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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I find that XP does a great job of keeping my DSL connection in tip top shape and then it is only the conversation between the DSL modem and my systems as the DSL modem configuration is not mine to control. Thank &Deity I do not have to put up with all the inconvenience of dial-up any more.
  2. I do not like PayPal! I stick with payment from a credit card that I watch like a hawk and insure that the transaction is via a secure method with the yellow padlock clearly visible.
  3. Welcome wanda I do not use Yahoo as my home page just Google. I have no problem getting into Hotmail that is in my Favorites.
  4. Do you have HostsServer running? Do you have its proxy enabled in its Preferences Server tab? I have it enabled plus I start it automatically with Windows with its icon in the Taskbar notification area with Logging enabled with Log referrer so that I can see the effectiveness of the HOSTS file. The HostsServer forum is quite helpful for usage information: http://forum.abelhadigital.com
  5. Welcome PeaceMaker Personally I would never have any P2P ( Person 2 Person ) file sharing application on any of my systems as they are the easiest way to have your system infected as the malware purveyors can lure you with trojanized offerings that sound and look irresistible. Please read: http://www.techsupportforum.com/security-c...le-sharing.html Look at all the people requesting help in Spyware Hell because they got infected with the use of Limewire: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12 The *.HLP files... do not take up much space and since they are an integral part of Windows they are used in quite a few places.
  6. Welcome Bobz145 Looks like it could be a Vista issue as I do not see the problem with XP.
  7. Every time I had to call due to registration problems I was treated with utmost courtesy as I had all of the information needed in front of me and listened carefully and followed their directions. Having worked on a Help Desk for many years I know that someone calling in starting off a conversation yelling at me irked me a bit but by patient listening to their rant then slowly getting them to follow one simple instruction I could get the situation resolved. Then there were the few that should not own anything technical nor that has pointy ends as they can do themselves or others serious harm as tempers induce flying objects and the inability to comprehend that things obey laws that at sometimes take rational thought unencumbered by angry rage of an inanimate object.
  8. He is afraid the Black Helicopters are going to swoop in and confiscate his illegal copies of Windows: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=9118
  9. Its back up now: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
  10. I liked Cassandra in Wayne' World Scha-wing! http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wayne's_World
  11. I think that it is impossible to go back to IE7 after IE8 is installed and I remember reading a warning about it somwhere but I can't find it now. hazelnut to the rescue? I like IE8 on this old PIII as it is quite fast.
  12. The latest CCleaner shows Google Chrome on my old PIII I tried running it and disabled cleaning the cookies and it works fine for me.
  13. Further discussion is available in topic Tools / Startup entries. I like AutoRuns for Windows v9.35: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=121895
  14. No Release Notes yet. Java SE Downloads: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Good news. It removed the old version automatically. Note: Make sure that you un-check the OpenOffice download if you do not want it.
  15. I have a future to look forward to
  16. That reminds me of one of those See no evil, Do no evil and Speak no evil statues I once had although she is a bit better looking : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_wise_monkeys
  17. I belong to the Messy desk = Organized Mind philosophy: http://digg.com/general_sciences/Einstein_...ce_in_Princeton
  18. YoKenny


    Personally I prefer CD-RW CDs as they seem to be a bit more reliable and not that much more expensive. I use good quality CD-RW CDs by Sony as I get them from my local Bargain Store that is real close to me. I use CDBurnerXP to burn MP3 audio tracks: http://www.cdburnerxp.se
  19. Welcome tickerric I made a Download Folder on my C: drive that I download items to. In CCleaner uncheck Last Download Location so that the Folder location is remembered. I usually install the application that I downloaded and delete the install file after I am satisfied that it is working correctly.
  20. Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad. AntiVir Personal on my XP Home system Avast! Home Edition XP Pro system
  21. This marvelous utility displays all of these locations: AutoRuns for Windows v9.35 By Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell Published: October 16, 2008 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb963902.aspx Works well with Process Explorer v11.3 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb896653.aspx Place them in their own Folder together.
  22. So is IE8 beta2 that I use on it that works quite well for being such an old system. I use it as a test system as I am not concerned if it acts up as I have a bootable image on CD that I can restore to in a short while. I'm looking forward to IE8 when it comes out.
  23. It is already there but you have to instigate it yourself. I like FileHippo.com Update Checker as it checks for CCleaner updates plus all of the other applications I have installed. http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker I have it autostart with Windows and I like to see its wee eyes pop open while it checks for me then disappears if it does not find anything.
  24. Welcome Holdup2000 Sorry to hear about your situation but in all my years using CCleaner I have not had it empty 'My documents' Folder but it will remove shortcuts to applications that have been removed. I notice that you have the option to clean the Prefetch folder and this option has been discussed before as being a waste of time and a hindrance to Windows performance as Windows will have to go to the hard drive to load a previously loaded application which is much slower than using the hash file in the Prefetch Folder.
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