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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. LimeWire is included in Winapp2.ini if you don't want the whole Winnapp2 here is the coding [*LimeWire]LangSecRef=3022DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\LimeWire\LimeWire.exeDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Incomplete|*.*|RECURSEFileKey2=%userprofile%\Application Data\LimeWire|fileurns.cacheFileKey3=%userprofile%\Application Data\LimeWire|createtimes.cacheFileKey4=%userprofile%\Application Data\LimeWire|responses.cacheFileKey5=%userprofile%\Application Data\LimeWire|ttree.cacheFileKey6=%userprofile%\Application Data\LimeWire|gnutella.net EDITED To add a link to winapp2.ini (Thanks Davey )
  2. Good thing you asked and welcome to the forum No the step is done BEFORE you hit clean 1 open the program 2 Go to Options in the Buttons on the left 3 Click the Cookies Button You see a (i would guess) GIANT LONG list of cookies on the left column and noe on the right 4 Go through this list and find the Logins you want to keep Select the one(s) you want to keep by Clicking on them either individually or in batches (press/hold the CTRL key and click each one) and press the button in the Middle with the right pointing arrow. 5 Next go to the Cleaner Section 6 Uncheck index.dat (this checkmark has caused some issues for some users in keeping their sign-ins) You'll also see that there are a lot of cookies (in step three) that you don't need many of these may have the site you use (i.e. piriform) but are followed by something like "112.2o7.net" these are advertising cookies and will not effect your logging into the site. More info on that Here http://www.geekontherun.net/cookies1.htm Here is a link to the useful Beginner's Guide for CCleaner http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ And the only things to really worry about with the cleaner section is the Advanced Section (default off) Registry Section is a different animal but we can get to that later in another post Also Don't forget that CCleaner will only clean the current users account (so if you share a computer, the other people's cookies are safe) Thanks The New Nicer Nergal
  3. Cool now that you know the keys you need put them in the exclude section and you won't lose them (also read my signature and your reg cleaning will go better)
  4. Mark, I think you might be right Sorry I wish this forum had a follow RSS that's why it's been a bit since I answered. You're exactly the kinda of IT person I wish my friend who worked for Farmers had. I'm not sure Why it's clearing Reg entries in cleaner :-? Are you unchecking remote desktop in the applications tab? EDIT Did testing and this is indeed what's up. In the Applications Tab the "Remote Desktop setting Removes the "HKU\{CENSORED}\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default Registry Folder anything under default is remove as well (and that is the addins that you list in your VERY HELPFUL regshot \Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\Addins) so go a head and uncheck this mark ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Developers/Moderators one thing not removed from this registry and the Plain text Username Hints HKU\{CENSORED}\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\UsernameHint This key contains plain text (for security minded folk) Servers and Usernames and could, only with EXTREME amounts of multiple seperate DNS TS computer usage (such that a tech support might make), fill up. Nergal sgniht fo pot no era elpoep nehw ecin m'I eeS
  5. Phone and expansion slots are flash or soild state memory not particularly useful or good to defrag flash memory see here for more http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry117629
  6. Which is also why you shouldn't let her run Defraggler/any defrag utility Since this is a XP machine enable <RUNAS> and run Defraggler as a administrator. You can even keep Defraggler off the computer completely and use the portable version on a memory card, or iPod, or Smartphone. If it were Vista and UAC is enabled you could be the most powerful user on the computer and it still will require that you run Defraggler or winDefrag as Admin. The Defraggler shell or the Schedule Defraggler option Mentioned above will run it as an admin in the background (Vista may still need a UAC prompt I'm not sure I don't schedule Defraggler) .seirtsiger tuoba gniklat ton nehw recin m'I !!!!aH
  7. What OS ? XP Vista? Does this occur evertime you defrag a folder? everytime you defrag this particular folder?
  8. ??? Why not just click the check all check? and press the defrag checked button
  9. I've noticed other users who've got similar bizarre colors thing happening. I haven't yet seen why this happens, but I can tell you AFAIK this is not a skinning thing in CCleaner but some sort of weird Bug.
