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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I think what your are referring to is ccleaner not being able to do a full wipe on the hard drive currently running Windows. If you think about this, it makes perfect sense. Just as you cannot destroy a building that you are standing in, to do a full wipe on that drive would, of course, attempt to remove the environment that ccleaner is running in (as well as often times located on itself). Wipe Free Space works fine on a OS drive, though is highly destructive to run on regular basis; and regular ccleaner processes will only (for the most part) clean the drive assigned to program files (usually the same drive as the OS).
  2. The reason and response to this are also well documented. I for one have found 5.10 much better at closing and cleaning edge (though it takes 10s of seconds longer to clean than other browser sections) and am very glad that cookies from edge are now listed and handled.
  3. No matter what you do (meaning uncheck ie from windows features) parts of windows and many many programs use the engine responsible for internet explorer/Edge (the trident engine for the former). These functions and programs use the internet explorer cache/cookies, thus, whether you use the browser window or not, items are accrued. For this reason Piriform development staff has placed ie on the system tab as opposed to with the other browsers in the applications tab
  4. No way to do this as IPads (and the majority of modern mobile devices) do not mount as traditional windows drives
  5. Forks of chrome are already cleaned by cclean
  6. It'll go faster if you point at 64 but not needed, the argument is correct. More what I was looking for was act as operating system and if run with highest privileges is checked
  7. Something in task scheduler seems to be causing the bottle neck then if it launched right with skipuac Can you maybe post the xml of your skipuac task
  8. He probably has classes or a job y'know
  9. [Voldemort] added where needed
  10. Are you using SKIPUAC setting in ccleaner? If so turn that off and see if it still does it.
  11. Makes sure chrome is set for all of its defaults (htm, html, php, etc)
  12. Also votes makes it seem as if we were speaking of a democratic FOSS product and not one controlled by a company that, while they do consider all our suggestions that we place here, have final say. The latter being the case especially since something like this would require a complete and total rewrite/overhaul of the current uninstall tool, which, as I described above just calls a terminal command exactly as it is listed in the windows uninstall section of the registry.
  13. Actually you'd rename it winsys2.ini and I'm not sure I understand the website removal, this isn't what ccleaner does.
  14. It's pretty close to impossible to estimate a time for an issue like this, when enough information is known. Your post doesn't even give enough to even meet that standard. So my guess is sometime between now and never.
  15. My counter to that point is that some of those are ones people might wish to clean without cleaning the rest of the "more" categories (e.g. unsaved files, help cache, building blocks)
  16. That said, don't forget to add the adblocker ones to cookies to keep so it doesn't mess up the add-on
  17. Found it! It's in the SiteSecurityServiceState.txt file in the profile directory The Answer is super cookies!!!!!! http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&start=0&t=2919581 ​ ​
  18. So I updated sync in firefox, mafe sure history was unchecked and now can't recreate. Confirming that sync update and removal of history seems to have fixed this. Edit 1 Confirmation revoked back to drawing board Edit 2 Ok this is super odd, I deleted my cookie database and the 4 gits still were there. Maybe @Winapp2.ini can point me toward another location that it might be pulling from?
  19. I upgraded yesterday(ish) to 40, and recieved no notice of 41 Updating now
  20. Weird. are you using some sort of github app or are those from the website only?
  21. You're misreading ccleaner's mistake of saying "removed" on analysis and removal for it telling you that the cookie was removed from Firefox by Firefox. The removed is an incorrect way of ccleaner saying "to be removed after anaylsis" that word should be ignored. I would need to see examples of non-addon cookies that, after Firefox's clear cookies has been run, still show up in ccleaner to change my understanding of what the issue is here. Because I can easily recreate your issue on my machine and only see addon cookies that match this situation
  22. Hi you replied whist I wrote, please see my post above yours
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