delete Symantec things when you have a symantec (Norton Program)?!?!?! PLEASE READ MY SIGNATURE AND PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR REG CLEANING
  7. Can U3 Drives not just run regular portable apps??? if not Format the friggin thing cause that makes U3 U-seless
  8. Yeah what he said. PLEASE READ MY SIGNATURE
  9. Under options, Exclude you can put registry entries. You, UNlike most posters here, seem to know what your doing. I would suggest though, if you are REALLY worried about them being 1d10ts to go ahead and change the permissions on the keys you want saved. THANK YOU FOR BEING ONE OF THE FIRST QUESTIONERS I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL TO READ MY SIGNATURE!!!!!
  10. Instead of Installing it All you want is the Zipped Portable Version it already has a checkmark in the use ini So uninstall CCleaner and use the link above and unzip it straight to your drive
  11. Cleaner section:YES everything that it cleans is "Crap" (though Cleaning the "notification Area" seems to also reorder the Quick Launch Section) Registry Section:NO, ONLY CLEAN WHAT YOU KNOW YOU DON'T NEED. Do it in small (one or two checkmarks) sections and back up everything (at least temporary till you know you don't need it.)
  12. Nergal

    Registry access

    If davey's incorrect, which is rare , it may be that you need to be logged in as an administrator
  13. DON'T DO FULL REGISTRY CLEANING that's my fix That said did you back the registry entries up? If not you'll need to completely reinstall the Program (in this particular case Google Earth) As always read my Signature P.S. THIS IS NOT A HELP DESK it's a group of users like you who help each other (Most of us are quite experienced though)
  14. I don't understand. What's the question though????? or in German Ich verstehe das nicht. Was ist Ihre Frage?
  15. What Version of FF? if 3.x it's is currently (according to many posts here on the forum) not doing a very good job cleaning. That said 45-60 min is a really long time. I've never had CC (portable) take longer than 10 min even on a computer that I've never run it on.
  16. Piling on requests for this to be stickied (Also thanks to the poster who posted the locale of the thread I mentioned, now I'm going to bookmark it before I forget )
  17. So I just searched thru my Vista SP1 Software distribution and there are no more unistalls (this also explains why Hotfixes No longer appear in the Programs (formerly add/remove programs) CPL. So that's that, however it does seem to keep cabs from the update in the S.D. Folder, I'll keep an eye on these and if they start to crop up I'll put in a request for some one with a Vista VM or a vista that is not their main puter to test the removal of the cabs. Thanks Sp3 users for your aid in the finding the issue at hand.
  18. hi it's probably google desktop. if you don't want it you'll need to uninstall it. go to your stat menu, control panel, programs and find google desktop and uninstall it.
  19. Cool looks like it is a vista thing, i'll check my XP sp3 tomorrow but I trust davey on this. See that's what happens when only the first post of a thread comes through in rss. I wish piriform would stream all posts in a thread to my RSS I probably missed the part of the thread that said it wasn't uninstallable. Sigh
  20. Running 2.11.636 today I noticed that Hotfix unistaller Was no longer listed in the Cleaner. Did I miss something in the Change Logs? where did it go? I know some n00bs had issues with it but I appreciated it. Vista SP1
  21. Quick Guess that you're using ff3 there are a ton of posts here about ff3 not cleaning, I'm sure the developers are hard at work fixing this, until that time why not just set your fox to kill that information when you close it, or use the program "iehistory eraser" which AFAIK works with FF 3 (Don't know for sure because my portable FF is set to delete private/history data at close)
  22. there is NO such thing as a simple registry cleaning, only remove regstry entries you are sure about. AND MAKE BACK UPS IN LITTLE CHUNKS as always, please read my signature
  23. I can tell you right now he's using ie8b2 and if he wants to use suggested sites, he needs to add that dat to the exclude list. if he doesn't want to use suggested sites he needs to turn it off and then CCleaner should be able to delete it. if it still can't delete it after sites is turned off OP needs to safe mode and cclean or use an unlocking program (like unlocker), and then delete it, if it still comes back THAN YOU JUST CAN'T DO IT and add it to the exclude list so it doesn't bother you. (P.S. he is not used to gender specify > )
  24. With the Registy Clean DO NOT JUST CLEAN EVERYTHING YOU WILL BE SORRY. do it in little steps and only clean things you "know" are not needed. Save each little bit of the Registry that you remove (For instance if you once used Thunderbird, but uninstalled it, and there are a couple of mozilla mail handlers, check only those off click clean, and save it as mozillamail_{date}.reg. That way when you restore them (double click) it'll only restore those and not every single reg entry you removed. Please reead my sig
  25. What "crap" does symbian leave behind though?
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