  10. Awesome Thanks for the winapp2 entry worked perfect. Hazel, Sorry about my offenciveness I will try'n be better sport would apologized earlier but (as I've stated before) there is no rss tracking on these forums so I did not know you had placed your objection
  11. Please to read my signature and then all will be illuminated The Registry cleaner is for those who are looking to make sure a program has cleaned up after itself NOT EVERY THING the registry Cleaner finds is to be removed!!! Some one will come along in a second and guide you to the beginers guide I'm sure
  12. Flash Cookies are cookies used by the Adobe Flash Player (YouTube, NPR etc) they are kept in a different location than your normal cookies. Glad you read the Guide and the Forum; thats 20 steps more than most people. Running the Cleaner section of CCleaner is quite safe (though be careful with the advanced section it is as it say advanced) The Registry section. . . well read my signature Keep coming back and you too can be a help to those who don't read the guide and forum and my signature (can you tell I'm in love with my signature HAHAHA)
  13. it doesn't, CCleaner Identifies reg entries it cannot identify the program for. You need to decide whether the reg entry ought to be deleted. Most Antivirus/Antimalware/Security programs will have MULTIPLE entries listed in CCleaner's Reg scan. This is because the makers of the Security product don't have their programs identified in their reg entries to make it harder for them to be disabled by malware. I hope you were wise and made a backup of the reg entries before you removed them. else you WILL have to re install Norton. The Best practice for reg entries is laid out clearly in my signature Also do it in little chunks (a checkmark at a time, at the very most) so you don't have to put too much crap back into the registry when you merge that backup back to the registry (I wonder how many times I have typed that r word in this forum LOL )
  14. ? ? ? did you only install CCleaner or did you run and clean. . . perhaps the registry?
  15. Hi all, Bleeping has a remove Drivercleaner walk through http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic71782.html
  16. Sorry Vista Usage of CCleaner requires a UAC Prompt for proper cleaning to occur. You could Turn off UAC but I DO NOT SUGGEST IT!!!
  17. Winapp2.ini is not included becasue it is a user created file. In the minds of the developers the ability exists so that a user can create one to fit their own porgrams. This forum, being a user community has one that is available for download but again it was created by a USER of CCleaner (twisted metal) not the Developers. If the developers did it why wouldn't they just include those programs in the winapp.ini/embedded ini file ??? Twisted Metal rarely actually updates the winapp2 if you want to track it though you can go to that topic and have it update you when it is modified (which again is rare), but mostly we make posts here with our winapp2 entry and a reader can copy paste it into their own ini Also as time goes by and the developers see a need for it they usually will incorperate a program from the winapp2 into the embedded
  18. Are you cleaning the Registry or regular cleaning? If regular try and uncheck Everything, checkmark and clean each item, one at a time each item until messenger needs reinstalling (check messenger each time after cleaning) If you are cleaning the registry only remove registry entries you know you don't need any more and always run backups Please excuse my Translation I used Google to translate this into dutch Bent u het reinigen van het register of het regelmatig reinigen? Als proberen regelmatig en verwijder het vinkje bij Everything, vinkje en schone elk item, een tegelijkertijd elk item totdat messenger behoeften opnieuw te installeren (start messenger iedere keer na het schoonmaken) Als u het schoonmaken van het register alleen verwijderen registry entries weet je dat je het niet nodig meer en altijd back-ups Gelieve mijn excuus gebruikte ik Google Vertaling omzetten in nederlands
  19. Hi, welcome to the Forum can you be more specific about what files in which catagories are not being cleaned? Also are you running Cleaner with Settings as ini? If not switch to that (in advanced options) and post your ini here (It'll open in notepad if you telling to, then you can just copy paste it). I don't use Auto but many users here do (AFAIK)
  20. Here I'll help you http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...hl=IOutlookPlug Please read my Signature (a note to all regular lurkers here this is the second post TODAY with this question I gave them both an answer with was easily found doing a search for "IOutlookPlug" WHY!!!?!?!?!)
  21. UMMMM Google didn't do to well translating Can any help me with this, I know Zaptos="Shoe Store" probably has to do with the Boot up of the computer but I'm lost after that
  22. I'll help you more Congrats You answered your Own Question ARGGGGGGGG
  23. Here I'll help you http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...hl=IOutlookPlug
  24. Click another button in that screen (for instance Settings) then click the about button my guess it the screen'll change)
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